[PDF] Connectors / My daily routine Nombre

Connectors / My daily routine Nombre

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my daily routines my daily routines

Page 1. my daily routines morning time activity afternoon time activity evening time activity.

My Daily Routines Im going to speak about my daily routine. On

I'm going to speak about my daily routine. On weekdays (from Monday to Friday) I wake up at twenty past seven

Beyond the Gym: Adding Physical Activity to Your Daily Routine Beyond the Gym: Adding Physical Activity to Your Daily Routine

What is fitness? Being physically fit means being able to go about your daily activities without getting overly fatigued and still having the energy to 

The magic cat

Language outcome: Times of day e.g. in the morning; vocabulary for basic daily routines; an awareness of corresponding This my daily – daily routine

Managing My Bladder Dictates My Daily Routines – A Model for Managing My Bladder Dictates My Daily Routines – A Model for

Managing My Bladder Dictates My Daily Routines – A Model for. Design and Adoption of mHealth in Chronic Disease Management. Michael Burkard. Universität 

Grade 4 Unit 5 MY DAY Grade 4 Unit 5 MY DAY

The teacher asks the students to talk about their daily routines using the time expressions in the box. Then the students are expected to work in pairs and 

Teaching your child to become independent with daily routines Teaching your child to become independent with daily routines

She wishes that her children would start doing some of their daily self-help routines independently. The preschool teacher has said that the. 5-year-old is very 

Activity sheet My daily routine challenge

My daily routine challenge. How can you build activities into your day to help you feel good and boost your mental and physical wellbeing? There are all 

PK Routines Poster

your own daily routine! take a bath. Page 2. For more resources visit pbslearningmedia.org. My Daily Routine. PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered ...

Connectors / My daily routine Nombre

Tema: Connectors / My daily routine. Nombre: Lic. actions they perform daily using connectors to give order to their activities.

“Daily Routines” Como ya hemos aprendido el Present Simple se

parte de nuestra rutina diaria (daily routine) Jonathan's Day. Hi! My name is Jonathan I'm 18 years old

My daily routine at school! Lenguas Adicionales Inglés

My daily routine at school! 2. G.C.A.B.A.

Teaching Your Child to Become Independent with Daily Routines

Her children attend preschool while she is working. When they all get home at the end of the day Nadine is exhausted but still has household chores to complete 

Daily routine Worksheet 5

Now put the paper away and tell your partner about Lesley's day. Longman Photo Dictionary ESOL Skills for Life Entry 1. Daily routine. Worksheet 7. Lesley is an 

My daily routine at school! Lenguas Adicionales Inglés

Este material contiene las actividades para los estudiantes presentes en Lenguas adicionales. Inglés. My daily routine at school! ISBN 978-987-673-421-9.

UNIT 8 - My day-routines

Unit 8 / My day-routines. My day-routines. En esta unidad te presentamos los contenidos vocabulario y expresiones necesarias para poder hablar sobre.

Revision: Daily Routines Videos to review daily routines: https://www

write your mother´s or father´s daily routine( y escribe la rutina diaria de tu madre o de tu padre). Examples: My daily routine.

Inglés I Tema: Daily Routines Profesor(as): Mtra. Zulma Tobos

this topic about Daily routines let our students to speak or write on their own experiences and activities that they do every day. Keywords:.


MY DAILY ROUTINE. 1. In your notebook. Write the date in English as Choose 5 routines from chart and draw them or glue them with a sentence in English.



Asignatura : Inglés 6.2

Tema: Connectors/ Mydailyroutine

Nombre: Lic. YuririaDomínguez Rodríguez

Enero Junio 2021

Tema: Connectors/ MyDailyRoutine


darunordenasusactividades. but,and

Tema: Connectors/ MyDailyRoutine


activities. and

Nombre de la unidad: Unidad 1

Unidad I:

Objetivo de la unidad: Expresar oralmente y por

escrito las acciones que realizan diariamente utilizando conectores para ordenar sus actividades.

Tema:Connectors/ MyDailyRoutine

1.1. Connectors

Desarrollo del Tema:


Do you have problems expressing your ideas in





First/ Finally

We use them to stablish the beginning of our story andFinallyto show the end after other events.


First,I decided to cook something special, thenI

looked for the recipe in YouTube, afterthat I went to the supermarket for the ingredients andfinallyI started to cook. And We use it to put together two or more similar ideas or items in a list, usually before the last item in the list.


The main characters of Shrek the movie are Shrek

andFiona. I did everything my mom asked me to do. I washed the dishes, set the tableandshower the dog. But

Expresses a contrasting or opposite idea.


I was very hungrybutI didn´t have time to



It is a connector that helps us link two ideas.

When we use it in the middle of both ideas, it means the second ideas happened immediately after the first.


I went to the cinema,after thatI visited a friend at her house. When we use it at the end of both ideas it is to make reference to the first one without repeating it.


I went to the cinema and I visited a friendafter that. Then

Show that whatever it is said follows

logically from something we said before.


First I decided to cook something

special,thenI looked for the recipe in


Next We use it when we want to talk about an action that happened after another in a chronological order.

Usually used while giving instructions.


First I decided to cook something special.Next,I

looked for the recipe in YouTube. Later We use it to talk about an event that will occur in the future or after another previous event. After usinglaterwe need to be specific about when something will happen.


I saw my friend in the morning and;later,that daywe spoke on the phone.


We use this connector to talk about an action that happened previously to another one.


I went to the cinemabeforeI visited a friend.

Tellme aboutyourdaily


Share them!

Bibliografía del tema:

Programa Educativo de Bachillerato General (2019). Inglés A2.1.

Dirección Académica DEMS.

Paul Davies. (2019). GoHigh! A2 Consolidation. México: UAEH. GrammarlyInc. (2018). Free GrammarChecker. 22 de diciembre de

2018, de GrammarlyInc. Sitio web:

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