[PDF] an abstract method cannot be overridden

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  • Can an abstract method be overridden?

    An abstract method is a method that is declared, but contains no implementation. you can override both abstract and normal methods inside an abstract class. only methods declared as final cannot be overridden.

  • Is an abstract method Cannot be overridden True or false?

    Abstract methods are meant to be overridden in the subclass.
    Abstract methods describe a behavior but do not implement it.

  • Which abstract class method Cannot be overridden?

    An abstract method must be overridden to be useful and called but when you make the abstract method final it cannot be overridden in Java, hence there would be no way to use that method.
    This is why making an abstract method final in Java will result in a compile-time error.

  • Which abstract class method Cannot be overridden?

    Is it a good practice in Java to override a non-abstract method? Yes. (But, make sure, you are not violating Liskov Substitution Principle (referring SO existing post), which tells Child classes should not break the parent class type definitions.

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