[PDF] android application development using kotlin

In the Welcome to Android Studio dialog, click Start a new Android Studio project.
  1. Select Basic Activity (not the default). Click Next.
  2. Give your application a name, such as My First App.
  3. Make sure the Language is set to Kotlin.
  4. Leave the defaults for the other fields.
  5. Click Finish.
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  • Is Kotlin is used for app development?

    Develop Android apps with Kotlin
    Kotlin is a modern statically typed programming language used by over 60% of professional Android developers that helps boost productivity, developer satisfaction, and code safety.
  • Is Kotlin is best for Android app development?

    Kotlin is an expressive and concise programming language that reduces common code errors and easily integrates into existing apps. If you're looking to build an Android app, we recommend starting with Kotlin to take advantage of its best-in-class features.
  • Is Kotlin better than Java for Android app development?

    With its extra features, Kotlin is more functional than Java. In addition, due to Kotlin's Coroutines tool, it's also easier to work with multi-threaded apps. However, Kotlin compiles and executes a little slower than Java, which is mainly due to its extensive number of features.
  • Android development can be done with a few different languages and SDKs/frameworks. Generally, if you just wanna create a normal Android app — not a game or using a multi-platform framework — you're going to want to pick Kotlin. It's Google's preferred language for Android development.
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Contains guides to build location-aware applications using GPS. By Android ATC Team www.androidatc.com Creating Kotlin Project Using Android Studio.