[PDF] debugging practice problems in java

Use Exception Breakpoints

While debugging Java program code in Eclipse, you are often encountered with a NullPointerExceptionerror. Sometimes you are not aware of the origin of the error, which can be frustrating. Developers of Eclipse have provided with a solution for such issues in the form of exception breakpoints. This feature is also available in the NetBeans IDE. Now ...


The watchpointis a breakpoint set up on a field or variable. It is the best feature of the Eclipse IDE. Each time the targeted field or variable is accessed or changed, the execution of the program will get stop and then you can debug. The following steps will help you to set up a watchpoint: 1. Double-click on the left-margin (just next to the fie...

Step Filtering

While performing Step Into during debugging process, sometimes it happens that the control of the program goes from one class to other class and eventually, you are moved to the external libraries or JDK classes like System or String. In case you do not want to move to the JDK classes or external libraries, then step filtering is used. It will help...


This is another good feature of the Eclipse IDE. This feature will enable you to check the value of expressions while debugging Java programs. All you need to do is right-click the statement and click on inspect. It will show you the value of the selected expression during the debugging process. The value will appear in front of you over the watch ...

Drop to Frame

Eclipse enables users to choose any frame (level) in the call stack during the debugging process and set the JVM to start again from the selected level. In simple words, it allows you to re-run a part of your program. [Note:The changes made to the variable will not be reset.] The following steps will help you use this feature: 1. Select the stack f...

Environment Variables

As you know, it is important to set up environment variables prior to coding in Java. We all are aware of how to set up environment variables. We need to go to the system properties in order to add an environment variable. Eclipse allows you to do it from the IDE itself. There is no need to follow the traditional path to set the environment variabl...

Show Logical Structure

It is not easy to check the values of a map or a list with the default settings of the Eclipse. You need to edit them or choose another way. The logical structure option is very useful, especially when trying to determine the contents of Java collection classes such as HashMap or ArrayList. Instead of displaying the detailed information, the logica...

Modify The Value of A Variable

Eclipse allows you to change the values of variables during the debugging process. There is no need to restart your debugging session with minor changes in the code. You can continue to debug the program code. It will save time. Figure 13 shows how to change the value of a variable.

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What is Java debugging test?

This Java debugging test assesses candidates’ ability to interpret Java code and debug it based on a set of requirements. The test gives candidates 30 minutes to read through requirements and fix a partially working script. Java developers or any other role requiring practical experience in Java.

What is debugging and why is it important?

Broadly, debugging is the process of detecting and correcting errors in a program. There are different kinds of errors, which you are going to deal with. Some of them are easy to catch, like syntax errors, because they are taken care of by the compiler.

How to check the value of expressions while debugging a Java program?

This feature will enable you to check the value of expressions while debugging Java programs. All you need to do is right-click the statement and click on inspect. It will show you the value of the selected expression during the debugging process. The value will appear in front of you over the watch window.

How to run a program in debug mode?

Click the gutter at the line where the findAverage method is called. Now let's start the program in debug mode. Since we are going to pass arguments for running and debugging the program, make sure the run/debug configuration has these arguments in place. Click the Run icon in the gutter, then select Modify Run Configuration.

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Tutorial 4: Iterative Programming Constructs in Java & Basic

Oct 7 2009 println(count);. } Page 26. COMP-202: Introduction to Computing 1 (Fall 2009). TA: Stefan Budeanu. Practice Problems & Debugging #8. Write as ...

State of the Practice in Algorithmic Debugging

Algorithmic debugging is a semi-automatic debugging technique which is based on the answers of an oracle. (usually the programmer) to a series of questions 

IEEE Copyright Notice © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is

The debugging exercise extraction tool we developed extracted 18680 source codes (which became practice problems) that included syntactic.

IEEE Copyright Notice © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is

generate problems with syntax errors for debugging practice using these learning logs. (for example) C/C++ Java

Java Replay for Dependence-based Debugging

Jul 17 2011 assignments and exercises in Java. Students can either work alone or work on one solution as a pair. 1.2 Research Questions.

Debugging mixed-environment programs with Blink

Debuggers for managed languages such as the standard Java debugger jdb

Using Fine Grained Programming Error Data to Enhance CS1

either provide debugging practice or to provide the examples of buggy programming style. for Java programs and limited orchestration tools.