[PDF] drusen

Les drusen, ou druses, sont des dépôts de matériel amorphe dans la rétine situés dans la couche cuticulaire de la membrane de Bruch au contact de l’épithélium pigmenté. Ils sont le facteur principal de l’apparition de néo-vaisseaux. On distingue WikipédiaAutres questions
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  • C'est quoi les Drusens ?

    drusen n.f.p. Dépôt de substance hyaline sur l'épithélium pigmenté de la rétine. drusen de la membrane de Bruch l.m.p.
    Taches visibles sous l'épithélium pigmentaire rétinien, jaunâtres, plus ou moins larges, apparaissant, disparaissant, se modifiant et évoluant vers l'extension.

  • Comment soigner les Drusens ?

    Il n'y a aucun traitement pour les drusen du nerf optique.
    Néanmoins, une surveillance des champs visuels est essentielle afin de détecter une éventuelle péjoration du déficit du champ visuel.

  • Qu'est-ce qu'un drusen papillaire ?

    Ces drusen (ou druses) représentent des dépôts anormaux de matériel protéinique au niveau de la papille optique – la partie antérieure du nerf optique.
    La cause exacte de leur présence reste inconnue.
    On pense que les drusen du nerf optique résultent d'une anomalie du flux de matériel dans les cellules du nerf optique.

  • Qu'est-ce qu'un drusen papillaire ?

    Il existe peu de traitements contre la dégénérescence maculaire sèche, mais cette maladie progresse très lentement et ne masque jamais entièrement la vision centrale.
    Lors de dégénérescence maculaire humide, les traitements les plus récents empêchent le développement des vaisseaux sanguins anormaux sur la rétine.

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Copyright © 2016. North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

We do not know the exact cause of optic disc drusen but they are thought to come from abnormal flow of material in optic nerve cells. Optic disc drusen occur in 


Another type of soft drusen is formed from membranous debris as part of a diffuse disturbance of the retinal pigment epithelium. These membranous soft drusen 

Optic Disc Drusen

We do not know the exact cause of optic disc drusen but they are thought to come from abnormal flow of material in optic nerve cells. Normal. Lumpy Appearance 

Optic Disc Drusen

We do not know the exact cause of optic disc drusen but they are thought to come from abnormal flow of material in optic nerve cells. Normal. Lumpy Appearance 


Optic disc drusen typically present in the first decade but may be buried and difficult to detect on fundoscopic examination. B-scan ultrasound was formerly the 

Optic Disc Drusen

We do not know the exact cause of optic disc drusen but they are thought to come from abnormal flow of material in optic nerve cells. Normal Enlarged view of 

Sonography in optic disk drusen: imaging findings and role in

Sep 13 1993 drusen were diagnosed clinically in 16 of the 24 eyes. The funduscopic appearance was typical in ii eyes and atypical in five eyes. In these.

Optic Disc Drusen

Evaluation of coexisting optic nerve head drusen and glaucoma with optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology. 1997;104(7):1138-1144. 30. Nentwich M Remy M


The basal lamina of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is thin and interrupted over the mounds. CC choriocapillaris. 30-year-old eye (x 7


ically they can be viewed as a harbinger of macular degeneration. Never- theless

Complete Resolution of Central Soft Drusen without Geographic

16-Mar-2022 Keywords: age-related macular degeneration; drusen resolution; multivitamin supplementation; antioxidant supplementation; geographic atrophy ...

Copyright © 2016. North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society

Optic disc drusen are abnormal deposits of protein-like material in the optic disc – the front part of the optic nerve. We do not know the exact cause.

Cuticular Drusen Clinical Phenotypes and Natural History Defined

18-Aug-2017 5 Multimodal imaging studies have elucidated the phenotypic characteristics and natural course of hard drusen soft drusen

Automatic Drusen Segmentation for Age-Related Macular

01-Oct-2020 Abstract: Drusen are the main aspect of detecting age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Ophthalmologists can evaluate the condition of AMD ...

Disc drusen: a headache for child and clinician

Disc drusen are congeni- tal optic nerve anomalies which may be mistaken for papilloedema particularly when drusen are buried in optic nerve head tissue. True 

Optic Nerve Drusen

Rarely people with this condition may slowly lose their side vision. Optic nerve drusen is also known as optic disc drusen or pseudopapilledema. What causes 

Impact of drusen and drusenoid retinal pigment€epithelium

29-Apr-2018 Methods Twenty-five eyes of 25 patients with drusen were imaged with polarisation-sensitive OCT using macular volume scans. Each scan was ...

Autophagy exosomes and drusen formation in age-related macular

23-Jan-2009 sign of AMD is the appearance of drusen which are extracellular deposits that accumulate on Bruch's membrane below the retinal.

Optic Disc Drusen

We do not know the exact cause of optic disc drusen but they are thought to come from abnormal flow of material in optic nerve cells.


Sorsby's fundus dystrophy. (a) Drusen-like deposits are present along the vascular arcades. Fluorescein angiography of a relative shows slow filling of the