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DIRECTIONS. FONCTIONNELLES Délégué Général pour le Mexique les pays d'Amérique centrale


d'un XR1200™ et sur deux continents la plus sympa qui soit Tom Beckett. ... cardinaux


face France/Etats-Unis au Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain de L'AMERIQUE CENTRALE ET LATINE a été la zone géogra-.

Anne Bogart

21 déc. 2012 in Eastern and Central Europe with the lion's share of its business taking place in Poland

lsm11-6 ayout

28 mai 2011 l'accent sur les plus de 140 festivals d'été canadiens de jazz de musiques du monde et de musique folk - lorique.

FSL Guide to implementation 7-9

Appendix W: Accessing French Characters Accents and Symbols with In student-focused instruction and learning

Ching Selao

Les mots/ maux de l'exil/ ex-île. Les romans de

Marie-Célie Agnant

Mi chel Nareau

La nation à l'épreuve d'un récit métis. Ouvrir le Qué2bec par le biais hispano-américain dans l'œuvre de

Francine Noël


Canadian Literature / Littérature canadienne

A Quarterly of Criticism and Review

1262, 92t h Anniversary Interventions

Published by 8e University of British Columbia, Vancouver


Associate Editors:

Past Editors:

Editorial Board

University of Cologne

University of Manitoba

University of Saskatchewan

University of Ottawa

Simon Fraser University

University of London

University of Saskatchewan

University of Strathclyde

University of Alberta

University of Reading

University of Guelph

University of Calgary

University of Guelph

University of Alberta

University of British Columbia

University of Debrecen

St. Francis Xavier University

University of Constance

King"s University College

University of Alberta

Université de Sherbrooke

Concordia University

Carleton University

University of Ottawa

University of Ottawa

University of Toronto

University of Victoria

University of Queensland

University of Manitoba

Victoria University, New Zealand Editorial

Margery Fee

Past, Present, and Future

Authors Reviewed


William Anselmi 169

Kevin Bales 182

Fiona Beckett 170

Jonathan Bennett 189

Joseph Boyden 172

Ami Sands Brodo? 175

Alice Burdick 167

Laurent Chabin 174

Ann Charney 175

Marie Clements 176

Gregory M. Cook 169

Becky Cornell 182

David Elias 189

Deborah Ellis 182

Maureen FitzGerald 186




Marie Carrière 26

Sharanpal Ruprai 43

Laura Moss

Deena Rymhs 123

D aniel Coleman

Jesse Patrick Ferguson 61

M.W. Field 83

Patricia Young 102

Ian Rae


Lily Cho

Christopher Lee 144

Roxanne Rimstead

Winfried Siemerling 150

Marie Vautier

Lorraine York 156

Linda Hutcheon 157

John Clement Ball

Bart Vautour

From Transnational Politics to National Modernist Poetics:

Spanish Civil War Poetry in 44

Josée Vincent and Eli MacLaren

Book Policies and Copyright in Canada and Quebec:

Defending National Cultures

Sarah Krotz

Shadows of Indian Title: 8e Territorial Underpinnings of "8e Height of Land"


Books in Review

Forthcoming book reviews are available at http://www.canlit.ca

Louise Forsyth 178

Daniel Francis 179

Pierre Gariépy 174

Terry Gi?ord 170

Helen Humphreys 181

Anosh Irani 176

Mark Anthony Jarman 192

Phil Jenkins 187

Kevin Kerr 176

John Lorinc 182

Christine Lowther 179

Anand Mahadevan 192

Ami McKay 176

Donald W. McLeod 186

George Murray 167

Reingard M. Nischik 196

Sheree-Lee Olson 191

Christopher Plummer 184

Scott Rayter 186

Tony Rees 187

Linda Rogers 169

Sarah Schulman 189

Anita Sinner 179

Patricia Jean Smith 191

Mary Soderstrom 175

Gaétan Soucy 181

Fred Stenson 172

Paul S. Sunga 192

Joan ?omas 181

Eleanor Ty 194

M.G. Vassanji 194

Christl Verduyn 194

Luise von Flotow 196

David Watmough 186

Nathan Whitlock 197

Rachel Zolf 167

Ranbir K. Banwait 194

Jenny Bingold 196

Julie Cairnie 197

Caitlin Charman 191

Paul Denham 181

Mark Diotte 179

Neta Gordon 189

Crystal Hurdle 167

Suzanne James 182

Emily Johansen 192

Jessica Langston 175

Vanessa Lent 169

Andrew Lesk 186

Marlene Moser 176

Samuel Pane 187

Susan Rudy 178

Lisa Szabo 170

Jerry Wasserman 184

Kinga Zawada 174

Canadian Literature

Canadian Literature

Canadian Literature,

Canadian Literature

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University Microlm International.

Canadian Literature / Spring

e are still dining out on stories of the th Canadian Literature Anniversary Gala, which was a rich literary and intellectual feast. We have titled this issue aŽer the interventions provided by many of those who came to our workshop. Laura Moss, who took the lead on this wonder- ful event, has more to say about these pieces below. However, su‘ce it to say here that we asked the participants to comment on the future both of the eld of Canadian literature and the journal. ey provided us with many specic suggestions on how the journal might meet the challenges to come. With the help of our Editorial Board (many of whom were present), we will consider all of this advice seriously. It i s gratifying to point out that one of the articles in this issue, Ching Selao's "Les mots/ maux de l'exil/ ex-île. Les romans de Marie-Célie Agnant," deals with an author promoted by Winfried Siemerling in his intervention as deserving more attention in English Canada. (8is Haitian author's novel Le livre d'Emma () has now been translated by Zipha Ellis as e Book of Emma (); some critical material is also available in English.) Canadian Literature has recently published articles that deal with several other Quebec Haitian authors, including Dany Laferrière, Emile Ollivier, and Gérard Etienne (see Amy J. Ransom"s article in , for example). Indeed, many of our articles in French deal with writers from a variety of diasporas. Michel Nareau"s article in this issue examines the in•uence of Latin American literature on Quebec literature through the writing of Francine Noël, for example. Another transcultural connection is made in Bart Vautour"s account of how the Spanish Civil War impacted Canadian poetic modernism through

Past, Present, and Future

Margery Fee

Canadian Literature / Spring

work published in (-). e problem is, as a couple of the interventions point out, that we publish these articles in French


although many of our readers are monolingual. We could do more to promote interaction between the “two solitudes" by translating some articles from French to English and vice versa (although this requires funding). Another article in this issue compares book publishing in Quebec and English Canada: a French version will appear elsewhere. Collaborations like the one between Josée Vincent and Eli MacLaren are another way to promote both comparative literary studies and cross-cultural understanding—and these articles are of interest to both literary communities and, indeed, almost require translation to fulll their research mandate. e nal article in this issue, by Sarah Krotz, deals with an area of cross-cultural misunderstanding, or perhaps even worse, incomprehension. “Shadows of Indian Title," on Duncan Campbell Scott"s poem “e Height of Land," shows how he failed to engage even with the idea of Aboriginal title by looking more closely at the actual landscape he travelled as a treaty commissioner and used as the setting of his poem.

8e in terventions, which follow the articles, focus on the future of the 4eld

and the journal; reading them piqued my curiosity about what's happening in the present for the journal. Are we already in the future? I wondered. I made a quick survey of the last ten issues (607-125), which contain 4Žy- nine articles, nine in French. Given the increasing pressure to publish, it's not surprising that there were so many graduate students (67) and post- doctoral fellows (9) among the authors, as well as tenure-stream assistants (66) and contract instructors (5). Twenty-4ve tenured authors (assistants, associates, senior lecturers, and full professors) also contributed. One article was by a writer. Special issues tend to skew any analysis of subject matter, although contemporary 4ction certainly has the lead. Dionne Brand was the subject of three articles, and two were on what are variously referred to as graphic novels or comix. However, we also had articles on such past canonical 4gures as Margaret Laurence, L.M. Montgomery, Susanna Moodie, Réjean Ducharme, and Alfred Garneau. Our submissions are holding steady (since 1221 averaging ninety-two a year). For these ten issues, no clear story about how the canon might be changing emerges, perhaps because although is an important site of critical activity, many more journals are publishing work on Canadian literature now than there were Žy years ago. And of course, the present is always a puzzle because we are immersed in it. e past, however, is yet another country, one whose terrain

Canadian Literature / Spring




50th Anniversary Acknowledgement

Canadian Literature

50th Anniversary Committee

50th Anthology Committee

Student Assistants




Canadian Literature / Spring

Paul William Zits

pain, heat or perfume A complete set of natural teeth, beautifully mounted in gold Children may be trusted with impunity to the most careless hands Invalid"s wheel chairs, spinal carriages, self-moving chairs Redness, tan, freckles, and other defects of the skin Heals chilblains Imparts a youthful roseate hue Papier mâché tea trays coee urns Baths of all kinds, shower, hot, cold, vapour, plunging Loose teeth fastened without springs, clasps or wires Incorrodible, articial, or natural teeth of surprising beauty applied without contents having been in the slightest degree injured A speedy sure cure for those painful annoyances without cutting or pain Paul"s Every Man"s Friend Tea-caddies, tea-trays, dish covers, magic strops Patent chest expander Botanic cream for the general improvement of the hair Eradicates all pimples, spots, and forks Gold horizontal watches Second-hand silver watches Shaving soap, tooth powder, wash cakes Fire-proof safes and boxes one of his patent re-proof boxes taken redhot from the great re at the Royal Exchange, aŽer exposure to the •ames for twelve hours, without it Is harmless E‘cacyquotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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