[PDF] 6502 relative addressing

Relative addressing on the 6502 is only used for branch operations. The byte after the opcode is the branch offset. If the branch is taken, the new address will the the current PC plus the offset. The offset is a signed byte, so it can jump a maximum of 127 bytes forward, or 128 bytes backward.
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  • How many addressing modes are there in 6502?

    The 6502 processor has 13 Addressing Modes, which affect how the arguments for instructions are accessed.
  • What is relative addressing?

    Relative addressing is the technique of addressing instructions and data areas by designating their location in relation to the location counter or to some symbolic location.
  • What is an example of relative addressing mode?

    On the other hand, in Relative addressing mode, the instruction operand specifies a memory address relative to the current instruction pointer or program counter. For example, the instruction JMP REL8 jumps to a memory address that is located at an offset of 8 bytes from the current instruction pointer.
  • The addressing modes in 8085 microprocessors are instructions used to transfer data and perform operations on them. An 8085 microprocessor uses five addressing modes: Immediate addressing mode, Register addressing mode, Register indirect addressing mode, Direct addressing mode, and Implicit addressing mode.
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The # symbol is used to distinguish data from an address/memory location. Absolute addresses are converted to relative addresses by the assembler.


Relative addressing is used only with branch instructions and establishes a destination for the conditional branch. The second byte of the instruction becomes 

W65C02S 8–bit Microprocessor

8 oct. 2018 calculates the effective address for relative and indexed ... The BRK instruction for both the NMOS 6502 and 65C02 is a 2 byte instruction.

Appendix 1: 6502 Instruction Set

The only instruction in this group is JMP. Group 4: All Bits Fixed. These are the implied and relative addressing mode instructions. BCC BCS


The 6510 is a low-cost microprocessor capable of solving a broad range of small-systems and RELATIVE ADDRESSING — Relative addressing is used only.

W65C02S 8–bit Microprocessor

8 avr. 2022 calculates the effective address for relative and indexed ... The BRK instruction for both the NMOS 6502 and 65C02 is a 2 byte instruction.


The R6502 and R6512 can address 64K bytes with a 16-bit address bus (A0-A15); the R6504 R6507

W65C02S Microprocessor DATA SHEET

calculates the effective address for relative and indexed addressing modes. The result of a data operation is stored in either memory or an internal 

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5.7 Illustration of Relative Addressing; Branch Not Taken. The MCS6501 MCS6502