[PDF] 13th documentary fact checker

6 oct. 2016 · documentary “13th.” (Netflix). Fact Checker: Does the U.S. really have 5 percent of the world's population and one quarter of the world's  Autres questions
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  • Is the 13th documentary accurate?

    Criticism. Dan Berger of Black Perspectives wrote that 13th was at its best in chronicling the lives of individuals in the American prison system, but said the film "makes several significant factual errors" such as using outdated statistical data and overstating the role of for-profit prisons.
  • What is the main argument of the 13th documentary?

    The main argument at hand is that mass incarceration is an extension of slavery. 13th demonstrates that criminalization has been a persistent feature of anti-black racism.
  • What were your thoughts on the documentary 13th?

    I was saddened and surprised to see how mass incarceration has been used as a weapon to keep those in power in control while oppressing generations of African Americans. I agree with our Riley's Way students: this film should be required viewing for all Americans.
  • Alexander describes the criminal justice systems as the “New Jim Crow,” a modern type of oppression for African Americans. Mass incarceration rate skyrocketed during the Drug War and many African American were jailed for several years for petty crimes, shown in the documentary 13th by Ava DuVernay.
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Oct 7 2016 The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution ... Because of the intensity of the documentary

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our recommendations are cataloged in a table following chapter 13. In addition In fact

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