[PDF] amarante

Where is Amarante in Portugal?

Lying in the shadow of the Serra do Marao mountain, Amarante is located in the North of Portugal, around 50 km to the East of the city of Porto. Driving time from Porto to Amarante is around an hour, making this charming town a fairly easy excursion from Porto.

Why should you visit Amarante?

Amarante is located in the Minho region, the northern part of Portugal where it is produced the fragrant and delicious Green Wine (“Vinho Verde”), the light, sparkling wine of Portugal. So if you go there you will pass lovely nights, visiting the city with the taste of Vinho Verde in your soul. 2. Amarante’s picturesque river

Is Amarante a good wine?

Amarante is situated in Portugal’s Vinho Verde, the popular light and spritzy “green wine” from the North of Portugal.Like Guinness, people say that Vinho Verde doesn’t travel well and to really get a good glass of it you have to drink it where it’s made. So, when in Rome…

Where did Amarante come from?

Amarante's origin dates to the primitive peoples that hunted and gathered in the Serra da Aboboreira, sometime during the Stone Age, and extended during the Bronze Age and later the Romanization of the Iberian peninsula.

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Fiche de lessence AMARANTE

ce bois ne nécessite pas de traitement de préservation l'utilisation de ce bois n'est pas conseillée. AMARANTE. Page 1/4. 22/03/2012.


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