[PDF] Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle • Chapitres 1 et 2

Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle • Chapitres 1 et 2

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1. Pourquoi Tom est-il parti en Écosse ?

Pour chasser des fantômes.

Pour y passer Noël avec son père.

Pour y rejoindre sa correspondante.

2. What did Tom eat for dinner ?

rump steak chips salad blueberry cheesecake

Les personnages

3. Underline the real people in the story.

Tom Pereira Shona McAlisatair Nicolas Pereira the hotel manager Flora Robert McKenzie

4. Entoure les affirmations exactes.

Tom believes in ghosts. Tom tells a ghost story. Tom likes ghosts stories.

The ghost story

Shona McAlistair comes back alone.

Shona McAlistair haunts the castle.

Shona McAlistair takes the children skating.

Shona McAlistair jumps from the tower to her death. Shona McAlistair walks up the stairs to the fourth floor. Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle ͻ Chapitres 1 et 2

Stéphanie Benson

/ 1 / 3

½ point par

réponse juste. / 2

½ point par

réponse juste. / 2

½ point par

réponse juste. / 2 3 6 2 1 5 4


Fiche élève / 1

www.syros.fr/tip-tongue © Syros 2021 ʹ Reproduction autorisée pour une classe seulement.

1. Pourquoi Tom ne parvient-il pas à dormir ? Tick the reason.

Le film In a Dark Place lui a fait peur.

Il a trop mangé.

Il a entendu des bruits.

2. Pourquoi Tom sort-il de sa chambre ? Circle the reason.

Pour dire bonne nuit à son père. Pour aller aux toilettes. Pour voir qui est dans la bibliothèque.

viande : sausages / black pudding / bacon / haggis légumes : potato scones / grilled tomatoes / fried

mushrooms / potato hash / baked beans.

Les personnages

4. What does Akira tell Tom concerning who she is ?

Her name : Akira McKenzie

Where does she lives : She lives in the hotel.

5. Réponds aux questions.

Who is Akira trying to find?

Akira is trying to find her brother James.

How old is James?

James is twenty years old.

Who did James have an argument with?

James had an argument with his father.

Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle ͻ Chapitres 3 et 4

Stéphanie Benson

/ 1 / 3 / 2

½ point par

réponse juste. / 3 / 1


Fiche élève / 2

www.syros.fr/tip-tongue © Syros 2021 ʹ Reproduction autorisée pour une classe seulement.

1. Circle the true titles of the books James left on his bed.

The Last Knight White Teeth Seven Secrets Seven Knights White Fang The Dark Knight The Last Ghost The Blue Ghost

2. Quel mot Tom et Akira avaient-il mal compris dans les passages soulignés ?


3. Quelle leçon Akira donne-t-elle à Tom ?

a riding lesson a swimming lesson an English lesson a dog a big horse a little pony

5. Circle the four clues Tom and Akira are looking for.

a switch a sword a lake a ghost a doorway a knight Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle ͻ Chapitres 5 et 6

Stéphanie Benson

/ 3 / 4 / 1 / 1 / 1



Fiche élève / 3

© Syros 2021 ʹ Reproduction autorisée pour une classe seulement.

The story

1. Comment Tom réussit-il à ouvrir la porte sur le passage secret ? Circle the right answer.

Tom moves the logs. Tom removes The Call of the Wild. Tom exchanges two books.

2. Entoure les noms de deux auteurs célèbres cités dans ces chapitres.

Oscar Wilde Arthur Conan Doyle Jack London Agatha Christie

3. Who goes into the secret passage first, Tom or Akira?


4. Where does the secret passage lead to? Underline the right answer.

a library a dungeon a lake a forest a camp

6. Answer the questions by YES or NO.

Does Akira know the way back to the hotel? NO

Is Tom happy in the snow ? NO

7. What Tom and Akira are looking for?

a camp on the shore of the lake a forest a book Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle ͻ Chapitres 7 et 8

Stéphanie Benson

/ 1 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 1



Fiche élève / 4

© Syros 2021 ʹ Reproduction autorisée pour une classe seulement.

The story

1. Join the French and English phrases that mean the same thing.

ͻ find a shelter ͻ ͻ animaux protégés found the books ͻ ͻ trouver un abri I left you clues ͻ ͻ trouvé les livres

2. Join the questions and the right answers.

Why is James in the forest? ͻ ͻ Not to say a word to his sister.

What did James find? ͻ ͻ An Englishman.

What did James promise his dad? ͻ ͻ To film the illegal hunting.

Who is William Tate? ͻ ͻ Dead animals.

The characters

3. What did Robert McKenzie say to James? Circle the correct statements.

To protect his children.

To protect William Tate.

To protect hunting.

Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle ͻ Chapters 9 and 10

Stéphanie Benson

/ 1 / 3 / 2

½ point per

correct pair. / 4



Fiche élève / 5

© Syros 2021 ʹ Reproduction autorisée pour une classe seulement.

The story

1. Put the story in the right order.

The police arrest the hunters.

Tom sees a girl with red hair.

Akira, Tom and James separate.

Tom and James hide in a hole.

2. Join the questions and the right character.

Who called the police? ͻ ͻ Mr McKenzie

Who is asked to be a witness? ͻ ͻ Flora

Who asked Tom if he had seen ghosts? ͻ ͻ Akira

The characters

3. What is the full name of the policeman who asks some questions to Tom?

Assistant Chief Constable Malcolm Graham of Police Scotland

4. Who believes in ghosts? Circle the right answer.

He says ghosts exist. TOM Mr MCKENZIE JAMES

5. Who does Tom meet in the last scene?


Mr McKenzie

Tom et le secret du Haunted Castle ͻ Chapters 11 and 12

Stéphanie Benson

/ 1 / 4 3 4 1 2 / 2

½ point per

correct answer. / 2 / 1

Answer sheet

Pupil question sheet / 6

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