[PDF] double balance double interest rate


Comments should be there to explain something that the code itself can't. Many of your comments just repeat information already expressed just as well by the code you're commenting. For example: The comment isn't adding any information here. The line below is clearly a call to that method, there's no need to say that twice. Comments like this are a...

State Consistency

The problem description requires being able to do things with both the monthly and annual interest rate. However, that does NOT mean you necessarily need a field for both of them. As it stands, SavingsAccount now has a requirement for being in a valid state: It much be the case that monthlyInterestRate = annualInterestRate12. It's not inherently a...


Your naming is generally good, but you switch between camelCase and snake_Casearbitrarily. You should drop the underscores. Also don't automatically add "set" when it's not needed to a name. setDeposit is a strange phrase, and would be more natural as addDeposit or makeDeposit. I'd also consider renaming calculateMonthlyInterest. calculate implies ...

Separation of Concerns

You generally do a really good job of separating out concerns, the only place this falls down is in the displayData method. This should return a string rather than printing to screen. That way your SavingsAccountdoesn't care about what kind of IO you're using, and you could just as easily use the same class save that information in a file, send it ...

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How do you calculate a double monthly interest?

double monthlyInterest = balance * monthlyInterestRate; totalInterest += monthlyInterest; balance += monthlyInterest; Methods like setDeposit and setWithdraw are misleading. They add or deduct, not set. Instead deposit and withdraw would be better names. Now on to comments.

How to add monthly interest rate to a balance?

The monthly interest rate is the annual interest rate divided by 12. To add the monthly interest to the balance, multiply the monthly interest rate by the balance and add the amount to the balance. The class should also has mutator and accessor methods for each data field.

Which balance method incurs higher interest charges?

On the other hand, the average daily balance method will likely incur higher interest charges than the adjusted balance method because the latter bases finance charges on the current billing period’s ending balance.

How long does it take to Double A bank account?

For this intellectual exercise, we must assume that there are no deposits, fees, withdrawals, or other interferences. For this example, the formula would simply be 1 divided by .10, which is the same as stating 10%. This would result in a doubling time of 10 years. Notice that the original balance does not affect the time to double.

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double interest = balance * rate / 100; balance = balance + interest;. } Calculating the Growth of an. Investment. Page 6. 01: /**.

Programmation Orientée Objet

double interest = getBalance() * interestRate/100; deposit(interest);. } L'objet SavingsAccount hérite de la variable d'instance balance de la classe.

Double Take E-Saver Issue 12 KPI

The projected balance is based on the annual interest rate. How do I open and manage my account? • This account can be opened online by UK residents aged 16 or 


advances to employees (balance sheet asset account) Désigne la double tendance de recherche de viabilité ... interest-rate differential.

You got 6 correct answers out of 6

Applying the same 2 percent interest rate the $102 would earn $2.04 in the second year for an ending balance of $104.04 at the end of that year. Continuing in 

Implementing a Bank Account Class WE9-1 WorkEd ExamplE 9.1

double balance;. }; Do we need to store the interest rate? No—it varies every month and is supplied as an argu- ment 

Double Take E-ISA Issue 13 KPI

The projected balance is based on the annual interest rate. How do I open and manage my account? • This account can be opened online by UK residents aged 16 or 

Working Paper Series - The double materiality of climate physical

Bottom second channel: banks' climate-financial risk assessment drive adjustments in the cost of capital (interest rate) for firms


often will an individual's investment double in that time? 3. Jessica has a balance of $2200 on her credit card with an 18% interest rate. Her credit card.

Formulae for calculation of interest loan repayments and deposits

L = loan amount r = interest rate if floating rn is the interest rate in year n n = tenor of the loan (if the repayment period is 6 months