[PDF] A Practical Introduction to EFT

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EFT International

EFT Tapping Points Chart. Version 1.3.3

EFT International

Acupuncture uses needles on these points ostensibly to release stuck

What is Meridian Tapping? Basic Tapping Sequence for Anxiety

What is Meridian Tapping? “Tapping” also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Tapping Handout for Everyone - “Basic Recipe” Tapping Handout for Everyone - “Basic Recipe”

2) Tapping Points: Top of head – make a small circle on top of head. Above Certified EFT Practitioner. Office: 707-541-6200 Cell: 707-280-8072 www ...


Start at the top of the head and continue tapping through the remaining points (points #2 - About EFT Tapping. "The cause of all negative emotion is a ...

An Introduction to the EFT Tapping Points: An Introduction to the EFT Tapping Points:

Imagining tapping on the points is also useful for people who want to tap without anyone knowing you are tapping or if you have pain in a particular area in 

Reminder sheet for EFT tapping points

These are the points in the short form of EFT that we will be using. 3-7 taps in each round on each point is enough. 1. Karate chop point – this is the starting 

Tap Your Way to Peace Basic Tapping Sequence for Anxiety

What is tapping? It's called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. It involves tapping on certain meridian points on your body and speaking certain statements.


EFT Tapping Points. Top of Head. Eyebrow. Side of Eye. Cheekbone. Under Nose. Chin. Under Arm. (4" Below Arm Pit). Karate Chop. ©Copyright 2013 Maryellen De 

EFT International

How intense is this particular stress? 2. Do the EFT Setup. To perform the Setup tap on the. Side of Hand point (outside edge of hand

EFT International

CB (Collarbone/K27): overwhelmed. UA (Under Arm): overwhelmed. Finally tap the SOH again or any other additional point like the Gamut Point (pictured

A Practical Introduction to EFT

EFT is a cognitive + somatic modality many refer to as tapping upon the body with focused statements about ... Now tap the points with a short.


Then you tap with your fingertips on a series of acupressure points on your face and body. The tapping sends a calming signal to your brain

What is Meridian Tapping? Basic Tapping Sequence for Anxiety

“Tapping” also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Tapping Handout for Everyone - “Basic Recipe”

Say out loud while tapping with fingertips on the Karate Chop point (side of hand) 2) Tapping Points: ... Certified EFT Practitioner.

The Tapping Solution - E-book

acupuncture and acupressure today EFT Tapping is a healing therapy that you The tapping points used in EFT are based on the doctrines of traditional ...

Ultimate Tapping Guide

Next tap through all eight EFT points on the face and upper body (see Figure 1B) while saying a short reminder phrase to keep your mind engaged.


Dey 28 1392 AP Limitations of EFT may include inability to remember the long series of acupuncture points for tapping when people are experiencing stress ...


EFT™ TAPPING PROCEDURE (The Basic Recipe). #1The Setup ... Tap about 5X on each point ... tapping the "Karate Chop" point. #4 - UN. Gamut. Point.

A Practical Introduction to EFT

02015 Jondi Whitis

What I Hope To Do Today


Welcome, it's my intention tooffer a brief

introduction to the EFT family of techniques, and assist you in finding practical and useful ways to use them in your work and your life.

Towards that end, I hope to create a warm

and supportiǀe enǀironment wherein you'll feel free to ask questions and practice the technique applicationsI'll show you.

2015 Jondi Whitis1

Before We Begin

EFT is edžperiential, so let's simply take a

moment to assess our general state of well- being before we begin today

If I were to ask you to describe your general state of well-being, right now, what would you say͍ Let's use -10 through +10

Note your η on the cards you're holding

We'll check-in on this, later

2015 Jondi Whitis2

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques

A collection of practical tools for working

with our Mind-Body connection, to easily and quickly improve the quality of our lives.

32015 Jondi Whitis

It's a bridge between talk Θ touch therapies for therapeutic change

Similar to EMDR, and can be done on yourself

Combines traditional Western and non-Western methods, such as ancient Chinese medicine concepts of the body's energy system and mindfulness with verbal, sensorimotor & neurological elements

A natural stress and pain reduction tool, using fingertip tapping upon the body with focused statements about problem conditions being experienced

Combines cognitive restructuring, imaginal exposure, desensitization and somatic stimulation

2015 Jondi Whitis4


there was a time we felt that way about other highly useful discoveries -such as airplanes, light bulbs, x-ray, lasars & computers EFT is a practical and useful addition to almost any therapeutic activity Not a substitute for medical attention or intervention, nor your personal healthcare professional

2015 Jondi Whitis5

To Date

To date, there +50 known studies in the field on

EFT Simply put, the primary supposed mechanisms are these:

Electrical signals produced by acupoint tapping

during imaginal exposure reduce limbic arousal

Stress hormones are impacted: Threat alert

hormones like Cortisol are reduced, while opposite, calming hormones such as seritonin are increased, down-regulating our stress response

2015 Jondi Whitis6

fMRIand PET scans show that repetitive sensory tapping on acupoints generate large increases in the amplitude of delta waves, seen in brain areas involved with fear memories;

The increased delta waves disrupt activated

memory networks, impacting brain activity in therapeutic ways

2015 Jondi Whitis7

The Beauty of EFT is Simplicity

It's edžperiential; can be used by anyone

Quickly shows results

Doesn't depend upon any prior learning

Fosters strong patient relationship

Can be used in real-time

Non-invasive; no known side effects

Encourages client participation in self-care


Easy to integrate with other methods

2015 Jondi Whitis8

Would These Be Useful to You?

Stress Reduction


Pain Symptom Management

Diminished Cravings

Easy Self-Care / Empowered Clients

Improved Self-Image

Performance Enhancement

Increased Clarity/Perspective on Problem Areas &

Limiting Beliefs

Enhanced Effectiveness of Tools & Protocols

2015 Jondi Whitis9

For Example

Wouldn't it be helpful if you could͗

Calm overwhelm quickly

Prepare for difficult subjects or tasks

Reduce the impact of stressful news

Clarify a situation, pain or problem

Reduce cravings, in the moment

Densensitize past contributors to present

Enhance reception of solutions or possibility

2015 Jondi Whitis10

The rise in diabetes diagnosis continues

Research continues to provide answers in

nutritional care, physiological interventions But client self-care is often difficult to initiate and maintain

Emotional underpinnings about the diagnosis,

family history, current dynamic and other limitations such as self-image and self-esteem can interfere with robust patient participation

2015 Jondi Whitis11

What if it could be easier?

EFT might be just the solution you're looking for

Easy to teach

Easy and quick to use

Easy and inexpensive to maintain

Fosters client participation & relationship

2015 Jondi Whitis12

Let's Try Something Easy

Breathwork has been recognized throughout

history as a helpful intervention

Check your breath, now

Breathe normally

Rate it -guess & note your sense of capacity

Follow along with me

Notice any change

Re-rate your capacity; Observation?

2015 Jondi Whitis13

A Brief EFT History

In the 80's Drs Goodheart, Diamond and

Callahan independently noted that verbally

focusing on a problem (mindfulness, exposure) combined with somatic intervention (stimulation of acupuncture points) increased their clinical results

TFT was originally intended for other

therapists and professionals to use clinically

It was expensive & with a big learning curve

It was diagnostic

2015 Jondi Whitis14

Enter Gary Craig

In the 1990's, a Stanford trained engineer, Gary

Craig, adapted Dr. Roger Callahan's Thought

Field Therapy into an elegantly simple

protocol that could be used by anyone: EFT

It removed the diagnosis and algorithm features,

and put the therapeutic power in anyone's hands

Mindfulness + imaginal exposure + somatic

release and more, in an easy to use format

2015 Jondi Whitis15

Since then, millions have been told about and

taught EFT

Studies into the Mind-Body Connection

continue to reveal new information, especially in areas of neuroplasticity & transmission, genomics, memory reconsolidation, chronic pain and trauma recovery

2015 Jondi Whitis16

clinically researched, its beauty is in its results, speed, ease of use and its

2015 Jondi Whitis17

A simple Mind-Body experience

Thoughts in our head set off feelings in our body

Where and what do you feel when you think of:

A slice of lemon, as it touches your tongue?

A home-cooked meal, with good friends?

A police siren and flashing lights?

The smell of cut grass, in Summer

What comes first -thoughts in your head, or feelings in your body?2015 Jondi Whitis18

They're All Connected

Mind, Body & Emotion are all

are all connected

What if, when you became conscious of a

distressing thought, there were a tool to help you discharge your negative emotional response? A way to re-set and neutralize?

2015 Jondi Whitis19

EFT founder Gary Craig

EFT can assist physical & emotional healing by resolving the underlying energetic & emotional contributors

202015 Jondi Whitis

Aim at the Disruption

212015 Jondi Whitis

Using EFT is Like Using WD-40

What does WD-40 do?

EFT is like WD-40 for the emotional upset and

underpinnings of our distress What's the straw on the can for͍222015 Jondi Whitis

We Aim (Tune-In) With Words

Words allow us to tune-in to and better focus

upon the disruption or problem Emotion͗ I feel like something's wrong (andžious, Body Sensation: butterflies in stomach, pain in the Behaǀior͗ what we're doing with our discomfort (reaching for sweets, TV, drugs, calling in sick)

Thoughts͗ There's something wrong with

me/them/the situation2015 Jondi Whitis23

How to Tap

There's 2 parts to the ǀery basic recipe

protocol: The focusing words and the physical tapping on points.

We use the words in a simple structure called

a Set-Up statement

At the same time, we tap acupoints

͞Eǀen though (I haǀe this problem), I deeply and completely accept myself." Yes, the statement can be customized242015 Jondi Whitis

Basic Modern Statement & Points

Karate Chop with the Phrase:

͞Eǀen though I haǀe this

problem, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Now tap the points with a short

Reminder Phrase͗ ͞this problem"

2015 Jondi Whitis25

Why Those Points?

These points are natural self-soothing habits -

How many of you have seen this behavior?

2015 Jondi Whitis26

Use Your Index Cards for Notes

Note Area of Discomfort, Amount of Discomfort

2015 Jondi Whitis27

Let's Try It, Together

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