[PDF] an email to the united nations about illiteracy

What percentage of adults in OECD countries have low literacy skills?

An average of 18.9 per cent of adults in OECD countries had low literacy skills (Level 1 or below on the six-level scale) and around one in four adults (23.5 per cent) had low numeracy skills (Level 1 or below)2. democracy: Report of the Secretary-General (A/75/188). New York: UN.

What is global media and Information Literacy Week?

Global Media and Information Literacy Week, commemorated annually, is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “ Media and Information Literacy for All .” What is Media and Information Literacy? Our brains depend on information to work optimally.

Why are youth literacy rates higher than adult literacy rates?

Youth literacy rates are generally higher than adult literacy rates, reflecting increased access to schooling for younger generations. Mirroring patterns of socio-economic inequalities, population growth, and development, literacy’s progress has been uneven across different regions, countries and populations.

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An Email to The United Nations

Activity 2 page 120: Write an email to the Secretary General of the United Nations requesting to join the. “One Million Email Campaign” to eradicate illiteracy 

The Worlds Women 2015: Trends and Statistics

Email: publications@un.org; website: un.org/publications Message from the Secretary-General ... of women and 19 per cent of men are illiterate.


Dec 30 2018 Nations Publications

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2019

sustainable agriculture can help reduce both hunger and poverty further with the facilitation of the United Nations system. There is still.

A Global Framework of Reference on Digital Literacy Skills for

The constitution of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) was adopted by 20 Email: uis.publications@unesco.org.

e-government survey 2018_final for web.pdf

Oct 17 2017 The 2018 United Nations E-Government Survey is the product of collective ... 5.12 Services provided via email

Investing in cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue: UNESCO

Cuéllar former United Nations Secretary-General

Thematic Paper on Education and Indigenous Peoples: Priorities for

Jun 12 2014 Action for the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD)

Achieving Gender Equality Womens Empowerment and

Jul 2 2010 I am also pleased to note that this message has resonated not only within the United Nation but elsewhere too. For example

International Literacy Day 2021 - UNESCO

Paris: OECD International Literacy Day 2021 cent for adults In low-income countries less than 70 per cent of adults and slightly more than 80 per cent of youth aged 15 to 24 years are projected to have basic literacy skills by 20303

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