[PDF] JavaServer Faces 2.0: Implementing Ajax-Infused Web

Application and Environment Setup

Now that you know what you want to do, start by configuring your software stack and environment. Download the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) SDK or the Platform Edition of Sun Java System Application Server version 9.0 or 9.1, and install and configure it according to the instructions that come with the download. Also download the Sun ...

Rendering Changes: Modifying The Register.Jsp Page

Now comes the fun part. Let's start with the first task, the Check for ID Availability button. Open the register.jsp page from within the Web Pages node of the Virtual Trainer project. After the two JavaServer Faces taglibdeclarations, add the following: This is line 3 in Listing 1. If you have correctly install...

Code Changes: Adding The ActionListener Method

The next step is to define the method called by the actionListener attribute on line 90 of Listing 1: actionListener="#{Register_Backing.checkUserIDAvailable}" Listing 3 shows this new method. This is a plain-old JavaServer Faces ActionListener method. It does not do anything specifically Ajax-related, but because you are using Dynamic Faces, it wi...

Modifying The Resource Bundle

As mentioned earlier, Virtual Trainer is a localized application, so you will have to add the values for the labels to the ResourceBundle. In this case, the bundle is in the Source Packages node in the NetBeans tree, within the com.jsfcompref.trainer.resources package. Edit the file UIResources.propertiesand add the following entries: After making ...

Final Notes About This Example

The DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction()method is best used when you want to add Ajax behavior to a specific element in your user interface, and you can do so by manually adding a JavaScript event handler to the markup for your page. But there will be times when you may want to Ajaxify an individual element even though you do not have access to the mark...

Adding Ajax to The Edit_Te.Jsp Page

In addition to the JavaScript functions exposed on the DynaFaces JavaScript object, the JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology and Facelets tag called ajaxZoneallows you to Ajaxify your page with little or no JavaScript coding. The following example shows how to do this. Open the edit_te.jsp page from within the Web Pages/app node in the NetBeans tree v...


This article shows how to use Dynamic Faces to Ajaxify an existing application using both the DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction() JavaScript function and the tag.

For More Information

Original source for the virtual trainer application

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What's new in JavaServer Faces?

This new attribute in JavaServer Faces 1.2 technology advises the JavaServer Faces runtime to not prepend any naming container IDs to your component IDs within the form. The result is that the IDs you type in the markup are the actual ones that appear in the page.

How do I use JavaServer Faces in NetBeans?

You begin by adding JSF 2.x framework support to a basic web application, and then proceed to perform the following tasks: convert the web pages into Facelets template files. The NetBeans IDE has provided long-standing support for JavaServer Faces.

What is Ajax life cycle in FacesServlet?

This advises the FacesServlet to use the Ajax life cycle instead of the standard JavaServer Faces request processing life cycle. The Ajax life cycle decorates the standard one and adds the handling necessary for Ajax. Now comes the fun part. Let's start with the first task, the Check for ID Availability button.

How do I register with JavaServer Faces?

The Sign Up Today! link at the bottom of the page points to the same page as the Register page. Click Register. The screen capture in Figure 1 shows the non-Ajax version of the registration page. As you can see, this is a garden-variety JavaServer Faces technology-based page.

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??? 5 ???? Java EE 7 web architec- ture Construct modern JSF. Forms that apply valida- tion add AJAX for immedi- ate validation

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5.6.3. CREATING HIBERNATE REVERSE ENGINEERING FILES 40 The JSF tag libraries are used to include parts on the web page and join segments with.