[PDF] european court of justice recent cases

The Court of Justice invalidates Decision 2016/1250 on the

Press and Information. Court of Justice of the European Union. PRESS RELEASE No 91/20. Luxembourg 16 July 2020. Judgment in Case C-311/18.

The CJEU judgment in the Schrems II case

In its July 2020 Schrems II judgment the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) declared the European. Commission's Privacy Shield Decision invalid 

The Court of Justice declares that the Commissions US Safe

Court of Justice of the European Union. PRESS RELEASE No 117/15. Luxembourg 6 October 2015. Judgment in Case C-362/14. Maximillian Schrems v Data 

Organisms obtained by mutagenesis are GMOs and are in principle

Press and Information. Court of Justice of the European Union. PRESS RELEASE No 111/18. Luxembourg 25 July 2018. Judgment in Case C-528/16.

The General Court annuls the Council decisions concerning first

29.09.2021 General Court of the European Union. PRESS RELEASE No 166/21 ... agreements in the light of two judgments delivered by the Court of Justice.

Court of Justice of the European Union PRESS RELEASE No 54/14

08.04.2014 Judgment in Joined Cases C-293/12 and C-594/12 ... The Court of Justice declares the Data Retention Directive to be invalid.

Court of Justice of the European Union PRESS RELEASE No 70/14

Court of Justice of the European Union. PRESS RELEASE No 70/14. Luxembourg 13 May 2014. Judgment in Case C-131/12. Google Spain SL

Measures for the protection of the Union budget: the Court of Justice

Court of Justice of the European Union. PRESS RELEASE No 28/22. Luxembourg 16 February 2022. Judgments in Cases C-156/21 Hungary v Parliament and Council.

Case-law by the Court of Justice of the EU on the European Arrest

15.03.2021 Recent developments since the last update are mentioned per topic. • Validity of the EAW FD. In 2021 the CJEU upheld the validity of the EAW FD ...


31.08.2016 No Judge or Advocate General may take part in the disposal of any case in which he has previously taken part as agent or adviser or has acted ...

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