[PDF] angola vs algerie 1985


Thus, Angola attained official independence on 11 November 1975 and, while the stage was set for transition, a combination of ethnic tensions and international pressures rendered Angolas hard-won victory problematic. As with many post-colonial states, Angola was left with both economic and social difficulties which translated into a power struggle ...


The National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA), founded in 1962, was rooted among the Bakongo people and strongly supported the restoration and defence of the Kongo empire, eventually developing into a nationalist movement supported by the government of Zaire and (initially) the Peoples Republic of China.


Thus, while a power-sharing arrangement was agreed upon after independence was secured, power struggles ensued almost immediately as the agreement collapsed. This was aggravated by the withdrawal of the Portuguese in 1975; refusing to impose peace or supervise elections, and failing to hand over power to any one party, the Portuguese armies exited ...


Angola spans around 481,226 square miles along the southwest coast of Africa, and is notably rich in mineral reserves, including oil, iron, copper, bauxite, diamonds and uranium. Angolas resource wealth became a means of funding the ongoing war between the MPLA and UNITA, with both parties extensively exploiting the countrys oil and diamond reserve...


Subsequent to the Portuguese coup the FNLAs internal support had already deteriorated considerably, although it maintained steady relations with Zaire and was thus well armed. This led the FNLA to attempt a forceful overthrow of the MPLA in Luanda, although the MPLA, backed by Cuba and the Soviet Union, deflected the onslaught and subsequently turn...


How was the conflict funded? External support played a major role in the funding of Angolas civil war, and one consequence of the Cold War was the flow of Western funding to UNITA. During the 1980s, UNITA was supplied with US$80-million in arms, military training and logistics by the South African government, while the South African Air Force contr...

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Why are France & Angola relations not cordial?

Relations between France and Angola have not always been cordial, due to the former French government 's policy of supporting militant separatists in Angola's Cabinda Province. The international Angolagate scandal embarrassed both governments, by exposing corruption and illicit arms deals.

When did Angola become independent from Portugal?

The war began immediately after Angola became independent from Portugal in November 1975. It was a power struggle between two former anti-colonial guerrilla movements, the communist People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) and the anti-communist National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).

What happened to Angola in 2002?

It has also left the country in ruins: In 2002, 60 percent of Angolans did not have access to drinking water and 30 percent of children died before the age of five. Has the West African country recovered from these dark years? We find out in this report by Clément Bonnerot, Dombaxi Sebastiao, Evan Claver and Juliette Dubois.

How did the Civil War affect Angola?

The war devastated Angola's infrastructure and severely damaged public administration, the economy, and religious institutions. The Angolan Civil War was notable due to the combination of Angola's violent internal dynamics and the exceptional degree of foreign military and political involvement.

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1 août 1985 Enregistrée nar l'Algérie le 21 août 1985. No. 23486. DEtMARK AW LIBERIA: ... Angola. (With effect from 9 August 1985.) 9 August 1985.


I Pavs membres réqionaux de la BAD non compris la L¡bve or I'Angola pour les_quels on ne dispose en Algérie a fonctionné en 1985 presque au niveau de.

Chapitre VIII - Examen des questions relevant de la responsabilité

Plainte de l'Angola contre l'Afrique du Sud. Décision du 20 septembre 1985 [rés. 571 (1985)] par. 8. 3. Afin qu'il s'abstienne de tous actes d'agression 

Examen des dispositions du Chapitre VII de la Charte

l'Angola constituent une grave menace pour la paix et la sécurité internationales. Botswana datée du 17 juin 1985; dans le contexte de la situation au ...

La situation mondiale de lalimentation et de lagriculture 1985

-v -. Avant-propos. Sur le plan économique et plus encore sur le plan Les pays africains exportateurs de pétrole sont: Algérie Angola

Exchange rates Cours des changes

Country or area. National currency. Monnaie nationale. 1985 Algeria. Algérie. End of period. Algerian Dinar (DZD).

2. Foreign-born population by country of birth age


Pulp and paper capacities survey 1985-1990 Capacités de la pâte

AMERICA LATINA. Algeria. Algérie. Algeria. 1. Angola. Angola. Angola "Projected Pulp and Paper Mills in the World 1985-1992".

4. Population by country of citizenship sex and urban/rural

and age. (in years). Continent pays ou zone

• 1.