[PDF] equivalence of finite automata and regular expressions

Problem Description

Let be a finite automaton and the transition label of the branch going from to , where they denote any two states of . The conversion algorithm should return a regular expression defining the regular language that accepts. For example, let’s say we have the following automaton: The regular expression it’s equivalent to is . A use case for this is n...


Let’s work out an example from a paper on state elimination. Our input finite-state machine is: First, we make it uniform: Now, we randomly choose a state. Let it be . The next step is to compute the regular expressions for paths between the states connected directly via . The new regular expression for the transition from to is: Substituting the l...


In the worst-case scenario, all the states are directly connected in both directions ( and ), there’s a transition from each state to itself, and each state connects all the pairs of the automaton’s states ( and for any and ). Let be the number of states (excluding the initial and the final states). Since all the states are connected in both direct...

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How to construct finite automata from a regular expression?

As the regular expressions can be constructed from Finite Automata using the State Elimination Method, the reverse method, state decomposition method can be used to construct Finite Automata from the given regular expressions.

Which language is defined by a finite automata?

Theorem: Every language defined by a regular expression is also defined by a Finite Automata. Proof: Let’s assume L = L (R) for a regular expression R. We prove that L = L (M) for some ?-NFA M with: 1) Exactly one accepting state. 2) No incoming edges at the initial state. 3) No outgoing edges at the accepting state.

How do you prove a finite state automata?

Sec. 10.8 of the text proves that there is a finite state automata that recognizes the language generated by any given regular expression. The proof is by induction on the number of operators in the regular expression and uses a finite state automata with ? transitions.

What is a regular expression?

The regular expression it’s equivalent to is . A use case for this is natural language processing (NLP). NLP engineers often design string-matching patterns, and for them, it’s much easier to read a regular expression than to look at a complex finite automaton. 3. The State Elimination Method We first need to make uniform.

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1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions 2

1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions. Finite Automata Recognize Regular Languages. Theorem 1. L is a regular language iff there is a 

1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions 2

1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions. Finite Automata Recognize Regular Languages. Theorem 1. L is a regular language iff there is a 

Testing the Equivalence of Regular Languages 1

minimisation is log-linear [11] and the equivalence problem is PSPACE-complete for both non-deterministic finite automata and regular expressions.

Converting Deterministic Finite Automata to Regular Expressions

16 mars 2005 Kleene proves the equivalence of finite automata and regular expressions thereby providing us with the first technique the transitive closure ...

CSE-217: Theory of Computation - REGULAR Expression

22 août 2019 Regular Expression Example. EQUIVALENCE WITH FINITE AUTOMATA. Example ... These are called regular expressions. Md Jakaria.

From Finite Automata to Regular Expressions and Back—A

The equivalence of finite automata and regular expressions dates back to the seminal paper of Kleene on events in nerve nets and finite automata from 1956.

On the Equivalence and Containment Problems for Unambiguous

expressions regular grammars and nondeterministic finite automata have been exten- sively studied in the technical literature. Both problems are known to 

Formal Languages and Automata Theory

5 nov. 2010 4.5.1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Languages 72 ... If r is a regular expression then the language represented.

Testing the Equivalence of Regular Languages

finite automata (DFA) non deterministic finite automata (NFA)

Formal Languages Automata and Computation Regular Expressions

EQUIVALENCE WITH FINITE AUTOMATA. THEOREM. A language is regular if and only if some regular expression describes it. (CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY IN QATAR).

1 Equivalence of Finite Automata and Regular Expressions

Finite Automata Recognize Regular Languages Theorem 1 L is a regular language i there is a regular expression R such that L(R) = L i there is a DFA M such that L(M) = L i there is a NFA N such that L(N) = L e regular expressions DFAs and NFAs have the same computational power Proof