[PDF] How to Prepare an Expository Sermon

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Also keep in mind that every step of sermon preparation is an entire field of study. To have an expository sermon the outline must in some way be derived ...

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His name was Nehemiah and he was being prepared by God as a vessel to be used in a great way to rebuild the city of Jerusalem and to bring about the restoration 

A Study of John Piperâ•Žs Sermon Preparation: A Model for Pastors

biblical expository sermon preparation. This book efficiently shows how a http://cdn.desiringgod.org/pdf/booklets/BTBX.pdf (accessed July 8 2011). Piper ...


“Expository preaching is dull” - but it doesn't have to be; the problem is in faulty preparation and delivery. 2. Preaching through books of the Bible in an 


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Biblical Research Institute

Expository Sermon Preparation. Jud Lake. Southern Adventist University. Renowned expository homiletician Haddon Robinson


Mar 16 2015 preparation and delivery in order to be classified as an expository preacher. Prerequisites For Being An Expository Preacher. This section ...

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The “why” of expository preaching relates to purpose. What is the purpose of our preparation and delivery of an expository sermon? Let's go back to our.

Expository Preaching

The preacher who ventures here will face the temptation of doing little preparation beyond reading a few commentaries. But an expository sermon at its very best 

Biblical Research Institute

Expository Sermon Preparation. Jud Lake. Southern Adventist University. Renowned expository homiletician Haddon Robinson

How to Prepare an Expository Sermon

(b) Misunderstanding of expository sermons. (c) Idea that the Bible is not modern. (d) Difficulty of preparation. CHAPTER II. THE SERMON OUTLINE .


When teaching men how to craft an expository sermon they often ask me to describe for that every step of sermon preparation is an entire field of study.

A Study of John Piperâ•Žs Sermon Preparation: A Model for Pastors

process of his expository sermon preparation to manifest God's glory and exalt His piper/BSMSeptOct09JohnPiper.pdf (accessed June 28 2011).

an analysxs of sermons: exposxtory preachxng xn the southern

Qualities of Expository Preaching. METHOD OF PREACHING. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Preaching. Sermon Preparation: Exegesis.

Sermon Preparation

Sermon Preparation is created by the General Conference Sabbath depending on whether your sermon is to be expository topical


Therefore they appointed seven men to work among the people of the church so that they might be free to pray

an analysxs of sermons: exposxtory preachxng xn the southern

Qualities of Expository Preaching. METHOD OF PREACHING. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Preaching. Sermon Preparation: Exegesis.


Discover and use the literary forms of the Bible in sermon preparation and delivery. C. Understand preaching definitions styles and delivery methods.

Participants Guide Preparing Expository Sermons with Ramesh

who is looking for a refresher course in expository sermon preparation. ABOUT DR. RAMESH RICHARD. Dr. Ramesh Richard is Professor of Global Theological 

How toPrepareanExpository Sermon

BY HAROLD E. KNOTT, M.A.(Harv.), D.D.Professor of Homiletics, Eugene Bible UniversityEugene, Oregon



Copyrighted, 1930

The Standard Publishing Company

To the students of my class inex-pository preaching, through whose help and co-operation many of the principles here given were worked out and tested, this hook is affectionately dedicated.

Sympathetically undertaken, the study

of the Bible becomes an absorbing pas- sion which will find its perfect satisfac- tion only when "we see no longer through a glass darkly, but face to face."

The glory of expository preaching is

that it awakens an enthusiasm for the

Word, and stirs men to that personal

exploration of the inspired message which will be worth more to them spir- itually than all the sermons they will hear.


CONTENTSPAGEPREFACE .............................................................. 9CHAPTER I. THEVALUE OFEXPOSITORYPREACHING........................ 111. Definition of an expository sermon.

2. Views of authorities on the subject.3. Value of the expository method:

(a)To preacher. (b) To hearer.4. Objection to expository sermons:

(a) Impression that expository sermons are dry. (b) Misunderstanding of expository sermons.(c) Idea that the Bible is not modern.(d) Difficulty of preparation.


THESERMONOUTLINE................................................. 231. Essential parts to a sermon outline.

(a) Discussion of various models. (b) Illustration of type followed in book.2. Difference between expository outline and other types of sermons. (a) Expository sermons usually use more Scripture as a basis. (b) The expository method aims to develop the sermon from the Scripture.

3. Phases of the expository outline needing specialattention.

(a) Securing contact with audience.(b) Making a vital application.


THESCRIPTURE.......................................................... 311. Variation, by the expository method, in the use ofScripture.5


2. Expository method applied to the whole book of Bible.3. Expository method applied to chapter or similar logical

division.4. Expository method applied to short passage.5. Comparison of uses of Scripture of G. CampbellMorgan and Dr. Maclaren.


THETHEME ............................................................ 411. Value of intensive study of the Bible as an aid todiscovering themes for exposition.

2. Study of author's purpose and character as reflected

in any book, necessary to appreciate themespresented.3. Illustration of method of discovering themes for

exposition.4. Personal qualities that help in finding themes forexpository preaching:(a) Trained mind.

(b) Spiritual personality, (c) Close contact with life.


THEINTRODUCTION...................................................... 511. Significance of "introduction."

2. Procedure in preparing an introduction.

(a) Explanation. (b) Introduction. (c) Proposition.

3. Method illustrated by themes previously suggested.


THEMAINDIVISIONS.................................................... 621. General purpose of divisions.2. Need for studying material before forming divisions in expository sermons.3. Procedure in making divisions for an expositorysermon.(a) Summary method.

(b) Related ideas. (c) Verbal method.4. Principles involved in good sermon divisions. 6


(a) Simple.(b) Progressive. (c) Complete proposition.5. Principles applied to themes already suggested.


THEDEVELOPMENT...................................................... 751. General principles involved in the development of

divisions.2. The application of general principles to thedevelopment of expository sermons. (a) Intensive study.(b) Application.(c) Illustration.

3. Development of divisions previously suggested.


CONCLUSION .............................................................931. Purpose of conclusion.2. General principles of effective conclusion.3. Application of principles to expository sermon.



2. Bible training.

3. Studious habits.

4. Oratorical ability.


THEINFLUENCE OF THEEXPOSITORYMETHOD ON THEVOICEINDELIVERY OFSERMONS...........................................1031. It gives soul to one's message.

2. It gives variety to vocal expression.



1. Sermon built upon a whole book.

2. Sermon built upon part of a book.

3. Sermon built upon one verse.




SERMONSILLUSTRATING THEDIFFERENTMETHODS OFDE-VELOPMENT ...........................................................1241. Sermon illustrating the summary method.

2. Sermon illustrating the method of related ideas.3. Sermon illustrating the verbal method.


HREE facts have impressed themselves upon

the author during the fifteen years that he has been teaching homiletics to young men pre- paring for the ministry.

The first of these is that writers on the sub-

ject of preaching are unanimous in regard to the value of expository preaching. All agree that it is the most effective form of pulpit elo- quence.

The next thing that has been forced upon his

attention is that while there is this unanimity of opinion, very few of our modern preachers are using this method. The reason for this con- dition would seem to be either a lack of knowl- edge of the value of expository sermons, or a lack of ability in preparing them.

In trying to account for this strange anomaly,

the author became impressed with the further fact that there are practically no books pub- lished which place in the hands of preachers the means for developing efficiency along this line.

So unfortunate a lack in our religious litera-

ture is the cause of the present volume, and, while it may not accomplish all that the author 9T


would like, he hopes that it may at least prove suggestive to some and help to focus attention upon an important and neglected field in theo- logical study. H. E. Knott. 10



HE expository sermon is an effort to explain,

illustrate and apply the Scriptures to life; or, to use F. B. Meyer's words, "expository preaching is the consecutive treatment of some book or extended portion of Scripture on which the preacher has concentrated head and heart, brain and brawn, over which he has thought and wept and prayed, until it has yielded up its inner secret, and the spirit of it has passed into his spirit."

Its purpose is to help the hearers to find in

the sacred writings the true interpretation of life. This is both a high ideal and a most de- lightful task, kindling in the soul of the preacher that spark of heavenly fire which glows with en- thusiasm and conviction.

Every great preacher, as well as every writer

on the subject of homiletics, regards expository preaching as the method par excellence. Thus

Phelps, in his "Theory of Preaching," says: "By

parting with expository preaching, the pulpit has parted with its most important aid and stimulus to variety. No other one thing gives to preach- 11Tquotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_5
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