[PDF] Signals and Systems Lecture 3: Fourier Series(CT)

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Exponential Fourier Series

Trigonometric Fourier series uses integration of a periodic signal Karris Signals and Systems: with Matlab Computation and Simulink Modelling

Table of Fourier Transform Pairs

Signals & Systems - Reference Tables. 1. Table of Fourier Transform Pairs > Complex Exponential Fourier Series. Р. Е. -. ¥. -¥= = = T nt j n n ntj n dt etf. T.

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Mar 4 2020 The complex exponential Fourier series representation of a periodic signal ... be the input and output signals

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In words shifting a signal in the time domain causes the Fourier transform to be multiplied by a complex exponential. Incidentally

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This is the complex exponential Fourier series of the periodic signal x(t). 14. Page 15. Convergence of the Fourier series. Some remarks about convergence. When 

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Signals and Systems Lecture 3: Fourier Series(CT)

Outline LTI Systems Response to Complex Exponential Signals. Fourier Series for CT Signals Properties of CT Fourier Series. Signals and Systems.

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Signals and Systems

Lecture 3: Fourier Series(CT)

Farzaneh Abdollahi

Department of Electrical Engineering

Amirkabir University of Technology

Winter 2012

Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 1/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

LTI Systems Response to Complex Exponential Signals

Fourier Series for CT Signals

Fourier Series Convergence

Properties of CT Fourier Series

Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 2/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries


I Perviously, we have seen that by using convolution, LTI systems can be represented by linear combination of linear impulses. I Now we are going to describe LTI systems based on linear combination of a set of basic signals ( complex exponentials I Based on superposition property of LTI systems, response to any input including linea rcombination of basic signals is the same linea r combination of the individual responses to each of the basic signals I

At rst, CT/DT periodic signals are described by

F ourierSeries

I Then

F ouriertransfo rm

is intro ducedto rep resentap eriodicsignals Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 3/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

LTI Systems Response to Complex Exponential Signals I For analyzing LTI system, the signals can be represented as a linear combination of basic signals. I

The basic signals should

1. b eable to b eused to construct a wide range of useful class of signals 2. have simple structure in L TIsystem resp onse. I Complex exponential signals are good candidate for basic signal since I its LTI system response is the same complex exponential with dierent amplitude

Ifor CT:est!H(s)est(H(s): a function ofs)

Ifor DT:zn!H(z)zn(H(z): a function ofz)Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 4/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

I Eigenfunction:a signal for which the system output is a modulus of input. I

The constant value which can be complex is called

eigenvalue I

Consider input signal:x(t) =est:

y(t) =R1


1 h()es()d |{z}


I )x(t) =estis an eigenfunction I

Consider input signal:x[n] =zn:

y[n] =P1 k=1h[k]znk=zn1X k=1h[k]zk |{z}


I )x[n] =znis an eigenfunctionFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 5/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

I x(t) =P1 k=1akeskt!y(t) =P1 k=1akH(sk)eskt I x[n] =P1 k=1akznk!y[n] =P1 k=1akH(zk)zn I

For now assume thatsandzare purely imaginary:

I s=j! est=ej!t I z=ej! zn=ei!nFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 6/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Fourier Series for CT Signals


Fourier series can represent CT periodic signals

I Remember the denition of periodic signals:x(t) =x(t+T) with fundamental periodTand fundamental frequency!0=2T Ix(t) =ej!tis a periodic signal with fundamental freq.!0 IRemember the harmonically related complex exponentials: k(t) =ejk!0t=ejk(2T )t;k= 0;1;2;::: I Each harmonic has fundamental freq. which is a multiply of!0 I A linear combination of harmonically related complex exponentials: x(t) =1X k=1a kejk!0t=1X k=1a kejk2=Tt(1) I it is periodic with periodT

Ik=1 have fundamental freq.!0(rst harmonic)

Ik=Nhave fundamental freq.N!0(Nth harmonic)Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 7/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries



(1) is F ourierSeries rep resentation: x(t) =1X k=1a kejk!0t=1X k=1a kejk2=Tt I

Now ifx(t) is real:

I x(t) =x(t) =P1 k=1akejk!0t I k=k x(t) =P1 k=1akejk!0t I ak=ak

IIfakis real:ak=ak.

I x(t) =a0+P1 k=1akejk!0t+akejk!0t= a 0+P1 k=1akejk!0t+akejk!0t=a0+ 2P1 k=1Refakejk!0tg I

Describeakby polar representation:ak=Akejk:


Second denition of Fourier Series:x(t) =a0+ 2P1

k=1Akcos(k!0t+k) I

Describeakby Cartesian representation:ak=Bk+jCk:


Third denition of Fourier Series:

x(t) =a0+ 2P1 k=1Bkcos(k!0t)Cksin(k!0t)Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 8/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

How to nd coecientakI

Rewrite Fourier series:x(t) =P1

k=1akejk!0t I

Multiply both sides byejn!0t:x(t)ejn!0t=P1

k=1akejk!0tejn!0 I




0P 1 k=1akej(kn)!0tdt I

Tis fundamental period ofx(t):

Z T 0 x(t)ejn!0tdt=1X k=1a kZ T 0 ej(kn)!0tdt(2) I

Use Euler's formula:RT




I cos((kn)!0t) andsin((kn)!0t) are periodic with fundamental period: TjknjFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 9/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

I )ej(kn)!0t=T k=n 0k6=n I

Substituting the above equation to

(2) :RT



Analysis Equation of Fourier Series:an=1T




Synthesis Equation of Fourier Series:x(t) =P1

k=1akejk!0t I dc or constant component ofx(t):a0=1T R Tx(t)dtFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 10/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Example: Fourier Series of periodic square wave

I x(t) =1jtj0T1 jtj T=2 I dc gain:a0=1T R T2 T2 x(t)dt=2T1T I k6= 0:ak=1T R T2 T2 x(t)ejk!0tdt=1T R T1


1jk!0Tejk!0tjT1T1=sink!0T1kFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 11/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Example Cont'd

I a)T= 4T1, b)T= 8T1Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 12/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Fourier Series Convergence


How can one guarantee thatP1

k=1akejk!0trepresent a periodic signal x(t)? I Let us use an engineering tool named "approximation error": I Assume that a periodic signal can be expressed by linear combination of limited complex exponential terms:xN(t) =PN k=Nakejk!0t I

Approximation erroreNis dened:eN=x(t)xN(t)


The energy of the error in one period:EN=R


I It can be shown that to achieve minEN, one should dene (show it!): a k=1T R



N" EN#

I N! 1 limEN!0Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 13/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Fourier Series Convergence


Ifak! 1the approximation will diverge

I Even for boundedakthe approximation may not be applicable for all periodic signals. I Convergence Conditions of Fourier Series Approximation 1.

E nergyof signal should b ea nite in a p eriod:R



This condition only guaranteesEN!0

IIt does not guarantee thatx(t) equals to its Fourier series at each momentt 2.

Dric hletConditions

I Over any period,x(t) must be absolutely integrable:R


- with square integrability condition, it guaranteesjakj<1 IIn a single period,x(t) should have nite number of max and min IIn any nite interval of time, there are only a nite number of discontinuities. Each discontinuity should be nite. Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 14/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Drichlet Conditions

Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 15/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Gibbs Phenomenon

I It happens for FS of piecewise continuous periodic signals with bounded discontinuities. I FS produces ripples in the vicinity of discontinuity. I

By Increasing N

I the ripples concentrates around discontinuities.

ITotal energy of the ripples decreases

IBUT the amplitude of the largest ripple does not changeFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 16/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Gibb's Phenomenon

Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 17/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Properties of CT Fourier Series

I Considerx(t) andy(t): periodic signals with same fundamental periodT I x(t),ak;y(t),bk I

Linearity:Ax(t) +By(t),Aak+Bbk


Time Shifting:x(tt0),akejk!0t0

I In time shifting magnitude ofFscoecient remains the same but its angel is changed I

Time Reversal:x(t),ak




Time Scalingx(t),akbut fundamental periodT

Farzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 18/19

OutlineL TISystems Resp onseto Complex Exp onentialSignals Fourier Series for CT SignalsProp ertiesof CT F ourierSeries

Properties of CT Fourier Series



:x(t)y(t),hk=P1 l=1albkl(DT convolution between coecients) I

Conjugation and Conjugate Symmetry


Realx(t),ak=ak(conjugate symmetric)

IReal and evenx(t),ak=ak(real and evenak)

IReal and oddx(t),ak=ak(purely imaginary and oddak),a0= 0

IEven part ofx(t),Refakg(show it!)

IOdd part ofx(t),jImfakg(show it!)


Periodic convolution

:x(t)y(t) (for one period) =RT=2



Parseval's Relation



k=1jakj2 I

Total average power

sum of average p owerin all ha rmoniccomp onents

IEnergy in time domain equals to energy in frequency domainFarzaneh Abdollahi Signal and Systems Lecture 3 19/19

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