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Mission Time 00:00:00: Apollo 11 Launches

To overcome the Earth’s orbital gravity, NASA required a rocket 100 times more powerful than the Mercury boosters that launched the first American astronaut into orbit in 1961. The three-stage Saturn V was as big as a Navy destroyer, packed 7.5 million pounds of thrust and could catapult the Apollo 11 astronauts to a maximum velocity of 25,000 mph....

02:44:16: One Loop Around Earth, Then Moon-Bound

After firing and jettisoning two of the Saturn V’s three engines, the spacecraft entered Earth’s orbit at nearly 120 miles above the surface. After one swing around the planet, the third-stage J-2 rocket ignited, hurling the Apollo astronauts out of near-Earth orbit and on a trajectory toward the moon.

03:24:03: Vessels Rearrange in Space

Next came a truly tricky dance move. Aside from the Saturn V boosters, the Apollo 11 hardware consisted of three vessels: the Lunar Module (LM), codenamed “Eagle,” to transport two astronauts to and from the moon’s surface; the Command Module (CM), codenamed “Columbia,” where all three astronauts hung out during the journey; and the Service Module,...

75:49:50: Entering Moon's Orbit

Once separated from the Saturn V, the Apollo spacecraft was at the mercy of the Service Module engine for mid-course corrections and for the critical maneuver of slipping into the moon’s weaker gravitational orbit. This last move, known as lunar orbit insertion, went off without a hitch, swinging the astronauts around the moon at 62 miles above the...

100:39:53: Armstrong Maneuvers Descent

During the spacecraft’s second pass around the moon, Mission Commander Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Aldrin moved from the CSM into the snug confines of the LM to prepare for detachment, leaving Command Module Pilot Michael Collins to anxiously wait and circle in orbit. Next came the “powered descent” of the LM, what Neufeld calls “the most crit...

102:45:40: 'The Eagle Has Landed'

Armstrong, a veteran test pilot, remained cool and collected even as warning alarms blared in the cramped cabin and Mission Control announced only 30 seconds of fuel left in the reserves. “I think Armstrong was comfortable,” says Neufeld. “It was a tense landing, but he knew he could make it.” Standing side-by-side and peering out small triangular ...

124:22:01: A Meal, A Nap, Then Lift-Off from The Moon

After a meal and a few hours of sleep, it was time for Armstrong and Aldrin to rejoin Collins and the CSM in lunar orbit. Neufeld says that this was another nail-biter moment for folks like him watching at home. “Lift-off made me nervous,” says Neufeld. “There’s only one ascent engine and it’s got to light. It’s the only way to get back alive.” The...

128:03:00: Docking with Command Module

Thankfully, the ascent engine ignited perfectly and Armstrong and Aldrin cruised into lunar orbit where they pulled off yet another tricky maneuver, docking with the CSM in mid-flight. Armstrong, who had performed the very first successful space docking ever during Gemini 8, proved more than capable for the job. The three-man crew reunited in the C...

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Apolo 11.pdf

tripulaciones en el centro de control espacial de la NASA


Apolo 11. La apasionante historia de cómo el hombre pisó la Luna por primera vez. Eduardo García Llama. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de 

50 Aniversario del alunizaje del Apolo 11

Legado del alunizaje del Apolo 11. Mirando 50 años atrás. Cuando Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin y Michael Collins se embarcaron su viaje a la Luna el 16 de 


The Apollo 11 mission lasted 195 hours 18 minutes and 35 seconds - about 36 minutes longer than la NASA a bordo de la nave Apolo 11 se convirtió en.

Apolo 11

Los astronautas del Apolo 11 llevaron a cabo importantes experimentos científicos cuando aterrizaron en la. Luna en 1969. Cuando los humanos caminaron por 

Apollo 11 Flight Plan

APOLLO 11. APOLLO AS-506/CSM-107/LM-5. FINAL FLIGHT PLAN. JULY 1 1969. Submitted by: L. J. Riché. Flight Planning Branch. G. M. Colton.

ASTRONAUTICA_Hombre en la luna.pdf

Las Apolo XI a XVII transportaron a los 12 únicos astronautas que tuvieron el privilegio de caminar por la Luna. Hasta el día de hoy nadie ha regresado.

Medio siglo del gran paso lunar

19 juil. 2019 Aldrin Jr camina sobre la superficie de la luna cerca de una pierna del módulo lunar durante la actividad extravehicular (EVA) del Apolo 11. El ...

Cincuenta años después del alunizaje del Apolo 11 siguen

Cuando el Apolo 11 concluyó su mi- sión con éxito dejó allí un panel de unos sesenta centímetros de ancho cubierto por cien espejos que apuntan a la Tierra. Se 

Apollo 11 Press Kit - 06/26/69

toward the Moon on July 16 with the goal of landing two astronaut- explorers on the lunar surface four days later. If the mission--called Apollo 11--is