… Wait, You Want A More Detailed Explanation?

Well, if you insist. Imagine software as a hammer and infrastructure as a saw, and you’re using both to build a house (your project). If you know nothing about hammering nails to attach things together, you’re going to have a hard time with it. You might resort to all sorts of silly things, like: 1. Trying to glue it together 2. Tying it together w...

For Your Career, You Need to Have A Wider Skill Set

To stretch my analogy even further, it is certainly possible to get a job in construction where your every task revolves around sawing boards to length for others to nail, or vice versa. But these super-specialist jobs are few and far between. No one making a careerin construction would be so hopeless that they do not even understand the other jobs...

Cloud Computing as The Next Level of Abstraction

Now, I’ve talked a lot about why knowledge of cloud computing is good for your career, but it also just makes sense in terms of solving problems. Developers don't write code just for the sake of looking at its beauty (though sleek code can be beautiful), but rather because it solves some real world problem. To that end, system architecture and soft...

Key Skills Both Developers and Infrastructure/Ops Should Know

Here is a high-level list of things that I would suggest learning to make sure you’re not stuck trying to glue two bits of wood together. Software: 1. Scripting / Programming 2. Source control (Git and best practices) 3. Software Development LifeCycle (SDLC) 4. Agile (Read the manifesto, yourself; it takes just 30 seconds) 5. DevOps 6. Architectura...

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What is cloud development?

Cloud development happens when software firms develop, test, and run applications in a web-based or virtual environment. Cloud-based computing is increasing in popularity for a variety of reasons.

What are the fundamentals of cloud computing?

With the widespread adoption of cloud services, it is crucial for professionals to understand the fundamentals of cloud computing. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the underlying concepts, deployment models, service models, and key concepts in cloud computing, including virtualization, scalability, and security. II.

What is a public cloud computing deployment model?

II. Cloud Computing Deployment Models The public cloud model offers computing resources and services over the internet, which are shared among multiple users or organizations. This model provides on-demand access to a pool of resources, allowing users to quickly scale their infrastructure.

Why is cloud computing an emerging technology?

The IT domain recognizes cloud computing as an emerging technology because it finds application in all disciplines. The prominent roles of cloud computing include hosting and delivering diverse software and services using the Internet [ 1, 2 ]. Cloud computing is a critical infrastructure for many organizations.

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Cloud computing : étude & développement dune application

1 juil. 2021 Cloud computing : étude & développement d'une application Serverless. BARKER Jack i. Déclaration. Ce travail de Bachelor est réalisé dans ...

Guide sur le Cloud Computing et les Datacenters

Cloud computing et datacenters constituent des accélérateurs incomparables pour le développement de la performance et de l'innovation dans nos territoires.

Cloud computing : étude & développement dune application

1 juil. 2021 Cloud computing : étude & développement d'une application Serverless. BARKER Jack i. Déclaration. Ce travail de Bachelor est réalisé dans ...

Cloud Computing

Contexte du développement des SI. Concepts de base : Cloud Computing SaaS

Plan de la formation Formation Amazon Web Services (AWS

connaissances en développement logiciel de maîtriser les concepts du cloud computing

Cloud Computing en Afrique Situation et perspectives

La situation du secteur des TICs en Afrique est caractérisée par un développement très rapide des réseaux mobiles. Mais en même temps les pays africains tentent 

Développement des entreprises : adoption du cloud et problèmes

Cette tendance peut néanmoins ajouter des complications de gestion d'une infrastructure informatique de plus en plus distribuée. Les plateformes et les services 


20 mars 2015 environnements de développement et de test. ? 1990 WEB INTERNET. ? 1980 Client-Serveur. ? 1970 Mainframe. ? 1950 Concept du RJE (Remote Job ...


L'émergence du Cloud computing permet d'indus trialiser l'IT dans un optique de réduction des coûts de la données (transmission et traitement). Public il.

Fondamentaux du Cloud computing : le point de vue des grandes

11 mars 2013 SaaS : espaces collaboratifs internes. • PaaS : plateformes de serveurs de développement à la demande (développement web : ViFiB). • IaaS : ...

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