[PDF] convexe concave anatomie

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Larticulation péronéo-tibiale supérieure une anatomie et une

1) à la fois concave et convexe dans 57 % des cas (fig. 2)

Anatomie et physiopathologie du genou – O. Cantin

02?/04?/2015 Sa surface articulaire est convexe. • Le plateau tibial médial est plus grand et plus ovale. Sa surface articulaire est concave. Page ...

Anatomie descriptive et fonctionnelle de larticulation temporo

05?/10?/2013 l'union d'une partie convexe le processus condylaire mandibulaire mobile


Anatomie générale. Faculté de médecine d'Oran séparées par une crête italienne convexe et un sillon concave sur le calcanéum.


ANATOMIE. Jean-Marc CHEVALLIER. 2e édition. 2. Appareil locomoteur il est convexe en avant dans ses deux tiers internes et concave en avant dans son.

anatomie du genou. N Mercier

Convexe dans le sens antéropostérieur. – Concave dans le sens transversal. • Cavité glénoïdale médiale. – Concave dans les 2 sens 

Anatomie de larticulation temporo-mandibulaire

segment de cylindre convexe d'avant en arrière et concave transversalement. Son grand axe oblique en arrière et en dedans

1. Première molaire maxillaire

La première molaire maxillaire présente une anatomie très stable avec des caractères anato- vestibulaire convexe et un contour lingual concave.


Anatomie de L'appareil urinaire : les riens Deux bords (latéral convexe et médial) le bord interne est ... bord concave regarde en dedans.

QI3 - Anatomie et biomécanique genou - Marie-Claude Boisselle

La face médiale est convexe et bombée. •. Tubercule des adducteurs en est ovale et concave ... Anatomie du genou pour les chirurgiens orthopédistes.

Joint Mobilization: Elbow Wrist and Hand

Concave-Convex Rule:Distal concave segment (base of P1) moves on proximal convex segment (MC head) Roll and Slide are in same direction Posterior glides to increase extension Anterior glides to increase flexion Small Joints of the Hand: MCP PIP and DIP: distraction and glides (A/P or P/A)

1 Theory of convex functions - Princeton University

The theorem simpli es many basic proofs in convex analysis but it does not usually make veri cation of convexity that much easier as the condition needs to hold for all lines (and we have in nitely many) Many algorithms for convex optimization iteratively minimize the function over lines

  • Introduction

    'Arthrokinematics' refers to the movement of joint surfaces. Arthrokinematics differs from Osteokinematics- in general Osteokinematics means bone movement and Arthrokinematics joint movement. The angular movement of bones in the human body occurs as a result of a combination of rolls, spins, and slides. 1. A roll is a rotary movement, one bone roll...

  • Types of Arthrokinematic Motion

    Joint Play: movement not under voluntary control (passive), can not be achieved by active muscular contraction.

  • Why Arthrokinematics Matters

    The convex-concave rule is the basis for determining the direction of the mobilizing force when jointmobilization gliding techniques are used to increase a certain joint motion. The direction in which sliding occurs depends on whether the moving surface is concave or convex. 1. Concave = hollowed or rounded inward 2. Convex = curved or rounded outw...

Which femur is convex or concave?

It is CONVEX (domed), when the humerus moves in abduction, the surface of the humeral head will slide in the OPPOSITE direction to the movement of the humerus. (bottom articulation of picture 2) The distal femur is convex, its articulates on the tibia which is concave (due to meniscus). Take the bone which is moving, in this case its the tibia.

What is the denition of a convex function?

Let's rst recall the denition of a convex function. In words, this means that if we take any two pointsx; y, thenfevaluated at any convexcombination of these two points should be no larger than the same convex combinationoff(x) andf(y). Geometrically, the line segment connecting (x; f(x)) to (y; f(y)) must sit above thegraph off.

What is the convex-concave rule in joint mobilization gliding?

The convex-concave rule is the basis for determining the direction of the mobilizing force when joint mobilization gliding techniques are used to increase a certain joint motion. The direction in which sliding occurs depends on whether the moving surface is concave or convex.

Which direction does sliding occur if a joint is concave or convex?

The direction in which sliding occurs depends on whether the moving surface is concave or convex. If the moving joint surface is CONVEX, sliding is in the OPPOSITE direction of the angular movement of the bone.

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