[PDF] Epilepsie - Diskussionszentrum - Italie

Our History

The Italian League Against Epilepsy is a scientific society with the statutory objective of contributing to the treatment and assistance of patients with epilepsy and to their integration into society at large, by promoting and pursuing all kinds of activities designed to achieve those aims. The League was set up for the first time in Milan in 1955...


LICE strives to: 1. promote research into the causes of and treatments for epilepsy 2. collect and process statistical data and information on a national and regional basis 3. promote and encourage the setting up of Centres for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy 4. establish and maintain relations with the ILAE and with national ...

Organisation of Lice Activities: Commission and Study Groups

Commission on: 1. Genetic aspects 2. Video-EEG Library 3. Neuroimaging 4. Pharmacotherapy 5. Neurosurgery of Epilepsy 6. New Syndromes 7. Experimental Epilepsy 8. Promotional and Educational Activities Study Groups: 1. Neonatal Convulsions 2. Epilepsy and Dietary Therapy 3. Epilepsy and Headache 4. Epilepsy and Childhood 5. Epilepsy and Woman 6. Ep...

Congress and Multi-Site Meeting

The Italian chapter of the ILAE is very active, and each year organises several scientific epilepsy meetings at local, regional, and national levels. The National Epilepsy Congressis organised on an annual basis in June, and is attended by no fewer than 450 neurologists, child neurologists, and neurosurgeons, many of them younger than 40 years of a...

Recognition of Centres

Throughout Italy, the LICE Executive Council recognises Centres for the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, which it categorises into three levels, according to the staff and facilities available and the level of care and assistance provided. In the various Italian Regions, LICE recognises over 50 Centres that comply with the established criteria.

Promotional and Educational Activities

The Commission for Promotional and Educational Activities organises and promotes national campaigns aimed at raising awareness of epilepsy and the important psychological and social aspects related to the disease, among both the general population and specific groups (i.e. teachers). LICE has drawn up a Guide to Epilepsy (in Italian), which is both...

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What is ILAE endorsed 4th East European course on epilepsy?

ILAE Endorsed 4th East European Course on Epilepsy: Age Aspects of Epilepsy 13 - 15 June 2018 Shishkinn, Chernihiv Region, Ukraine Chapter Norwegian League Against Epilepsy 2018 Chapter Congress 1 - 2 June 2018 Trondheim, Norway Chapter Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss League Against Epilepsy and the Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology

What is the link between Italian Epileptology and the ILAE?

The link between Italian epileptology and the ILAE dates back tothe very creation of the ILAE. Augusto Tamburini, a Rome-based psychiatrist who cultivated an interest in the relationship between epilepsy and psychosis, was among the founding fathers of the ILAE when the organization was established in 1909 in Budapest .

What ILAE endorsed XIV workshop on neurobiology of epilepsy?

ILAE Endorsed XIV Workshop on Neurobiology of Epilepsy (WONOEP 2017) "Epilepsy as a Network Disease" 28 August - 1 September 2017 Mon St Benet, Barcelona, Spain ILAE Endorsed 11th Baltic Sea Summer School on Epilepsy (BSSSE 11) 6 - 11 August 2017 Tartu, Estonia ILAE Endorsed

Where can I find a guide to epilepsy?

LICE has produced the Guide to Epilepsy in Italian, which is available in a printed format and in electronic form in theLICE website. In 2012, LICE has also published a storybook with articles written by people with epilepsy and their caregivers, which target both a pediatric and adult readership.

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Jahrgang 22

1 avr. 2005 Epilepsie-Zentrum Zürich. 3. Epilepsie 1

Epilepsie im Alltag

möglichst viele an dieser Diskussion beteiligen und wir gemeinsam über- Epilepsie Zentrum. Berlin Brandenburg ... land gegen Italien anschauen. Die.

ILAE-Klassifikation der Epilepsien: Positionspapier der ILAE

5 Child Neuropsychiatry Department Epilepsy Center

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Jahrgang 22

Es fehlt eine öffentliche Diskussion über dieses Thema. Im Epilepsie-Zentrum haben wir von inzwischen et- ... Juli 2005

ter Basel

4 oct. 2018 plus rarement en italien et tous sont parus avec des ... Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit im Nordwestschweizer Epilepsie-Zentrum in der ...


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3 févr. 2012 vielmehr der Diskussion heterogener Studienergebnisse und beeinflusste die ... Italien. Gesamtzahl: n=139. 1. Galantamin 16 mg: n=76.

ter Basel

4 oct. 2018 nisch-praktische Diskussion über dissoziative Störun- ... neurologist-initiated program in an epilepsy center. ... français et italien.

Searches related to epilepsie diskussionszentrum italie

ness about the medical and social aspects of epilepsy These campaigns may target the general population or speci?c groups such as school teachers Some of these activities are organized to coincide with the National Epilepsy Day which since 2016 has been aligned with the date of the International Epilepsy Day (sec-ond Monday in February)

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