[PDF] Example of cover letter Martha Boid 19 Brompton Road - France

How to Write A French Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter for a French hiring manager would have significant differences in the style and the content of the letter. French hiring managers always prefer well-structured formal letters. As in any other region, a cover letter in France should demonstrate the applicant’s academic and professional background and their ability to meet the ...

French Cover Letter Structure

The content on a French cover letter is quite different from an American cover letter – especially the order in which the content is written. Here’s the structurewe recommend for a French-style cover letter: Now, let’s break down how to write your cover letter step by step.

Start with The Header

French recruiters consider your cover letter as a formal letter – therefore, start your header with the information of the sender (the applicant) and the receiver (the hiring manager) – the same way you start any formal letter.

Receiver Information

Put the name of the hiring manager or the person who reads your application – their position – company name – and the address. You won’t find out details about the recruiters on some occasions – then, use the company name and the address. However, if the company has posted the job advertisement on LinkedIn, you’ll probably be able to find the hirin...

Put The Letter’S Subject

As in any formal letter, you should write the subject of your cover letter. In this case, the subject should be the job and the position you’re applying for.

Opening Greeting

We recommend using a formal French greeting in your letter. Address the reader with Madame or Monsieur without mentioning their name again. When you are unsure of the gender of the person you address, use both.

Paragraph 01: Start by Introducing Yourself

In American-style cover letters, the first paragraph is often a sales pitch to the hiring manager explaining the key achievements and accomplishments of the candidate. French recruitment practices are a little different – the job market is academic-focused, whereas your degree has more value than your achievements in a previous job. If your degree ...

Paragraph 02: Key Experience That Makes You The Best

Demonstrate your key experience and skills relevant to the job in the second paragraph. In this, you do not have to limit yourself to your most recent work experience – instead, pick the right information from your career and compose them into a couple of sentences. Always focus on putting the most demanding skills for the job. Read the job posting...

Paragraph 03: Express Your Interest in Joining The Firm

Though you’re sending your CV to multiple employers, you can’t send your cover letter to two different vacancies – the cover letter addresses the particular employer, the job, and the industry. One of the main objectives of your cover letter is to convey your interest in the firm and the position – this is especially important for the candidates wh...

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