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新汉语水平考试(HSK)介绍 新汉语水平考试(HSK)介绍

为使汉语水平考试(HSK)更好地服务于汉语学习者,中国国家汉办组织中. 外汉语教学、语言学、心理学和教育测量学等领域的专家,在充分调查、了解海.

HSK(五级)样卷 HSK(五级)样卷

在高速行驶的火车上,有一位老人不小心把刚买的新鞋从窗口掉下去一只,. 周围的人都觉得很46 。没想到老人把另一只鞋也从窗口扔了出去。他的行为让.

「43 日で HSK5級に合格する方法」 斎藤一成 ・はじめに 私は 43

私は 43 日で(10 月 20 日~12 月 2 日)HSK5 級に合格しましたので、私の HSK 試験の勉. 強方法をご紹介したいと思います。私は、中国に来る前、半年間大学の第二外国語で 

HSK(五级) HSK(五级)

在沙滩排球场上,半躺在沙滩椅中,头顶着蓝天,脚下踩着软软的细沙,吹. 着海风,享受那份惬意。阳光下,球场两边各有两名46 着太阳眼镜、晒得一身.

HSK(五级)词汇A B

HSK(五级)词汇. 共2500 个. A. 1. āyí. 阿姨. 2. a. 啊. 3. āi. 唉. 4. ǎi. 矮. 5. ài. 爱. 6. àihào. 爱好. 7. àihù. 爱护. 8. àiqíng. 爱情. 9. àixī.

HSK-5 slider HSK-6 slider

HSK-5 and HSK-6 series slider is a professional equipment perfect for smooth shots during camera movement. Suitable for both light and heavy cameras and photo 

Vocabulario HSK5

drop (of liquid); stain; spot; speck; jot; dot stroke (in Chinese characters); decimal point; point; mark (of degree or level); a place (with certain.

H51328 卷答案一、听力二、阅读

第一部分. 91.请您主动出示证件。 92.这条牛仔裤一点儿都不结实。 93.开幕式将于本月中旬举行。 94.这家企业在建筑行业很有名。 95.他的情绪已经稳定下来了。

H51329 卷答案一、听力二、阅读

第一部分. 91.这只狐狸真是太狡猾了。 92.谈判的成功给了他极大的鼓舞。 93.你把数据再重新计算一遍。 94.法院就在这座大厦的对面。 95.春节期间本店照常营业。


?????????????????????????????????. ????????46 ?????????????????????????.

HSK-5 slider HSK-6 slider

HSK-5 and HSK-6 series slider is a professional equipment perfect for smooth shots during camera movement. Suitable for both light and heavy.


?????????HSK??????????????????????. ???????????????????????????????????.

HSK 5?01???

HSK 5?1?? ?????. Lesson 1 – “Love: the fine print”. Text Translation (English). A radio station wanted to pick out a married couple who are the most 


?????????????????????????????????. ??????????????????? 46 ??????????????.

?43 ?? HSK5????????? ???? ????? ?? 43

?? 43 ??(10 ? 20 ??12 ? 2 ?)HSK5 ????????????? HSK ????. ???????????????????????????????????? 


?????????????????????????????????. ???????????????????????46 ??????????.

H51328 ???????????

????. 91?????????? 92?????????????? 93????????????? 94?????????????? 95?????????????


30. srp 2018. ?????????HSK??????????????????????. ???????????????????????????????????.

HSK 5 Vocabulary List

HSK 5 Vocabulary List http://www.digmandarin.com/hsk-test. HSK Test Guide: 1. Page 2. ?? b?ohán. Contain. ?? b?okuò. Include. ?? b?ozi.


放⣧烘瀌灺aunt ⑉aah ␈烘濼alas 䛭烗濼short 䄰灭濼love 䄰ㆣ灭濼濻炆Care ⪈晘烘瀁濽灹瀁濺Be quiet ⮷灭瀁bank 㖖灭瀁dark ㈈㓵灭瀁瀆濻灺on time ㈈䁦灭瀁瀍濻灭瀂according to 濵烘Eight 䄷䄷濵灭濵濴Dad ⌦ba 䕼濵灮濼white 䕽濵烗濼hundred ㍅濵烗濼pendulum ㌫濵烘瀁move 䋬濵烘瀁class ≉濵灭瀁half 㟑濵灭瀁濺stick ∄濵烘瀂to pack; bag

HSK 5 Vocabulary List


HSK Test Guide:

1 咃濵灮瀂thin 桰濵烗瀂full ㆰ濵灭瀂Hold ㆰ㩈濵灭瀂瀄濼灭瀁feel sorry Ἄ濵灵濼times 俋濵灵濼Back 垪濵灵濼cover 㘫濵烞瀁book 䨧濵灵瀁stupid 㫓濵烣than 㫓⢁濵烣瀅炇such as 㫔䧞濵灹濽灹瀁濺after all ⻄杺濵灹瀋烸Must 2 Ế濵濼灭瀁then, in that case 彌濵濼灭瀁Times ᴌ⻄濵炇濵灹need not ᴌṅ濵炇濷灭瀁not only ᴌ⪡㬓濵炇濾灵瀄濼You are welcome ᴌ墀䰦濵炇瀌灭瀂濽烣瀁Never mind ⴂ濵炆cloth, textile ᴌ濵炆No ᴌ⪈濵炆澺烘瀁Uneasy, unstable ᴌ䪠濵炆濺瀈烗瀁no matter ᴌ᷄濵炆濽烣瀁not only ᴌ⢁濵炆瀅炇not as good as 3 4 5 6 ㅒㅭ濷烗濵濴瀁dress up ㅒ䫭䌂濷烗濿灮瀁瀄濼炇Play basketball ㅒ掇濷烗瀍濻烟瀁To make an injection ⠦濷灭large ⍅濷烘濼stay ㄳ濷灭濼wear ㇄᷺濷烘瀁瀅灵瀁To serve as 㳠濷灭瀁light 7 ⹒濷烘瀁濺When ⹒䀵濷烘瀁濺瀅灮瀁Of course ⹒㓵濷烘瀁濺瀆濻灺at that time ㈠濷烗瀁濺block ⃿濷烘瀂knife 濷烗瀂island ἑ濷灭瀂inverted ℯ濷灭瀂reach ☯de 䖃de ⺖濷烞濼have to 㽮濷烟瀁濺lamp 䕺㘹䅋濷烟瀁濺濽烥瀃灮濼Boarding pass 䩈⺄濷烞瀁濺濷灭濼wait for ṍ濷烥low 㷳濷烥drop 䖃䝭濷灺瀄瀈灵indeed; be certain to 弑濷灹Delivery ☯◽濷灹瀇炇Map ⸞⸞濷灹濷濼Younger brother 8 㾸濷濼烗瀁spot 䐴⋯濷濼灭瀁瀇灮濼radio station 排濷濼灭瀂Fishing ㊈濷濼灭瀂fall 杵濷烣瀁濺top ᴡ濷濼烸lose ₫濷热瀁濺winter ᴛ濷热瀁濺east チ濷烬瀁濺understand ₺濷灿瀁濺freeze 㰝濷灿瀁濺hole 忼濷热瀈all 弖濷灿瀈Funny 嫺濷炇read 䛬濷瀈烗瀁short 䛬Ỡ濷瀈烗瀁瀋灹瀁Short message 㪴濷瀈灭瀁paragraph 㒬濷瀈灭瀁break 携㾻濷瀈灭瀁濿濼灭瀁Physical exercise ✅濷瀈烥heap ⫸濷瀈灹Pair, couple ⫸濷瀈灹to ⫸㒸濷瀈灹濹烘瀁濺the other party ⫸晡濷瀈灹瀀濼灭瀁Opposite side 9 ⌧濷烸瀁ton 嵱濷烸瀁squat 松濷炆瀁Meal ⠙濷瀈热many ⠙⬐濷瀈热瀆濻濴瀂how much 㘴濷瀈烬classifier of flower 桾灵hungry ⋐濹烘give out ⋐庽濹烘濷灮To develop ⋐㿦濹烘瀆濻烘瀂Have a fever ⋐壿濹烘瀌灮瀁give a speech 乙㨽濹灮濾瀈烗瀁forfeit; amerce; fine 仺濹烘瀁Turn ⃠㔮濹灮瀁瀆濻灹All, everything 㒸濹烘瀁濺square 10 㐽濹灭瀁濺discharge 㐽⸂濹灭瀁濺瀄灹give up 㐽㖐὆濹灭瀁濺瀆濻烳濽濼灭summer vacation 㐽⻂濹灭瀁濺瀋烥瀁Don't worry 晝濹烟濼wrong; non 侹濹灵濼lung ℅濹烟瀁minute ᷼濹灵瀁share (measure word) ㅵ濹炇hold up ⵄ濹炇classifier of picture 㘌埄濹炇瀍濻瀈烘瀁濺costume; dress ⫋濹炆rich 11 ⠌≯濹炆瀌灹瀁To copy 䗕濺灭濼cover 㑡濺烗瀁dare "↧濺烗瀁濷灿瀁濺Be moved "ₑ濺烗瀁瀀灭瀂get a cold 屵⻪濺烗瀁濾瀈灭濼hurry up ⵱濺灭瀁dry ⵱㰺‾濺灭瀁濻瀈炀瀅work on a job 槗濺烘瀂high ㌝濺烗瀂get 俲傉濺烟濵瀂Arm ᴩ濺灵individual 12 ⌃濺灵various ⌃僩濺灵瀍灹Each ䷘濺烞濼give 峞濺烟瀁with 㜸濺烟瀁root 㜸㘫濺烟瀁濵烞瀁at all 㜸㉭濺烟瀁濽炆according to 㗳濺灵瀁濺more 䇖濺烬瀈Dog ⠞濺灿瀈enough ⣐⣐濺烸濺瀈aunt 侠䡧濺烳瀃濼灭瀂shares; stock 13 ㈁濺瀈灭hang ᵕ濺瀈烘濼Good behaved ⼩ᴌ⺖濺瀈灭濼濵瀈濷濸No wonder ⪗濺瀈烘瀁officer ⁲濺瀈烘瀁shut ⁲擬濺瀈烘瀁濵灹close; shut ⁲⻂濺瀈烘瀁瀋烥瀁Care for ⵾㎬濺瀈烗瀁濺濵热Radio broadcast 尴濺瀈灹Expensive 㷙濺烳瀁rolling 搄濺瀈热pot 14 廆㘞濺瀈灿瀄烥Be overdue 廆⊺濺瀈灿瀄炆Past times 廗濻灮濼still ⫑὆濻灮瀁濽濼灭The winter vacation ⒉濻烗瀁shout 㭖濻灭瀁sweat ⡼濻烗瀂good ⡼῎濻烗瀂瀋濼灭瀁濺Be like; seem ⡼⡆濻灭瀂瀄灺Be curious ⒜濻烟drink 15 淐濻烟濼black ⺇濻烞瀁very ⽧濻灵瀁hate ⊙濻灿瀈thick ⟵濻炇pot ≍埓濻瀈灮瀌灹Chinese born 䐺濻瀈灭painting 嫜林濻瀈灭瀇灺Topic of conversation ♎濻瀈灭濼bad 廗濻瀈灮瀁return 䊮➂濻瀈灮瀁濽灹瀁濺Environmental Science ㉡濻瀈灭瀁change 㽯濻瀈烥ash 16 㽯⻂濻瀈烥瀋烥瀁Lose heart; be discouraged ◝濻瀈灺returnquotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26
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