[PDF] astuces windows 7 pdf

Use Hidden International Wallpapers and Themes

When you first install Windows 7, it asks for your language, time and currency. Based on your responses, it installs a set of wallpapers and themes. If you choose English (United States) for your time and currency format, for example, the available desktop backgrounds and themes will include a United States section with scenery from locations such ...

Shake Your Desktop Free of Clutter

If you frequently run multiple programs simultaneously, your desktop can get extremely cluttered. This can get annoying if you're working on one program and want to minimize all the other windows -- in previous versions of Windows you had to minimize them individually. With Windows 7's "shake" feature, though, you can minimize every window except t...

Get A Power Efficiency Report

Have a laptop and want to get more battery life out of it? Windows 7 includes a hidden built-in tool that will examine your laptop's energy use and make recommendations on how to improve it. To use it: 1. Run a command prompt as an administrator. To do this, type cmdin the search box, and when the cmd icon appears, right-click it and choose "Run as...

Modify UAC

The User Account Control security feature was one of the most reviled additions to Windows Vista, with good reason -- its constant warning messages asking for permission to continue many operations drove users around the bend. UAC has been significantly improved in Windows 7 so that it's not as intrusive as in Vista, but you can still tweak it if y...

Search The Internet from The Start Menu

Note: This tip relies on the Group Policy Editor, which isn't available in some versions of Windows 7. Thus, this tip will not work if you have the Home Premium, Starter, or Home Basic editions of Windows 7. The Start Menu's search box is a convenient way to search through your PC -- but you can also have it do double-duty and perform Internet sear...

Customize The Shut Down Button

The default action of the Start Menu's Shut down button is to turn off your PC. If you want to use the button for another action, such as restarting your PC, you click the arrow to the right of the Shut down button and select an action from the drop-down menu. What if you rarely shut your PC down completely but frequently restart it? You can change...

Add A Videos Link to The Start Menu

The Windows 7 Start Menu includes links to your Pictures and Music folders, but not to your Videos folder. If you watch a lot of videos and want a link to them on your Start Menu, here's what you can do: 1. Right-click the Start button and select Properties. 2. On the screen that appears, go to the Start Menu tab and click Customize. 3. In the dial...

Use Check Boxes to Select Multiple Files

In order to select multiple files for an operation such as copying, moving or deleting in Windows Explorer, you generally use the keyboard and the mouse, Ctrl-clicking every file you want to select. But if you're mouse-centric, there's a way to select multiple files in Windows 7 using only your mouse, via check boxes. To do it: 1. In Windows Explor...

Open A Command Prompt at Any Folder

Command prompt fans will welcome this tip. With it, when you're in Windows Explorer, you can open a command prompt to any folder. This tip does exactly what the Windows XP PowerToy"Open Command Window Here" does. To use it, hold down the Shift key and right-click a folder, then choose "Open command window here" from the context menu that appears. (...

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How do I get more out of Windows 7?

Here are seven useful Windows tips and tricks to help you get more out of Windows 7: 1. Bypass the Recycle Bin The Windows Recycle Bin is a good safeguard against accidental file deletions. However, when you know you want to permanently delete a file, you can bypass it. Instead of pressing the Del key, press Shift+Del, then Shift+Enter to confirm.

What is Windows 7 Aero?

Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about the Windows desktop. Windows 7 uses a group of features called Windows Aero. Aero is a visual desktop experience that combines translucent windows, appealing color, and graphics effects with convenient functionality. Aero includes Snap, Peek, Shake, and Flip.

What is new in Windows 7?

Windows 7 has some amazing new themes and backgrounds to choose from. They include vivid photography, digital artwork, and Aero themes that use color and glass effects in an appealing way. Watch the video to review themes and ideas for personalizing your desktop.

How do I resize a window in Windows 7?

Having too many windows open at once can get confusing, but Windows 7 enables you to organise your desktop so you can find the right window in a flash. Clicking the top of a window and dragging it to the left or right side of your screen instantly resizes the window to take up half of the screen.

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90 trucs & astuces pour Windows Seven – Team AAZ

7. 90 trucs & astuces pour Windows Seven – Team AAZ. 3) Cliquez sur Nettoyage de disque. 4) Cliquez sur Nettoyer les fichiers système.

WINDOWS 7 Allumer-éteindre un ordinateur

Le bureau est l'élément central des ordinateurs tournant sous Windows 7 et les Astuce : Sur Windows 7 vous verrez un petit rectangle tout à fait à ...

Accé lé rér lé dé marragé dé Windows 7

9 sept. 2015 Accélérer le démarrage de Windows 7 http://www.pcastuces.com/pratique/windows/7/accelerer_demarrage/page1.htm.

Inté grér toutés lés misés à jour à linstàllàtion dé Windows 7

28 janv. 2015 Reproduction interdite @ PC Astuces - http://www.pcastuces.com ... installer Windows 7 SP1 avec le Service Pack 1 intégré il vous restera ...

Nettoyer Windows Vista Windows 7 et Windows 8.1

19 déc. 2014 Reproduction interdite @ PC Astuces - http://www.pcastuces.com. Page 1 sur 22. Nettoyer Windows Vista Windows 7 et. Windows 8.1.


Vous disposez de plusieurs documents au format PDF pour vos factures ou des Avec Windows Vista et Windows 7

Upbygero - www.telechargementz.org

7 mars 2011 7. 90 trucs & astuces pour Windows Seven – Team AAZ. 3) Cliquez sur Nettoyage de disque. 4) Cliquez sur Nettoyer les fichiers système.

Corriger les proble mes de mises à jour de Windows 7 àpre s une re

6 sept. 2016 Reproduction interdite @ PC Astuces - http://www.pcastuces.com ... Vous venez de réinstaller Windows 7 et vous lancez Windows Update afin de ...

Trucs et astuces de blogueurs

et de formations vidéo axées sur les technologies informatiques. Les sujets traités sont : Windows 8 Windows. 7

Remettre à ze ro un mot de pàsse Windows

13 mai 2022 Reproduction interdite @ PC Astuces - https://www.pcastuces.com ... Windows 10 mais également de Windows XP Windows Vista