[PDF] apur

What Does Apur do?

Apur’s mission is to document, analyse and develop forward looking strategies which address the urban and societal evolution of Paris and Greater Paris (Métropole du Grand Paris). It is : 1. A tool at the service of urban development public policy makers and development on Parisian and metropolitan scales; 2. A pathfinder in setting up the Métropol...

50 Years of Urban History

Since 1967, Apur has accompanied public policy. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, the Agency has put on line the exhibition “Imagining Paris and Grand Paris since 1967” which retraces 50 years of urban history through selected studies each illustrating the extent of the ground that has been covered. There are over 300 archive documents and 15,000 ...

Partnership Work Programme

The Agency’s 2023-2024 work programis organised around 4 main lines of action: 1. To document and analyse the transformations in Greater Paris - Grand Paris - 2. To contribute to defining public development policies 3. To Instigate and develop forward looking studies 4. To produce and share a metropolitan culture In addition to this, Apur is active...

Status and Governance Body

Apur is a non-profit making association made up of 30 member partners whose President is Christophe Najdovski, the Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of vegetation, public space, green spaces, biodiversity and animal conditions. Éric Cesari, Deputy Mayor of Courbevoie and Vice President of Métropole du Grand Paris, is the Vice President and Pénélope K...


The Agency has a documentary collection devoted to the urban, societal, economic and environment evolution of Paris in its metropolitan context and makes comparisons with other large European and international metropolises. This collection is made up of 20,000 references which, apart from Apur's publications, includes maps, Paris City Council delib...

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What is Apur?

Apur’s mission is to document, analyse and develop forward looking strategies which address the urban and societal evolution of Paris and Greater Paris (Métropole du Grand Paris). It is : A tool at the service of urban development public policy makers and development on Parisian and metropolitan scales;

How does Apur contribute to decentralised cooperation?

Apur shares its expertise and know-how throughout the world by contributing within the framework of decentralised cooperation projects and contracts. For over 50 years, Apur shares its expertise and know-how throughout the world in the context of decentralised co-operation agreements put in place by: The French Development Agency.

What makes Apur a good open data platform?

Coherence is guaranteed between the Open Data platform and the catalogue. For over 50 years Apur has built, enriched and capitalised on numerous geographical data on Paris and the Greater Paris -Métropole du Grand Paris-.

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High efficiency single inductor dual mode buck-boost DC-DC

Mar 6 2018 STBB1-APUR. Package. DFN10 (3 x 3 mm). Packing. Tape and reel. High efficiency single inductor dual mode buck-boost DC-DC converter with 2.3 ...

Drive piétons dark kitchens


Impacts and potential benefits of autonomous vehicles – From an

Photos et illustrations : Apur sauf mention contraire. Mise en page : Apur. Avec la participation de : Pierre Musseau www.apur.org 

Les îlots de chaleur urbains à Paris – Cahier n° 1

Dec 1 2012 Il a donc été proposé dans le cadre du programme partenarial de l'Apur d'engager des travaux en 2012 et 2013 qui permettrons d'identifier des ...

Note n°131 – Parcours et îlots de fraîcheur à Paris

apur.org. Note n°131. Juillet 2018. Parcours et îlots de fraîcheur à Paris. La surchauffe estivale est loin d'être homogène au sein des tissus parisiens.

Les îlots de chaleur urbains à Paris – Cahier#4 : influence

Jul 1 2017 Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des matériaux de sol

Apur – Programme de travail partenarial 2022-2023 - Paris


Short-term rentalS: an analySiS of metropolitan public reSponSeS

apur.org. Socio-demographic trends housing market and tourism barcelona context. Barcelona is home to 1


This film is the last section of the Apu Trilogy which began with Apu's childhood (Pather Panchali) before moving on to his youth (Aparajito). In Apur 

Atlas de lespace public parisien - Paris

www.apur.org. 2016V2. L'atlas de l'espace public parisien forme un outil à l'usage de la stratégie Paris piéton du Budget par-.