[PDF] 4d seismic monitoring

4D seismic technology requires at least two 3D seismic surveys; an initial baseline survey before the production or CO2 sequestration, and a follow-up survey  Autres questions
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  • What is 4D seismic method?

    By recording 3-D seismic data over the field at various time intervals, which may be from months to years, we introduce the fourth dimension to the the analysis of the data — calendar time, thus the term 4-D seismic method to describe the time-lapse 3-D seismic exploration.
  • What is 4D seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration?

    4D seismic involves repeating 3D seismic surveys in time-lapse mode to image changes in the subsurface over time, whether due to injection or depletion in a hydrocarbon reservoir, injection and storage of CO2 for sequestration projects, or other subsurface processes such as groundwater flow or environmental contaminant
  • What is the difference between 3D seismic and 4D seismic?

    These are known as 4D surveys or time-lapse surveys, and hence the data density is higher over the same area, over a period of time because there are multiple data points over the same location. In general, 4D data density per unit area is higher than 3D, which in turn is higher than 2D.
  • 4D, or time-lapse, seismic is the process of using 3D seismic data acquired at different times, over the same area. It is used to assess changes in a producing hydrocarbon reservoir over time (the fourth dimension). Changes may be observed in fluid location and saturation, pressure and temperature.
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4D seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration

4D seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration. David Lumley. Centre for Petroleum Geoscience. University of Western Australia david.lumley@uwa.edu.au.

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4D Time-Lapse Seismic Reservoir. Monitoring of African Reservoirs. Presented by: Dr. Rocco (Rocky) Detomo. Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production 

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2022. 2. 22. Key words : time-lapse seismic monitoring Sleipner project

Decade of 4D Seismic Monitoring of Carbonate Gas Reservoirs in

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Time-Lapse (4D) Seismic Monitoring - Expanding Applications

2015. 3. 20. Time-Lapse (4D) Seismic Monitoring - Expanding Applications*. Rob Staples ... We are now able to quantitatively monitor pressure.

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Advances in 4D Seismic and Geophysical Monitoring of Deepwater

component of the surveillance is areal monitoring of subsurface changes by use of time-lapse geophysical surveys such as. 4D seismic.


2017. 3. 24. 3D seismic monitor. Time (years). 4D. 3D. ANP seminar 23-24 March 2017 : « Recent Workflow improvement for quantitative 4D seismic » C.

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