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Connectors and linkers

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CONNECTORS and LINKERS (= Conectores y nexos)

- He went to Scotland to learn English. - Ann stayed at home to rest. “ in order (not) to ” + infinitive para (no). - She came to Spain in order to learn 


Connectors for English Learners. DEVELOPMENT OF K-12 LOUISIANA CONNECTORS FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS ... Spanish are examples of false cognates. Coherence: A ...


I can speak Spanish and English but I don't know German. -. I can speak In conclusion

List of Connectors (nach Rasmus K. Ursem)

List of Connectors (nach Rasmus K. Ursem). Meaning. Sentence connectors. Subordinates. Phrase linkers. Cause and effect. Therefore. As a result. Consequently.


Kate never learnt Spanish although se lived in Spain for many years. 5 Despite having an English name / Despite his English name he is in fact. German ...

GRAMMAR Adjective Clauses

They allow you to combine two sentences into one by using relative pronouns (​who whom


This connector introduces two different possibilities in a positive sentence: Spain. 7. Handle the flowers carefully ______ not to damage them. 8. He ...


Let's check all of those sentence connectors and the examples: ➢ Adding - She came to Spain in order to learn Spanish. - She left China in order not to ...

CONNECTORS and LINKERS (= Conectores y nexos)

? Expressing PURPOSE or AIM (= Propósito o finalidad):. STRUCTURE. TRANSLATION EXAMPLES. “ to ” + infinitive para. - He went to Scotland to learn English.


Some connectors with the same meaning are grouped together. ENGLISH CONNECTORS. Connectors divided into CONJUNCTIONS and ADVERBS.


ELP Connector. By the end of each English language proficiency level an EL can . . . Level 1. Level 2. Level 3. Level 4. Level 5. 9-12.1.

16.1 Prepositions Prepositions function as connectors relating one

1 A preposition relates the noun or pronoun following it to another word in the sentence. EXAMPLE. The duck floated on the surface of the pond. The dog ran 


The Louisiana Connectors for English language learners were informed by WestEd and the Understanding Language. Initiative at Stanford University with input 

List of Connectors (nach Rasmus K. Ursem)

List of Connectors (nach Rasmus K. Ursem). Meaning. Sentence connectors. Subordinates. Phrase linkers. Cause and effect. Therefore. As a result.


Whereas / While: mientras que (Time / Contrast). Page 2. ENGLISH CONNECTORS. Centro de Servicios Alhambra. B1.




When a transitional expression links two independent clauses in a compound sentence it is preceded by a semicolon and usually set off with commas. The first 

COL·LEGI SAN ANTONIO DE PADUA FRANCISCANS l CARCAIXENT English Language Connectors and linkers Connectors d'ordenació Primer paràgraf In the first place First of all To start with At first sight En primer lloc En primer lloc Per començar D'entrada Segon paràgraf Secondly In the second place En segon lloc En segon lloc Tercer paràgraf Finally Lastly In conclusión Per últim Per últim Per concloure Connectors d'oposició o contrast However Nevertheless On the one hand... On the other hand... Although / though In spite of / Despite Tanmateix No obstant això Per una part Per l'altra part Encara que Malgrat Connectors aditius As a matter of fact In fact Actually De fet De fet En realitat Apart from this Moreover In addition In addition to What's more On top of that Besides Apart d'això A més a més A més a més A més de A més a més A més a més A més a més Connectors d'exemplificació For example For instance Such as Per exemple Per exemple Com ara

Connectors causa-conseqüència Because Because of this For this reason That's why Therefore As a result Consequently So Perquè A causa d'açò Per aquesta raó Aquesta és la raó per la qual Per tant Com a resultat de En conseqüència Per tant Modificar allò que s'està dient To a certain extent More or less At least Basically Especially In particular Above all Fins a cert punt Més o menys Al menys Bàsicament Especialment En particular Sobre tot Connectors de reformulació In short In conclusión On the whole In general To sum up En resum En conclusió En general Generalment En síntesi That is to say In other words És a dir En alters paraules, això és Expressar una opinió personalIn my opinion In my view From my point of view Personally As far as I'm concerned La meua opinió és que... La meua opinió és que... Des del meu punt de vista Personalment Pel que a mi respecta

1 Underline the connectors and punctuate the following sentences. 1. Although he didn't feel well he went to work. 2. Despite the high price I bought the dress. 3. The dress had a small stain on it still I bought it. 4. He is always making jokes about me yet I am still very fond of him. 5. lnvestors wanted to build a shopping mall in that neighbourhood 6. however the residents opposed the idea. 7. I won't go to the concert although I have a ticket. 8. We arrived late at the hotel nevertheless they had kept our rooms for us. 9. She manages very well on her own despite her advanced age. 2 Look at the list of connectors . Fill in the blanks with a suitable connector. 1. __________ Andrew was warned of the risks, he decided to travel alone to South America. 2. The city has a 50 kph limit.__________, people are often caught speeding 3. __________ his car accident, Mark isn't afraid of driving. 4. Anna doesn't have a great sense of humour __________ she's a very popular person. 5. ___________ her qualifications, Maria didn't get a promotion. 6. __________ she had planned her trip to India very carefully, Nadia countered several problems when she got there. 7. You won't be forgiven __________ your apology. 8. We couldn't find a house to buy __________ we looked at quite a few. Fill in the blanks after each connector with a suitable phrase 1. Although ___________________________ , Dana passed her driving test. 2. Helen wasn't hungry. Nevertheless, _________________________. 3. The bus was delayed for half an hour. Even so__________________. 4. Even though everyone walked past him, ______________________. 5. He always looks so lonely and sad in spite of ___________________. 6. The TV campaign against smoking is excellent. However, ________. 7. The security situation is very bad at the moment; still, ____________. 8. I often take the bus to work in spite of ________________________. 9. It was terribly hot at the beach, yet __________________________. 10. Despite we have decided to go abroad for a holiday, ____________. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate connector. 1. Some people enjoy city life, ___________ others prefer the quiet of quiet of the countryside. 2. ____________ many other teachers, I think the school trip should be five days rather than four. 3. We travelled south for a holiday.__________ our neighbours went north.

4. Zambia is a land-locked country, _____________Kenya has a coastline. 5. "He seems to be rather a dull person." " ______________, he's got an incredible sense of humour." 6. Peter really enjoys opera, ________________ I can't stand it. 7. __________, you could rent a flat instead of buying one. __________, you are always at the mercy of landlords. 8. _________ my neighbours, I believe in taking care of the building I live in. 9. "You must have a very interesting job as a reporter." 10. " ____________, it is actually quite routine." 11. The good thing is that the flat is very close to a shopping centre. _____________, there is hardly any parking in this neighbourhood. Fill in the blanks after each connector with a suitable phrase. 1. On the one hand, we love travelling abroad. On the other hand, ____. 2. My son is very interested in sport, whereas ___________________. 3. " I´m sure you get very high marks at school. " 4. " On the contrary, ________________________________________. 5. In contrast to ____________________, I usually stay at home at weekends. 6. Some people enjoy going to the cinema, while others ___________. Choose the correct answer. 1. _______ the warnings about the dangers of smoking, many young people smoke cigarettes. a. On the one hand b. Despite c. Although 2. Helen is rather tall, __________ Shelley is quite short. a. in spite of b. in contrast to c. whereas 3. " I have heard the new Dracula film is terrifying." " __________, I found it quite boring. " a. However b. Even though c.On the contrary 4. The weather in France was dull and cloudy. __________, we thoroughly enjoyed our holidays. a. However b. In spite of the fact that c. Whereas 5. _________many other countries, China practises afforestation. The Chinese have planted millions of trees. a. In contrast to b. On the contrary c. On the other hand 6. __________ the government has passed laws restricting industrial smoke, factories continue to pollute the air with fumes. a. However b Although c. Despite 7. Cambodia is a fascinating country to vi sit. __________, the security situa tion there discourages tourism. a. In spite of b. While c. On the other hand 8. David doesn´t speak French. __________, he managed very well on a recent visit to Paris. a. Nevertheless b. Whereas c. Even though Fill in the blanks with a suitable connector. 1. Scientists argue that the world's climate is changing __________ the greenhouse effect. 2. __________ I have finished reading all my library books, I´ll have to borrow some more. 3. Voters are angry _________ the government has not kept any of its election promises. 4. _________ he's working on this project, Andrew can share in the decision-making process. 5. __________ the heavy traffic in cities, the authorities are trying to improve the rail system.

6. Paul went to summer school in Cambridge __________ improve his spoken English. 7. Elien travelled down to London by train __________ she could enjoy the scenery on the way. 8. Many rivers have burst their banks __________ the unusually heavy rainfall. 9. __________ the pupils passed the test with such high marks, the teacher decided she could set a harder test the next time. 10. Jill and Eric decided to hire a catering company __________ provide lunch for their employees. 8 Fill in the blanks after each connector with a suitable phrase. 1 . Because of _______________ many people have to use their cars to get into town. 2. Owing to __________________, many tourists were stranded at the airport. 3. We had to reserve rooms at that hotel because _________________. 4. Anna uses a lot of sun cream in summer in order to _____________. 5. Dann had an extra room built onto his house so that ____________. 9 Choose the correct answer. 1. Certain disease are carried by insects, _________malaria and sleeping sickness. a. moreover b. for example c. in addition to 2. The lakes, __________ Windermere, Derwentwater and Grasmere, are a favourite choice for holidays among Britons and foreign tourists. a. as well as b. besides c. such as 3. Football in Britain is national sport. _________, over half a million people attend matches every Saturday. a. For example b. Furthermore c. In addition to 4. __________ an increase in the number of cars on the roads, there has been an increase in the number of traffic offences. a. In addition to b. Such as c. Moreover 5. It´s often quicker to travel by train than by car or bus. _________, it´s usually cheaper too. a. In addition to b. For example c. Besides 6. Some languages, __________ French and Italian, are based on Latin. a. besides b. as well as c. such as 7. Newspapers offer the reader a wide variety of articles, __________news, sport, financial columns and important announcements. a. for instance b. such c. besides 8. Oxford is one of England´s mediaeval cities. _______, it´s been an international centre of learning since 1167. a. For example b. Furthermore c. As well as 9. All the students enjoyed the mountain climb _________ Brian, who injured his ankle when he slipped on a rock. a. except for b. furthermore c. such as 10. What other languages do you know __________ English and Spanish? a. apart from b. for example c. beside 10 Choose the correct answer. 1. Spain exports olives and wine, __________ cars. a. in addition b. as well as c. such as 2. The driving instructor took Dan onto the main road _____ he could get experience of driving at higher speed. a. in order to b. because of c. so that 3. __________ our car broke down, we were able to fix it ourselves. a. Although b. Because c. Despite 4. __________ Shelley, everyone has helped to paint the school. a. Moreover b. Whereas c. Apart from 5. __________ other museums, here they allow children to touch the exhibits.

a. On the contrary b. Whereas c. In contrast to 6. __________ her old age, she has an active social life. a. Although b. In spite of c. Even though 7. Many countries, __________ Zambia and Colombia, have economies based on one main product. a. such as b. in addition c. besides 8. She can´t take part in the school´s drama production __________ a part-time job in the afternoons. a. because b. on account of c. so as to 9. He checked with a doctor before he took up aerobics __________ be sure he was physically fit. a. so as to b. so that c. in addition to 10. The Spanish city of Segovia is a majestic city of golden churches and winding lanes. __________, there are monuments, palaces and an elegant Roman aqueduct. a. For example b. However c. Moreover 11 1. There are several methods of travel here. ____, you can use public transport. a. Besides b. Firstly c. Such as 2. __________ the unstable securitysituation, tourists are advised to register with their embassies. a. Despite b. Owing to c. Because 3. We could hire a car and drive ourselves. __________. I prefer not to drive. a. On the otgher hand b. On the other side c. Besides 4. In some countries, _________ Pakistan, Haiti and Thailand, young children work as slaves in dangerous conditions for no pay. a. owing to b. moreover c. such as 5. When you decide on a trip abroad, _____ you should check that your passport is in order. _____ is to choose your destination and how to intend to get there. a. firstly / Finaly b. firstly / The next stage c. thererefore / Secondly 6. The students have organized an anti-smoking day at school. __________, they have invited a doctor to lecture pupils on smoking -related diseases. a. Furthermore b. However c. In addition to 7. Ben Johnson won the 100 metres final at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. __________,he was disqualifed _________ his use of illegal drugs called steroids. a. However / because of b. As / due to c. As a result of / because 8. Dairy products ar often advertised on TV in Britain, _________ cigarette advertisements are illegal. a. whereas b. in contrast to c. despite

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