[PDF] angular enterprise best practices

Best Practices of Angular Development
  • Use Angular CLI.
  • Use Features of ES6.
  • Use trackBy along with ngFor.
  • Use Lazy Loading.
  • Use Index.ts.
  • Avoid 'any' type.
  • Prevent Memory Leaks in Angular Observable.
  • Avoid Logic in templates.
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  • What is the best practice of Angular project structure?

    By following these best practices for project structure, including module-based organization, feature-based structure, shared and core modules, lazy loading and routing, services and dependency injection, naming conventions, and testing structure, you can create a clean and maintainable codebase that scales with your 6 juil. 2023
  • Which architecture is best for Angular?

    Component-based architecture is used by Angular to break down big applications into smaller, more manageable units. It is possible to utilize these components in any other portion of the program since they are reusable. This design makes Angular code very testable since each component can be tested on its own.
  • Why Angular is better for large projects?

    A major advantage of Angular is the ability to create amazing user interfaces. In addition to loading apps quickly, it ensures great performance. Angular promises users “near-instant rendering” by utilizing features like the Component Router, which loads only the code needed for rendering.
  • 5 Essential Tips to Improve Angular App Performance

    1Prevent Memory Leaks. 2Change Detection Strategy. 3Memoize Function Calls. 4Use RxJS Pipes for Frequent Data Updates. 5Web Workers for Heavy Computation.
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