[PDF] angular material best practices

What are the best practices for using Angular Material?
  • Import Angular Material Modules. When you're getting started with Angular Material, the first step is to import the modules you need.
  • Create Reusable Components.
  • Use Theming.
  • Use Accessibility Features.
  • Conclusion.
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  • Is it good to use Angular material?

    Angular Material provides a lot of useful components that are otherwise very tricky to get to work correctly, such as date pickers or tables. For example, you can add pagination to your table or sort each column with minimal effort.
  • What are the best practices in Angular?

    Best Practices of Angular Development

    Use Angular CLI. Use Features of ES6. Use trackBy along with ngFor. Use Lazy Loading. Use Index.ts. Avoid 'any' type. Prevent Memory Leaks in Angular Observable. Avoid Logic in templates.
  • What are the pros of Angular material?

    Angular Material

    High quality. Internationalized and accessible components for everyone. Versatile. Provide tools that help developers build their own custom components with common interaction patterns. Frictionless. Built by the Angular team to integrate seamlessly with Angular.
  • Alternatives to Angular Material

    Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition.Progress Kendo UI.DevExpress.Material UI.PrimeNG.Ionic.Selenium WebDriver.Progress Telerik.
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