[PDF] exemple - Saint-Germain l`Auxerrois - Cadeaux

Where is Saint Germain l'Auxerrois located?

The Church of Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois is a Roman Catholic church in the First Arrondissement of Paris, situated at 2 Place du Louvre, directly across from the Louvre Palace. It was named for Germanus of Auxerre, the Bishop of Auxerre (378–448), who became a papal envoy and met Saint Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris, on his journeys.

Is Saint-Germain l-Auxerrois a hidden gem?

Like many churches in Paris it was re-built several times over the centuries, giving it Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance features. The term “hidden gem” is over-used perhaps, but we do feel that it describes Saint-Germain l-Auxerrois. Among the areas of interest are beautiful stained-glass windows as well as some frescoes behind the main altar.

Why was Saint Germain l'Auxerrois closed?

Saint Germain l’Auxerrois was closed but escaped destruction at the French Revolution. It indeed became a saltpeter factory, a barn, a printing factory and even a police station! It eventually re-opened in 1802, but was desecrated and closed once more during the riots of 14 and 15 February 1831 . It then served as town hall of the 4th district.

Why was a baptistery built in Auxerre?

An oratory was erected in 500AD in order to commemorate the passage of St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre. Three centuries later, a baptistery replaced it to baptise the children who perished during the Seine’s recurrent floods. This area was then a vast marsh dotted with few hamlets.

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