[PDF] apache file download limit

Looks like the default max download size apache sets is around 2 Gb and you can override it by tweaking LimitRequestBody in your httpd.
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  • What is file size limit exceeded in Apache?

    Why does Apache seem to crash with an error: '[notice] child pid x exit signal File size limit exceeded (25)'? This usually means that a log file has grown too large for the system which is generally 2 GB. This can be fixed by clearing the Apache log file or setting logrotate for rotating Apache logs.
  • What is the default limit of Apache?

    Server Limitations
    The default Apache setting for MaxClients is 256, however the fact that other distributions often use different values as the default setting must be taken into consideration. Given a desire to set the MaxClients value greater than 256, the ServerLimit setting must also be increased correspondingly.
  • How to increase download speed in Apache?

    How to speed up Apache

    1Disable modules you don't use. Every server install comes with a set of automatically enabled modules. 2Use Apache caching. Caching frequently accessed files and content can increase your server performance. 3Tune your MySQL settings for performance. 4Use a PHP accelerator. 5Reduce the number of processes.
  • 1 Answer. The upload_max_filesize and the post_max_size settings in the php. ini need to changed to support larger files than the php default allowed size. set upload_max_filesize to the maximum size of file which need to be uploaded.
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