[PDF] Cactaceae


cactus, (family Cactaceae), plural cacti or cactuses, flowering plant family (order Caryophyllales) with nearly 2,000 species and 139 genera. Cacti are native through most of the length of North and South America, from British Columbia and Alberta southward; the southernmost limit of their range extends far into Chile and Argentina. Mexico has the ...

Physical characteristics

Cacti are succulent perennial plants. Cacti generally have thick herbaceous or woody chlorophyll-containing stems. Cacti can be distinguished from other succulent plants by the presence of areoles, small cushionlike structures with trichomes (plant hairs) and, in almost all species, spines or barbed bristles (glochids). Areoles are modified branches, from which flowers, more branches, and leaves (when present) may grow.

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What is the classification of Cactaceae?

As of August 2023, the internal classification of the family Cactaceae remained uncertain and subject to change. A classification incorporating many of the insights from the molecular studies was produced by Nyffeler and Eggli in 2010. The classification of the family Cactaceae remains uncertain as of August 2023.

Who wrote the Cactaceae?

The Cactaceae is a monograph on plants of the cactus family written by the American botanists Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose and published in multiple volumes between 1919 and 1923. It was landmark study that extensively reorganized cactus taxonomy and is still considered a cornerstone of the field.

What is a cactus classification?

In 1984, the International Organization for Succulent Plant Study set up a working party, now called the International Cactaceae Systematics Group, to produce a consensus classification of the cactus family, down to the level of genus. Their classification has been used as the basis for systems published since the mid-1990s.

Do cacti have a stem?

The family Cactaceae comprises many species of flowering plants with succulent (water-storing) stems. The presence of a structure called the areole sets cacti apart from all other plants. Areoles give rise to flowers, new branches, and spines.

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CITES Cactaceae Checklist Third Edition

CITES and Cacti. Trade in plants of all species of Cactaceae and their parts and derivatives is controlled by the provisions of the CITES convention. Three 

Myrtillocactus (cactaceae): botanical agronomic


Biological Control of Cactaceae in South Africa

Invasive cacti (family Cactaceae) have been targeted for biological control (biocontrol) in South. Africa since 1913 when the cochineal Dactylopius.

Saurocory in Melocactus violaceus (Cactaceae)

The button cactus Melocactus violaceus (Cactaceae)

The Role of Botanical Gardens in the Conservation of Cactaceae

26 ott 2016 The family Cactaceae contains some of the most iconic species of succulent plants many of which are valued for their cultural

A New Combination in Tephrocactus Lem. (Cactaceae)

A new combination in Tephrocactus Lem. (Cactaceae). W. STUPPY'. Summary. On the basis of seed morphological and anatomical characters it is shown that the 

The molecular phylogeny of Rebutia (Cactaceae) and its

cation of Cactaceae is based mainly on morphology. A group of cactus taxonomists within the International Organization for. Succulent Plant Study has tried 

Cactaceae naturalizzate in Liguria

7 giu 2013 Check-List delle Cactaceae esotiche in Liguria: 1. Austrocylindropuntia subulata (Muehlenpf.) Backeb. 2. Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum.


VESSELS IN THE CACTACEAE. I. W. Bailey 1. Since the extensive survey of Bailey and Tupper (1918) broadly based summations of evidence from the vascular 

Catalogo delle Cactaceae naturalizzate in Italia con osservazioni

in Italia con osservazioni tassonomiche nomenclaturali e corologiche. ABSTRACT - Catalogue of the Cactaceae naturalized in Italy with notes on their.

Taxonomy of the Cactaceae - Wikipedia

CACTACEAE (Cactus Family) General physiognomy Plants with enlarged fleshy green photosynthetic stems st� with clusters of spines arranged in rows or in spirals along the stem and producing showy multi-petaled flowers with numerous stamens and an inferior ovary Vegetative morphology