[PDF] 2016 · what about il y a clefts and existentials? Page 6. This talk. • On the basis of corpus research: il y a clefts ...[PDF] French il ya clefts fil

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7 The information structure of il y a clefts

in light of the corpus findings. In section 7.5 I compare the articulations of il y a clefts with different types of existential sentences

General introduction

There are two main reasons why il y a clefts are a worthwhile research 1 All examples taken from the corpora I used are followed by the name of the ...

Lena Karssenberg Non-prototypical clefts in French

6. The function of avoiding “bad” preverbal subjects. 115. 6.1. Previous studies: motivations of il y a clefts/il y a… qui sentences.


Akmajian Adrian

9 Other pragmatic functions of il y a clefts

for explaining why a speaker uses an il y a cleft rather than a competing struc than signaling focus” and shows on the basis of corpus data that clefts.

Theres more to Italian cè clefts than expressing all-focus

2001; Davidse 2014; Davidse & Kimps 2016) and French clefts intro- duced by c'est 'it is' and il y a 'there is' (Karssenberg & Lahousse forth- coming).

Emphatic Structures Cleft Sentences It Cleft Sentences (PDF) - m

Non-prototypical Clefts in French Lena Karssenberg 2018-09-24 This monograph is the first large-scale corpus analysis of French il y a clefts.

Setting the boundaries : Presentational ci-sentences in Italian

Lambrecht 2001; McNally 2011;Cruschina 2015a; Bentley and Cruschina 2016). il y a 'there is' and a null pronoun in Italian è 'it is' clefts)” ...

French il y a clefts existential sentences and the Focus

French il y a clefts existential sentences and the Focus-Marking Hypothesis The main information structure related characteristics of il y a clefts are then presented (section 2 3)

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