[PDF] arraylist programming questions in java

Java ArrayList Interview Questions Answers
  • What is ArrayList in Java?
  • Explain the hierarchy of ArrayList class in Java.
  • Which marker interfaces are implemented by Java ArrayList?
  • Which collection classes implement List interface in Java?
  • What are the important features of ArrayList in Java?
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  • How to write code for ArrayList in Java?

    ArrayList is a class in the standard Java libraries that has the potential to change its length while a program is running.
    It provides users with dynamic arrays in Java that can grow automatically when users insert an element when there is no space left for an additional element.2 mar. 2023

  • What is ArrayList in Java interview questions?

    Searching for elements in an ArrayList

    1Check if an ArrayList contains a given element contains()?2Find the index of the first occurrence of an element in an ArrayList indexOf()?3Find the index of the last occurrence of an element in an ArrayList lastIndexOf()?

  • How do you solve an ArrayList?

    You can utilize contains() method of the List interface to check if an object is present in the list.

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Building Java Programs

type of elements it will contain between < and >. This is called a type parameter or a generic class. Allows the same ArrayList class to store lists of 

ICS45J Sample Exam Questions

To help you study for the midterm and final here are some questions from previous exams I gave in Java programming courses I've taught.

ArrayLists Generics A data structure is a software construct used to

ArrayLists. The ArrayList class provided by Java is essentially a way to create an array that can grow or shrink in size during the execution of a program.

ArrayLists Generics A data structure is a software construct used to

ArrayLists. The ArrayList class provided by Java is essentially a way to create an array that can grow or shrink in size during the execution of a program.

Java Foundations Certified Junior Associate ? ?

(A) Breakpoints will stop program execution at the last breakpoint. (D) You can use an ArrayList list to store Java primitive values (like int).

Array-Based Lists Lists

19-Apr-2015 public class ArrayList<E> implements List<E> { . ... ArrayList.java is not by itself


Why is Java called the Platform Independent Programming Language? 4.10 What is difference between ArrayList and LinkedList ?

Loops and ArrayLists

Well in JAVA


Develop and implement Java programs with arraylist exception handling and multithreading. Design applications using file processing