[PDF] audio element can be programmatically controlled from

Answer: You can use control audio and video element programmatically using the APIs. The audio and video elements add new media options to HTML5 applications that allow you to use audio and video without plugins, while at the same time providing a common, integrated, and scriptable API.
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  • What are the audio controls in HTML?

    HTML Audio - How It Works
    The controls attribute adds audio controls, like play, pause, and volume. The <source> element allows you to specify alternative audio files which the browser may choose from. The browser will use the first recognized format.
  • How to add audio in JavaScript?

    The simplest way to add sound is through Javascript's Audio() constructor. It takes an argument of a string that is either the local or remote file path. Declaring this as a variable allows you to then call the play() method which starts playing the current audio.
  • Which attribute enables automatic buffering of an audio file in HTML5?

    With HTML (hypertext markup language), linking a sound file using a href allows a browser to open and play an audio file if the viewer of your web page has properly configured their Internet browser. You can also use the <embed> tag or the newer <audio> tag to insert a sound file directly into a web page.
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A-Frame as a Tool to Create Artistic Collective Installations in Virtual

26 août 2020 of these elements can be programmatically controlled by a simple markup language [2]. To write this code the artist only needs a text ...

DAC Accessibility Report

1 juin 2021 page elements are appropriately marked up should avoid the ... mechanism is available to control audio volume independently from the.

ETSI EN 301 549 - V3.2.1 - Accessibility requirements for ICT

10 mars 2021 NOTE: A particular software component might play the role of a platform in some situations and a client in others. programmatically ...

Trusted Tester Section 508 Conformance Test Process for Web

To test the software elements use the software test process. There is a mechanism that can pause or stop the audio or control the volume of only the ...

WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria Current Section 508 checkpoint

presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text. (Level A) or a mechanism is available to control audio volume.

EN 301 549 - V1.0.0 - Accessibility requirements for public

28 févr. 2013 Individual copies of the present document can be downloaded from: http://www.etsi.org ... User controls for captions and audio description .

EN 301 549 V1.1.1 (2014-02)

27 janv. 2014 Individual copies of the present document can be downloaded from: http://www.etsi.org ... User controls for captions and audio description .

iMovie v10 VPAT

dialog boxes the form elements can be controlled programmatically exposed so that Assistive ... (d) Where audio information is important for the.

Draft ETSI EN 301 549 V0.0.51

27 janv. 2014 Individual copies of the present document can be downloaded from: http://www.etsi.org ... User controls for captions and audio description .

WCAG Interpretation and Test Rule Documentation in the WAI-Tools

11 déc. 2008 audio element content is media alternative for text ... can be correctly determined (either programmatically or by analyzing the content).