[PDF] austin's command theory

Abstract. John Austin provided with the very famous philosophy of Command Theory according to which, there is one supreme person/authority whose orders everyone in the society shall follow, or else will be subjected to sanctions.
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  • What is command according to John Austin?

    Command consists of three things as per Austin:
    A desire concerning someone's behaviour. An expression of that desire. A sanction which is also threatened harm for the non-compliance.
  • What is the tacit command theory of Austin?

    Austin thinks that courts recognize custom as law, because judicial enactments are tacit or oblique commands of the sovereign, insofar as the sovereign delegates authority to the judiciary, and custom becomes law when judicially recognized (Austin 86-?88).
  • What are the key elements of Austin's imperative theory of law?

    According to Imperative Theory of Law, there are three major conditions to be considered as Sovereign. : The power which the Sovereign holds must be unlimited and should be undividable. The sovereign must be located and should be identifiable. The Sovereign must provide for commands which be considered as Law.
  • Commands are necessarily general prescriptions that signify a desire of the commanding sovereign that an action be done or not done. Like Bentham, Austin characterized the sovereign as a person or group of persons who are habitually obeyed by the bulk of a political community but who do not habitually obey anyone else.
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Summary of John Austins Legal Positivism: John Austin (1790-1859

formulated the first systematic alternative to both natural law theories of law Austin's particular theory of law is often called the “command theory of ...

Re-examining Austins Command Theory

(SvC) Laws are commands of the sovereign. The first of the two (C0)


political sovereign and purports to function as an exercise of sovereignty. ? law is (1) instructions or commands (2) of the political sovereign 

Muhammad Munir Abstract Hart rebukes Austins command theory of

Hart rebukes Austin's command theory of law and does not consider it as a legal theory. Hart's intense criticism especially in chapter two of his book the 

Mukuki The Normative Irrelevance of Austins Command Theory in

These thematic analysis will caste a light on Austin's theory and show that international law is indeed. 'real law'. B. Discussion. 1. Hart's Command Theory.

John Austin and Constructing Theories of Law

way Hart used purported weaknesses in Austin's command theory to justify Hart's own quite different form of legal positivism.6.

Laws Descriptive Prescriptive Non-command Prescriptions

Austin's theory develops and makes more accessible some related views of Austin's mentor friend

Austins Theory of the Separation of Law and Morals

Practically the whole of the Austinian legal theory is found in these three concepts of sovereign command and sanction


I argue that some—not all—of the key objections leveled by Hart against Austin's theory of law apply against divine command theory's account of morality 

A Critical Review of John Austins The Province of Jurisprudence

16 sept. 2014 Specifically in the summary I review the conceptual foundations of Austin's command theory and the two types of law “properly so called