[PDF] average exchange rate 2018 aud to gbp

This is the Australian Dollar (AUD) to British Pound (GBP) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2018, covering 365 days of AUD GBP historical data. Best exchange rate: 0.5825 GBP on 11 Jan 2018. Average exchange rate in 2018: 0.56 GBP. Worst exchange rate: 0.5352 GBP on 10 Oct 2018.
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  • What is the average exchange rate for GBP in 2018?

    This is the British Pound (GBP) to US Dollar (USD) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2018, covering 365 days of GBP USD historical data. Best exchange rate: 1.4339 USD on 16 Apr 2018. Average exchange rate in 2018: 1.3349 USD.
  • What is the average exchange rate for GBP AUD?

    Average: 1.9015 AUD over this period. Lowest: 1.8297 AUD on 03 Apr 2023.
  • What is the average exchange rate of AED to GBP?

    Average: 0.21620 GBP over this period. Lowest: 0.20749 GBP on 13 Jul 2023.
  • This is the British Pound (GBP) to Indian Rupee (INR) exchange rate history data page for the year of 2023, covering 264 days of GBP INR historical data. Best exchange rate: 107.7236 INR on 13 Jul 2023. Average exchange rate in 2023: 102.5177 INR. Worst exchange rate: 97.0668 INR on 07 Mar 2023.
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Part 04-06-12 - Annual average exchange rates and Lloyds sterling

Jun 4 2012 Annual average exchange rates for the years 2018 to 2021 inclusive

Annual average exchange rates

Nedbank takes no responsibility for any action based thereon. Annual Exchange Rates. USD-ZAR EUR-ZAR GBP-ZAR ZAR-CHF ZAR-JPY ZAR-AUD ZAR-BWP.

Financial year average exchange rates

Financial year average exchange rates. Australian dollar 2015/16– 2021/22. Country. Unit. 2016/17. 2017/18. 2018/19. 2019/20. 2020/21. 2021/22. USA. Dollar.

Currency rates 2018-2019 – Rolling 12 Month Average

Currency rates 2018-2019 – Rolling 12 Month Average. Currency. Code. 15/04/18. 15/05/18. 15/06/18. 15/07/18. 15/08/18. 15/09/18. 15/10/18. 15/11/18.



Euro Foreign Exchange Reference Rates - 31 December 2018

Dec 31 2018 Currency. Spot. USD. US dollar. 1.1450. JPY. Japanese yen. 125.85. BGN. Bulgarian lev. 1.9558. CZK. Czech koruna. 25.724. DKK. Danish krone.

Page 1/2 Foreign Exchange Rates as of 28 September 2018

Sep 28 2018 Weighted-average Interbank Exchange Rate = 32.382 Baht/US Dollar. 1. Average Counter Rates ... GBP. 41.7984. 41.9311. 42.8411. EURO ZONE.

Risk-free interest rate term structures Calculation of the UFR for 2018

Mar 30 2017 EIOPA has calculated ultimate forward rate (UFR) for 2018 in accordance with ... The expected inflation rate is currency-specific.

The Global Fund 2018 Annual Financial Report

May 16 2019 At the Global Fund Secretariat

Annual Report 2018

Mar 6 2019 Hannover Rück SE