[PDF] average exchange rates between two dates

  • How do you find the exchange rate between two amounts?

    Calculating an FX rate: The formula
    Calculate an FX rate using this simple formula: Your starting figure (in your local currency) divided by the final number (in the new foreign currency) = the exchange rate.
  • How do you calculate average exchange rate?

    The average rate of exchange is calculated by taking the sum of all of the exchange rates for the currency pair over the selected time period and dividing that sum by the number of exchange rates that were used in the calculation.
  • How do you find the monthly average exchange rate?

    Monthly Average Exchange Rate means the quotient determined by dividing (i) the sum of the conversion rate existing in the United States (as reported in The Wall Street Journal) on the last business day preceding the applicable month immediately preceding the date upon which the Estimated Transfer Price or Actual
  • Information from the central bank or monetary authority of each country may also be useful. As well, many retail forex brokers provide this information for free, but others charge a nominal fee for this data. Be sure to research before deciding where to get your historical currency exchange rate data.
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