[PDF] Erfahrungsbericht ERASMUS Maastricht University von Julia Job

Erasmus+ Programme

What is the Erasmus+ programme for students?

What Is The Erasmus+ Programme For Students?

You can be eligible for the Erasmus+ programme if your exchange or internship takes place in one of the Erasmus+ programme countries (the EU-countries, North Macedonia, Serbia, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey) or in small scale non-European countries. The Erasmus+ grant is a partial compensation for costs during your exchange or internshi...

Conditions Erasmus+

There are several conditions for the Erasmus+ grant. Your faculty can also have separate conditions, on top of the conditions we explain below, for example a GPA. For specific information on your situation, we recommend you to contact the International Relations Office (IRO)/ Internship Office of your faculty. 1. The minimum duration of an Erasmus ...


Your IRO will inform you on the application procedure during the information market on exchange abroad. After you have been selected by your IRO for the exchange/ with an Erasmus+ grant, the application procedure will be as follows: 1. Your IRO/ invite you the fill out the Online Learning Agreement (OLA). This Online Learning Agreement needs to be ...


Your Internship Office will inform you on the application procedure during the information market on internships abroad. After you have been selected by your Internship office for the internship with an Erasmus+ grant, the application procedure will be as follows: 1. Your Internship Office will send you the Learning Agreement (LA), which you need t...

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Research Review - UNU-MERIT and ICIS 2010-2015

At the request of the board of Maastricht University UNU-MERIT and ICIS

1 Metro Seminars Below you will find an overview of the Metro

Carbon Trade Watch. The carbon market: Does it work? September Maria Fernanda Caporale. Madi. Erasmus University. Rotterdam. Antitrust enforcement of.

Professor H. Jaap van den Herik - The Power of the Blind Spot

with gratitude to Henk van Haeringen and Julia Raimondo for taking care of the text In 2008 he changed universities (from Maastricht to Tilburg).

Programme 2021 VIRTUAL

16 sep. 2021 B12: Job Market Session: Labour Market. Chairs: Anne Gielen (Erasmus School of Economics Netherlands). Josef Zweimüller (University of ...

The European Eye Epidemiology spectral?domain optical

1 jun. 2019 4Department of Epidemiology Erasmus Medical Center

Some Patients Are More Equal Than Others

1 okt. 2021 Publisher's PDF also known as Version of record ... repository@maastrichtuniversity.nl ... the work provided it is properly cited.

Central versus Local Radiological Reading of Acute Computed

4 jan. 2019 4Department of Public Health Erasmus University Rotterdam

Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage 2021

10 dec. 2020 Marjon Kooke (programmasecretaris) Hester Brink

Olav Velthuis Curriculum Vitae

2001-2002: Sociology of art markets MA

Erfahrungsbericht ERASMUS Maastricht University - HHU

Zunächst liebäugelte ich mit den „typisch“ englischsprachigen Unis wie den Partnerunis in England und den USA Jedoch kam ich dann zufällig auf Maastricht Maastricht reizte mich aufgrund vierer erfolgsversprechender Komponenten: Vorbereitung (Planung Organisation und Bewerbung bei der Gasthochschule)

Erfahrungsbericht zum Aufenthalt an der Maastricht - Erasmus

Erfahrungsbericht zum Aufenthalt an der Maastricht University in den Niederlanden Durch Erasmus+ gefördert sind wir Simone Campos Silva und Doreen Herinek im Rahmen eines „Teacher Exchange“ nach Maastricht gereist Wir verbrachten dort im Mai 2022 zwei lehrreiche intensive und vor allem inspirierende Wochen

Erfahrungsbericht: ERASMUS-Aufenthalt in Maastricht Niederlande

Erfahrungsbericht: ERASMUS-Aufenthalt in Maastricht Niederlande Hallo! Mein Name ist XXX Jura-Studentin an der HHU und kürzlich zurückgekehrt von meinem Auslandsaufenthalt in Maastricht In diesem Bericht erzähle ich ein wenig darüber wie es für mich war ins Ausland zu gehen was mich dazu bewegt hat wie die gesamte Organisation

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[PDF] Erfahrungsbericht über meinen Erasmus

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