[PDF] b cell differentiation review

13 déc. 2019 · In this Review, we describe these two main phases of memory B cell plasma cell differentiation versus memory B cell differentiation.Autres questions
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  • What is the summary of B cell differentiation?

    B cells are activated when they encounter an antigen that they recognize. The antigen binds to the B cell's surface receptors, which activates and triggers it to divide and differentiate into an antibody-secreting plasma cell. Plasma cells produce antibodies that bind to the antigen and neutralize it.
  • Why is B cell differentiation important?

    B cells can secrete antibodies through multiple mechanisms and their antibodies are the central elements of humoral immunity which against an almost unlimited variety of pathogens. In addition to that, B cells contribute to disease pathogenesis by providing costimulation and cytokines to T cells.
  • What is the BCR in B cell differentiation?

    1.1. B-cell reactivity to self is an essential aspect of B-cell differentiation and homeostasis. The B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) is a heterotetramer of two identical heavy chains (HCs) and two identical light chains (LCs).
  • B cell development takes place in a series of six main stages. First, they start as common lymphoid progenitor cells, which become early pro-B cells, then late pro-B cells, next large pre-B cells, then small pre-B cells, and finally, immature B cells.
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