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Income Tax in France

The income tax system in France

Earnings Subject to Income Tax France

Taxes on income and salary in France

How to File Your Tax Return in France

If your house has internet access, you must file your tax return online. Though most people will pay their income taxes through the PAYE system, some exceptions do apply. These include investment income (including gains from life insurance policies), capital gains from financial investments and real estate, and non-French income.

Income Tax Rates in France

Income tax rates in France depend on whether you’re single or married, whether you have children and, if so, how many, as well as your income and whether you’re self-employed. With this in mind, it makes sense to seek professional tax advice on your personal situation. Income tax bands in France increased by 5.4% in 2023. The general income tax rat...

Income Tax in France For Foreigners

If you’re not a resident of France, but you’re earning income from French sources, such as a French company, you must pay taxes on that income. France has tax treaties with a number of countries to avoid dual taxation, so be sure to do your research on the tax policies of your home country and France. Our guides on taxes for expats include advice o...

Tax Refunds in France

Unlike in the other tax systems, big tax refunds aren’t a normal, yearly expectation. However, if you have overpaid in taxes by the tenth month of PAYE, you’ll receive a tax refund after your tax notice goes out. If you believe there was an error with your taxes or your refund, you have two years to make a claim. The government provides more inform...

Tax Fines in France

There is a fine of €15 if you fail to file online two years in a row (essentially allowing a one-year grace period to adapt). If, however, you’re late to file your taxes, you risk being penalized at 10% (majoration).

Income Tax Advice in France

When living, working, and filing taxes in a country that’s not your own, it’s incredibly important to seek expert advice. This is even more true if you have a complicated tax status, for example, if you’re self-employed or own property. So, don’t face tax season unprepared – get appropriate financial advice so that you can avoid problems or penalti...

Useful French Tax Terms

Abattement: standard deduction

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How do I file a tax return in France?

The center of their economic interests is in France. You must complete your first income tax return on paper using form Cerfa no. 2042. You may make an online submission the following year after receiving login details to create a personal account on the government tax website www.impots.gouv.fr.

What are the tax deadlines in France?

The French tax year follows the calendar year: 1 January to 31 December. Tax return deadlines vary slightly each year and are announced in late spring of the same year the taxes are due. In order to avoid online congestion, the deadlines to file a French tax return online vary between France’s départements (101 regions in total).

Do you have to pay taxes in France?

The French government offers credits for tax residents who are elderly and/or disabled. Additionally, if you earn less than €10,777 annually, you shouldn’t have to pay income taxes. Beyond this, there are plenty of tax credits you can claim while filing your tax return. Everyone who pays taxes in France is taxed on income made from French sources.

How do I pay taxes on renting a house in France?

If you earn an income on renting properties in France, you must notify the tax authorities about the details in your tax return, and this income will also be taxed using the PAYE system. The same rates apply as income from employment. If your house has internet access, you must file your tax return online.

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How to complete your French income tax return

1. If you have not made a tax declaration in France previously: If you started to earn a salary in France for the first time last year 

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any person who is a resident of France for the purposes of French tax and who is not a without being at the same time a national of the first.

Living in France

If you have received a letter from the tax office informing you of the possibility of making this declaration online you can make your first declaration online 

The deferral of the payment of taxes introduced by France to support

17 ????. 2021 ?. first time the legality of a State aid scheme adopted in order to address the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic under Article 107(2)(b) ...

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was conducted for the first time by Deloitte Belgium in April 2012 for the second French taxpayer are allowed to file a tax return on paper. In such.

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5 ??? 2020 ?. 1. If you have not made a tax declaration in France previously: If you started to earn a salary in France for the first time last year ...

Wealth taxes in France

7 ???. 1988 ?. The wealth tax we knew for decades in the French tax system was introduced for the first time in 1982 by a socialist President ...


Identifying when things occur for the first time in the businesses is not a trivial issue. electronic filing of the annual profit tax return in France ...

Since 1st January 2019 income tax (impôt sur le revenu) in France

The income tax return is also used to calculate the Occupiers French property tax If you started to earn a salary in France for the first time in 2018 ...