[PDF] CHAPTER IX (1) Educational qualifications should be prescribed as

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Similar words in Tamil & Hindi (Part-1)

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18-Dec-2019 (2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined in sub-rule (1) shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the.

CHAPTER IX (1) Educational qualifications should be prescribed as

Hindi. 60 minutes. 75 minutes. 60 minutes. 65 minutes. (a) 100 words tier Diploma of Basic Training Jamia Qualification recognised as ade- M.E.O.U. No.


11-Dec-2019 simple questions to elicit answer from the declarant with a view to ... Explanation:- For the purpose of this rule the word “conviction”.


Explanation 1.?An order made under this clause in relation to foodgrains edible oilseeds or edible oils

Constitutional provisions relating to Eighth Schedule The

duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language to develop it so that Punjabi (14) Sanskrit

NMT based Tamil Translation

is essential to translate such content in to local languages to facilitate conventional machine translation techniques on Hindi and Tamil language. Our.



A. General Principles

(1)Educational qualifications should be prescribed, as soon as a new post is created, in the relevant recruitment rules/orders. (2)Educational qualifications apply alike to permanent and temporary appointments. (3)Educational qualifications do not apply to posts filled by promotion in regular line, unless otherwise provided in the relevant recruitment rules/orders. B. Educational qualifications and Proficiency standards prescribed for direct recruitment. The educational qualifications for recruitment to the various public services shall be as shown below :

T. Superior Services

All India and Central Services, Group A . University Degree essential

II. Middle Group Services

(i)Central, Group B (Gazetted) . . . . . University Degree essential (ii)Central, Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Assistants in offices not participating in C.S.S. . . . . . . University Degree essential (iii)Central, Group C (Non-clerical) other than S.A.S. Ap- prentices and Divisional Accountants in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department . .

DI. Clerical Services

(a)Upper Division Clerks other than those recruited direct to the grade in the Indian Audit and Accounts Deptt. (b)Lower Division Clerks .

Intermediate/Senior Cambridge/Higher

Secondary certificate or equivalent quali-

fications. Matriculation or equivalent qualifications until replaced by Higher Secondary. The above orders d. not apply to recruitment to technical, professional and specialist services. [M.H.A. O.M. No. 2/41/59-RPS, dated 3-12-1959 as amended by OM No. 2 /11/60-Estt (D) dated 27-3-61.1

1V. Other Services/posts

(1) Stenographer (English and Hindi) Matriculation, with proficiency standards as under : Grade Speed in-English/Hindi shorthand'and'duration of test Time allowed for Transcription in


50 minutes

65 minutes

45 minutes

50 minutes


60 minutes

75 minutes

60 minutes

65 minutes

(a)100 words tier minute for 7 minutes (b)80 words per minute for 10 minutes

TI (a) 120 words per minute for 7 minutes

(b) 100 words per minute for 10 minutes (Cabi rot Secretariat (Department of Personnel) Notification No. 9/4171-CS-II,

Notification No. 8/80/70-CSH, dated 20-2-1970)

(2) Staff Car Drivers A pass in Middle School Standard should be regarded as a desirable but not an essenglal qualification.

NITA O.M. No. 2/8 /55. RPS dt. 18-5-55.1 161

• University Degree not essential, and the minimum educational qualifications may be Intermediate/Higher Secondary/

Senior Cambridge certificate or equivalent

oualifications. dated 7-8-1971 and 162
(3) Record Sorter, Daftry, Jamadar and Peon

Minimum educational qualification is Middle School Standard. Applicant should produce a certificate issued by the competent authority i.e. Board of Examination set up by Government or by the head of a recognised school where there is no such examination condlcted

by an authority outside the school, that they have passed the middle school standard. [MBA O.M. No. 13/1/51-NGS, dated 16-11-51] The following categories are, however, exempt from this requirement :- (i)Retrenched permanent displaced Government servants. [MBA O.M. No. 13/1/51-NGS dated 13-2-52]

(ii)Persons in continuous Government service from before the 16th November 1951 for quasi permanent appointment or confirmation.

[MHA O.M. No. 13/1/51-NGS, dated 13-2-52]

(iii)Retrenched temporary Government employees (Displaced as well as Central) with a minimum of three years service before termination of services whether under the

Government of India or Governments of areas now constituting Pakistan. [MHA Q.M. No. 13!1/51-NGS, dated 1-4-52]

(iv)Released. Ex-Servicemen, who have completed six months continuous Armed Forces before their release and who were released otherwise than missal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency provided in not less than three years service in the Armed Forces of the Union of a former Indian State/Civil Deptt. of the Government of India. [MHA U.M. No. 14/18/66-Est(D) 'dt. 7-12-67 read with MHA O.M. No. dt. 10-10-52 & O.M. 9/9/62-Est(C) dt. 10-4-62] (v)Demobilised personnel employed in Civil departments whose total length of service

in Armed Forces of Union or a former State and the Civil Departments is not less than three years, provided they were not released from the Army on ground of mis-conduct or inefficiency.

[M.H.A. O.M. No. 13/1/51-NGS dt. 10-10-52 read with O.M. No. 14/18/66-Est.(D) dt.


(vi)Further exemptions may be granted by administrative Ministries for recruitment to posts in sub-ordinate officers located outside Delhi, e.g. Tribal Areas in Assam NEFA now Mizoram and Arunachal - and such other out of-the-way areas where persons of requisite qualifications are not likely to be available. [MHA O.M. No. 13/1/51-NGS-II, dated 5-11-1952]

NOTE 1 :

Broken periods of services count for the purpose of reckoning theminimum of threeTyears referred to in (iii) to (v) above. (MHA C.M. No. 13/1151-NGS dated 13-2-1952 (Para 2) and No. 13/1/51-NGS dt. 10-10-52)

Non 2 :

Certificate of Middle School standard without English also acceptable for appointment as Peon only. (MHA O.M. No. 23/17/55-S & NO dated 6-9-55) Non 3

A candidate who has passed class VII from a recognised Govt. School in Maharashtra will be treated as

Middle School pass for the purpose of employment under the Central Govt. (DOP&T O.M. No. 14036/2!85-Estt. (D) dated 14-10-1985) (4) Ge7tetner Operator

Middle School Standard.

[MBA C.M. No. 2 /25/54-RPS dated 3-10-1956] (5) •x-Servicemen (i) "Ex-Servicemen- means a person who has served in any rank (whether as a Comba- tant o- non-Combatant) in the Armed Forces of the Union including the Armed Forces of the former Indian States, but excluding the Assam Rifles, Territorial Army etc. for a continuous period service in the by way of dis- they have put

Armed Forces


of not less than six months, and has been released, otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or has been transferred to the reserve pending such release, or has to serve for not more than six months for completing the period of service requisite for becoming entitled to be released or transferred to the reserve, or has been released at his own request. after completing 5 years service in the Armed Forces of the Union. For appointment to any reserved vacancy in the Group D posts of Peon, Daftry, iamadar and Record Sorter, every ex-serviceman who has put in not less than 3 years' service in the Armed Forces of the Union shall he exempted from the prescribed educational qualification. [Department of Personnel Notification No. 13/3/71-Est(C). dated 14-10-71 & Notifn, No.

39016/10/79-Estt(C), dated 15-12-79]

(ii)For appointment to any reserved vacancy for Ex-servicemen in Group C posts, the appointing authority may relax the minimum educational qualification, where it is a pass in the Middle School Examination or any other lower examination in favour of Ex-servicemen, who have put in atleast three years service in the Armed Forces of the Union and who are otherwise considered fit and suitable, in view of their experience and other qualifications. (iii)For appointment to any reserved vacancy in GrOup C posts. to be filled partly by direct recruitment and partly by promotion or transfer, relaxation is available to ex-servicemen subject to conditions stipulated in Para 6(3) of D.O.P. & A.R. Notifn 'No. 39016/10/79-Estt(C), dated

15-12-79 and Para 6(4) of Notifn. No. 15012/8/82-Estt(D), dt. 12-2-86 (See Appendix).

(6)Displaced permanent Patwaris and Kanungos from Sind and N.W.F.P. - To be treated as educationally qualified for Group. C posts if considered otherwise suitable. (Prescribed educa- tional qualifications may be deemed to have been especially relaxed by the Home Ministry.) [MHA OM No. 30/3/57-DGS dt. 23-5-57 (Para 3) read with No. 71/81/53-DGS dt.


(7)Class IV posts (other than those of Peons, Iarnadars, Daftries and Record Sorters) e.g. Farashes, Sweepers, Chowkidars etc. Essential : NIL, Desirable, Primary Schocil Standard Pass. [MHA OM No. 16/3/64-Estt(D) dt. 2-9-65] C. Relaxation of Educational Qualifications for Retention of Unqualified Persons. For appointment on a permanent or quasi-permanent basis of temporary unqualified emplo- yees. the following conditions will apply. (i)No one recruited after April, 1947 when a directive to replace all unqualified persons was issued should be considered for relaxation of educational qualifications. (ii)Persons who have rendered at least ten years continuous service in the grade may be considered provided their record of service is considered to be well above the average. (iii)Where a University degree is the prescribed minimum qualification, no one who is not a Matriculate (or equivalent) should be considered; where Matriculation is the minimum qualification, no one who has not passed the Middle School or correspond- ing examination should be considered. This stipulation will, however, not apply rigidly to posts which carry duties of technical nature (such as Mistries, Engineering

Asstts, Draftsman etc.)

(iv)These relaxations should not be made in respect of persons working in the Central Secretariat and the Attached Offices. For this purpose. in addition to offices formerly recognised as Attached Offices. other offices participating in the Central Secretariat

22-35 Per, & Trag.,87

Service or Central Secretariat Stenographers Service, Central Secretariat Clerical Services, Schemes will also be treated as Attached Offices. [MHA OM No. 3/3/55-RPS, dated 30-8-55]

D.Proof of Educational Qualifications

Appointing authority should ensure that claims regarding educational and other special 4/ • qualifications and age are scrutinised strictly at the time of appointments.

MHA OM No. 2/29/54-RPS, 19-11-54]

E.Degree Diplomas and Certificates Recognised for Recruitment (1) Those awarded by - (i) Universities in India incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature and other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 (vide Annexure I). [MHA O.M. No. 26/4/52-CS dt. 30-9-52 and MHA OM No. 6/1/64-Estt(D) dated


(ii)Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education duly set up and recognised by the Central Government or the State Government concerned (Annexure II, which is not exhaustive, as the DOP&T have not issued any further list after 30-9-52). [MHA OM No. 26/4/52-CS dt. 30-9-52] (iii)Foreign Universities (Annexure III). [Appendix I of MHA Notification No. 20/1/68-AIS(I) dated 24-2-68] . (iv) Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded by Universities of U.K. recognised as equi- valent for a period of 5 years from 26-2-1985 to corresponding Degrees/Diplomas/ Certificates awarded by Indian Universities (Annexure V). [Min. of Education OM No. F.18-11/83-T.12/T-7 dt. 26-2-85] (2)Those specially recognised by the Central Government as equivalent to particular degrees, diplomas or certificate (Annexure IV). For technical qualifications a reference may be made to "List of Technical and Professional Qualifications recognised by Government of India" issued by the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare. (3)DOP&AR OM No. 14021/7/75-Estt(D) dt. 18-4-78 has prescribed the educational qualifications in the revised pattern of education (10+21-3) vis-a-vis the qualifications in the then prevailing system of education, as follows : - e.f

Qualifications in the pattern prevailing before the revised Equivalence under the revised pattern pattern of education, viz. 10+2+3

(i)Matriculation or equivalent . (ii)Higher Secondary (11 years) or equivalent High School certificate (10 years) or equi- • valent • Higher Secondary certificate in academic as well as vocational education (12 years) or equivalent. (iii)Intermediate (12 years) or equivalent) Do.

(iv)Sr. CambridgefIndian School Certificate (12 yrs.) Exam. . Higher Secondary certificate in academic

as well as vocational education (12 yrs.) or equivalent. (v)University Degree (14 years) or equivalent . University Degree or equivalent.


Universities, Institutions demand to be Universities and Institution of National Importance (as made available by Department of Education

1.Agra University, Agra-282004.

2.Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202001.

3.Allahabad University, Allahabad-211002.

4.Amravati University, Amravati-444604

5.Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabae 500030.

6.Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam-530003.

7.Andhra Pradesh Open University, 6-3-645, Somajguba, Hyderad-500004.

8.Annamalai University, Annamalainagar-608002.

9.Anna University, Sardar Patel Road, Madras-600025.

10.Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-785013.

11.Avadh University, Faizabad-224001:

12.Awadesh •Pratap Singh University, Rewa-486003.

13.Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005.

14.Bangalore University, Bangalore-560056.

15.Berhampur University, Berhampur-760007.

16.Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur-812007.

17.Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641046.

18.Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-620001.

19.Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar-364001.

20.Bhopal University, Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal-462826.

21.Bhidhanchandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Haringhata, Distt. Nadia, West Bengal, Pin-741252.

22.Bihar University, Muzaffarpur-842001.

23.Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi-834006.

24.Bombay University, Bombay-400032.

25.Bundelkhand University, Jhansi-284003.

26.Burdwan University, Burdwan-713104.

27.Calcutta University, Calcutta-700073.

28.Calicut University, Calicut-673635.

29.Chandrasekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur-208002.

30.Cochin University, Cochin-682022.

31.Delhi University, Delhi-110007.

32.Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indorc-452002.

33.Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh-786004.

34.Dr. Hari Singh Gour, Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar-470003.

35.G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Nainital-263145.

36.Gandhi University, Kottayam-686001.

37.Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal)-246174.

38.Gauhati University, Gauhati-781014.

39.Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur-273001.

40.Gujarat Agricultural University, Sardar Krushinagar, Dantiwade, Banskantha-385506.

41.Gujarat Ayurveda Dhanvantri University, Mandir, Jamnagar-360100.

42.Gujarat University, Ahmedabad-380009.

43.Gulbarga University, Gulbarga-585106.

44.Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur-49500l.

45.Guru Nanak Dev University. Amritsar-143005.

46.Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar-125004.


47.Himac Pradesh Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Palamput -I 76062.

48.Himachal Pradesh University, Simla-171005. •

49.Hyderabad University, Hyderabad-500134.

50.lndra Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya,•hairagarli-491881.

51.Jadavpur University, Calcutta-700032.

52.Jammu University, Jammu-180001.

53.Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur-482004.

54.Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, Humayun Nagar, Hyderabad-500028.

55.Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110057.

56.Jodhpur University, Jodhpur-342003.

Jiwaji University, Gwalior-474002.

58.Kaktiya. UniverSity, Warangal-506009.

59.Kalyani University, Kalyani-741235.

60.Kame,.shwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, Darbhanga-846004.

61.Kanpur University, Kanpur-208024.

62.Karnataka University, Dharwad-580003.

63.Kashmir 'University, Hazarat Bal, Srinagar-190006.

64.Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi-221002.

65.Kerala Agricultural University, Main Campus, Vellanikkata, Trichur-680654.

66.Kerala University, Trivandrum-695034.

67.Konkan Krishi Vidyapith, Depoli-415712, Distt. Ratnagiri.

68.Kumaon University, Nainital-263001.

69.Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-132119.

70.L. N. Mithila University, Darbhanga-846004.

71.Lucknow University, Lucknow-226007.

72.M. S. University of Baroda, Baroda-390002.

73.Madras University, 'Chepauk Triplicane, Madras-600025.

74.Madurai Katnraj University, (Pilkalai Nagar), Madurai-625021.

75.Magadh University, Bodhgaya-824234.

76.Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rehuri Distt. Ahmednagar, Pin-413722.

77.Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001.

78.Mangalore University, Light House Hills, Mangalore-575003.

79.Manipur University, Imphal-795003.

80.Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani-431402.

81: Marathwada University, Aurangabad-431004.

82.Meerut University, Meerut-250005.

83.Mother Terasa Women's University, Kodaikanal-624102.

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