[PDF] heijunka box - JMAC Europe

What Is Heijunka?

Heijunka (pronounced hi-JUNE-kuh) is defined as a technique for reducing unevenness in a production cycle, which in turn reduces waste. It's a Japanese term that means "leveling" and is a key lean manufacturingmethod first used by the Toyota Production System (TPS) to develop production efficiency. Toyota realized that batching isn't sustainable an...

Heijunka vs. Just in Time

Heijunka is frequently related to or referred to in conjunction with a lean manufacturing technique known as just-in-time (JIT) production. These two concepts both try to regulate inventory. However, JIT doesn't produce the leveling seen with heijunka but instead stipulates that products be produced when they are needed in the quantity required. He...

How to Implement Heijunka

Three factors affect the implementation of heijunka: 1. Flexibility:Heijunka requires multiple types of products be produced in any given time frame. For example, you need to make T-shirts with three different types of logos in a 30-minute production period. This means you'll need to change out the screen-printing machine twice in that time frame. ...

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What is a heijunka box?

The heijunka box makes it easy to see what type of jobs are queued for production and for when they are scheduled. Workers on the process remove the kanban cards for the current period from the box in order to know what to do. These cards will be passed to another section when they process the related job. An example of a Heijunka box.

What is heijunka production leveling?

Heijunka is often referred to as production leveling in the United States, but the two terms have the same goal: reducing unevenness in production by avoiding batching, which results in smaller inventories, lower capital costs and less overburdening of employees.

Why are Kanban cards placed on the heijunka box?

Coloured cards representing individual jobs (referred to as kanban cards) are placed on the heijunka box to provide a visual representation of the upcoming production runs. The heijunka box makes it easy to see what type of jobs are queued for production and for when they are scheduled.

What is heijunka & why is it important?

The goal is to iron out issues like overproduction, or batching — which has the added benefit of minimizing waste, reducing labor, maximizing inventory space, and reducing production lead time. Or, to use Lean terms, heijunka reduces mura and muri, both of which together create ‘muda’ (waste).

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Kaizen service dans le réseau Toyota

5 jui. 2009 Heijunka. Jidoka. Standardized. Work. Pull System. Flexible. Manpower ... leadership européen depuis fin 2005 (pays pilote) ...

Contribution à la modélisation de lintégration lean green appliquée

23 sept. 2014 Pour Steve Hope (directeur général de Toyota Motor Europe) ... Analyses cause / effet

SC2020: Toyota Production System & Supply Chain

leveling and Heijunka scheduling Toyota is able to meet demand

Exact and Metaheuristic Approaches for the Production Leveling

15 jui. 2020 While Heijunka aims to level also their production to keep ... Figure 9 shows on the left hand side a box plot for each of the schedules ...


18 jan. 2013 Les textes mondiaux européens et français. • Les normes ISO

Lean Tools That Improve Processes: An Overview

Heijunka is a kanban card post-box system that is usually at the pacemaker process. A Heijunka box provides process level scheduling/pacing schedule.


the face of European car manufacturing. explained 50% responded this or a similar suggestion box style approach was in place.

Evaluación de Herramientas Lean Aplicadas al Proceso de

8 avr. 2018 La aplicación de Heijunka a las actividades de servicios puede llevarse a cabo teniendo en cuenta que los servicios también pueden agruparse ...

Advances in Production Management Systems

5 sept. 2021 Heijunka 4.0 – Key Enabling Technologies for Production Levelling ... Wong W.K.

Systematic Lead Time Analysis

chosen over box plots due to its systematic approach for analysis. production (Heijunka) and standardizing work