[PDF] mongodb typescript example

Setting Up MongoDB

This article assumes you know how to install MongoDB, create a database and connect to it. If you’re unsure about that or need a quick refresher, check out my article MongoDB: A Beginner’s Guide, which covers setting up a database in the cloud using MongoDB Atlas. You’ll need to grab your database’s connection URI to continue with this article. Thi...

Setting Up Your Project

We’ll begin by initialising the project, by typing yarn init (or npm init ) into the terminal. When prompted, set the entry point to src/server.ts. Next, we’ll install our dependencies, using yarn add (or npm install): We’ll be using Express to make our server and Mongoose to create our MongoDB schema and connect to MongoDB. Nodemon speeds up devel...


Before we can get coding, we need to create a development script in package.json. I suggest using: Above, I updated "main" to src/server.ts. I also added a script called "script", which we’ll use to trigger dev scripts later in the tutorial. We can configure the TypeScript compiler by creating a tsconfig.json file in the root directory. This will t...

Connecting to The Database

It’s time to start writing code! We’ll start by connecting to our database. It’ll be useful, later on, to create a separate file to initialise our database, which we’ll put inside src/database: In this file, we’ll import Mongoose and create a function to connect to (and another to disconnect from) our database. This is where we’ll use whatever URI ...

Creating Models

This is where we can begin to benefit from TypeScript. There are lots of different possibilities when it comes to structuring your app. But, as there are usually three parts to a Mongoose model (schema, static methods and instance methods), I recommend splitting these into three separate files. We can add a fourth file to hold our TypeScript interf...

Adding Users

That’s pretty much everything we’ll need to get working with our model. But so far, we’ve not yet worked with any data. Let’s create a script to add some dummy data to our database. We’ll start by making a scripts folder and adding a function called createDummyData.ts. Before you run this script, make sure you have ts-node and typescriptinstalled g...

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Does MongoDB support TypeScript?

In addition to many other languages, MongoDB also supports TypeScript through the MongoDB NodeJS Driver. The driver has the types for Typescript already built in so there is no need for any other packages. Why TypeScript? Why TypeScript? JavaScript has long been one of the most used languages when developing web applications.

What is typescript & how does it work?

This is where TypeScript comes in. It’s an extra layer on top of JavaScript, but adds static types. Because it’s an extra layer and not a separate framework, it actually uses a transpiler at build time to convert the TypeScript code into JavaScript. Therefore, you can continue using any JavaScript libraries in your project.

What is the difference between mongoose & TS-node?

We’ll be using Express to make our server and Mongoose to create our MongoDB schema and connect to MongoDB. Nodemon speeds up development, by automatically restarting the node application when a file changes. TypeScript allows us to create TypeScript files, and ts-node allows us to execute those files in Node.

Do recursive types need dot notation in MongoDB?

If you must have type safety within nested instances of recursive types,you must write your query or update without dot notation. To learn more about dot notation, seeDot Notationin the MongoDB manual. Mutual Recursion A mutually recursivetype exists when two types contain a property that is ofthe other's type.

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Building RESTful Web APIs with Node.js Express


Architecture MEAN avec Angular 2 (MEAN = MongoDB Express

3.6 Exemple d'un script Node/Mongo d'insertion de données : . TypeScript est une surcouche au langage Javascript créée par Microsoft en 2012.

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Defining Classifying and Detecting Code Smells for MongoDB

4.9 Example of null value inserted in database using MongoDB Java Driver . 25. 4.10 Example of human readable values inserted Python and TypeScript.[22].

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21 févr. 2019 For example ordered write of records are not supported in MongoDB [29]. Although data can be ordered with the use of a sorted index in sev-.