[PDF] bac biologie cancer

Classification and Characteristics of Bac

Since the term bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is still used, most of what is described here will be done in the context of the older diagnosis. In the new classification, BAC may be referred to as "lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma" based on the typical growth pattern of the tumor. Bronchioloalveolar carcinomas may appear as a single spot in t...


Symptoms of BAC can be similar to symptoms seen with other lung cancers and include a persistent cough, coughing up blood (hemoptysis), and chest pain. Since they are located in the outer regions of the lungs away from the airways, however, these "typical symptoms" may be less common, and symptoms such as shortness of breath with exertion or profou...


BAC diagnosis is also similar to the diagnosis of other lung cancers, with a few exceptions. A diagnosis of BAC requires a sample of tissue, and fine-needle aspiration biopsycan provide the diagnosis roughly half the time. Unlike other lung cancers, where PET scans are helpful in addition to CT scans in determining where cancer is present, PET scan...


Surgery is the treatment of choice for BAC, and when a single tumor can be removed, there is often a good chance that it will be cured. It appears to be less sensitive to traditional chemotherapy, and there is controversy over whether or not adjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy given along with surgery) should be used with surgery. BACdoes appear to...

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Is Bac a type of adenocarcinoma?

To summarize, BAC is a unique subtype of lung cancer that accounts for about 2-4% of non-small cell lung cancer cases, but it's a component in about 15-20% of patients, in combination with invasive adenocarcinoma. Under the microscope, the pure form is noninvasive and spreads thinly over the walls of air sacs, interrupting gas exchange.

What is bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC)?

Last Update: April 22, 2022. Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) is a variant of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that, in recent years, has received a new identity and nomenclature from the histology perspective. The orphan among lung cancers has found a family, albeit with some newfound stepbrothers and sisters.

Is Bac a symptom of lung cancer?

Since BAC tends to spread within the lungs more often than to distant regions, symptoms related to the spread of lung cancer (such as headaches due to brain metastases) are less common. BAC diagnosis is also similar to the diagnosis of other lung cancers, with a few exceptions.

How long does a BAC tumor last?

More than any other type of lung cancer, BAC can be so slow that it doesn't clearly need any treatment for years, growing at a barely perceptible rate from one year to the next. Other BAC tumors can progress rapidly and lead to declines in a patient's lung capacity and activity level over a matter of just weeks.

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Réviser son bac

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