[PDF] paris 1832 cholera epidemic

Cholera Moved from India to Europe

Cholera had made its first 19th-century appearance in India, in 1817. A medical text published in 1858, A Treatise On the Practice of Medicine by George B. Wood, M.D., described how it spread through most of Asia and the Middle East throughout the 1820s. By 1830 it was reported in Moscow, and the following year the epidemic had reached Warsaw, Berl...

Cholera's Puzzling Spread

Though the cholera epidemic could be followed on a map, there was little understanding of how it spread. And that caused considerable fear. When Dr. George B. Wood wrote two decades after the 1832 epidemic he eloquently described the way cholera seemed unstoppable: The comment about how the "rich and prosperous" were relatively protected from chole...

Cholera Panic in New York City

In early 1832, citizens of New York City had known the disease might strike, as they were reading reports about deaths in London, Paris, and elsewhere. But as the disease was so poorly understood, little was done to prepare. By the end of June, when cases were being reported in the poorer districts of the city, a prominent citizen and former mayor ...

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What happened in Paris during the cholera epidemic?

A victim of the cholera epidemic in Paris, 1832. H ospitals unable to keep pace with the volume of new patients. Political leaders taking to their beds. The morgues overflowing. This isn’t Milan, London or New York during the 2020 coronavirus crisis. It was Paris in 1832 during the great cholera pandemic.

How did the cholera epidemic affect New York City?

Ann Ronan Pictures/Print Collector/Getty Images The cholera epidemic of 1832 killed thousands of people in Europe and North America and created mass panic across two continents. Astoundingly, when the epidemic struck New York City it prompted as many as 100,000 people, nearly half the city's population, to flee to the countryside.

How many people died from cholera in 1831?

There were reported to have been 250,000 cases of cholera and 100,000 deaths in Russia. [citation needed] In 1831, it is estimated that up to 100,000 deaths occurred in Hungary. The cholera epidemic struck Warsaw during the November Uprising between 16 May and 20 August 1831; 4,734 people fell ill and 2,524 died.

Where did the cholera epidemic start?

August 2007: The cholera epidemic started in Orissa, India. The outbreak affected Rayagada, Koraput and Kalahandi districts, where more than 2,000 people were admitted to hospitals. March–April 2008: 2,490 people from 20 provinces throughout Vietnam were hospitalized with acute diarrhea.

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Blemished Physiologies: Delacroix Paganini


Vectors of Thought: François Delaporte the Cholera of 1832 and the

26 May 2022 Civilization: The Cholera in Paris 1832


Smith The Cholera Spasmodica as Observed in Paris in 1832 . . . (New York

Cholera in Post-Revolutionary Paris: A Cultural History. By

Angeles-London University of California Press

Epidemics and Revolutions: Cholera in Nineteenth-Century Europe

12 Franqois Delaporte Disease and Civilization: The Cholera in Paris

Blemished Physiologies: Delacroix Paganini


Giving Is Deceiving: Cholera Charity


The scientific background of the International Sanitary Conferences

In April 1832 alone there were 12 733 deaths from cholera in Paris. This was more than half the average annual number of deaths from all causes for the 

Housing Markets in a Pandemic: Evidence from Historical Outbreaks

2 Apr 2020 other neighborhoods using cholera outbreaks in 1832 and 1849 in Paris. We find that a doubling of cholera mortality reduces ...

THE PARIS HEALTH COUNCIL 1802-1848* - In early nineteenth

French health councils was the Paris health council founded in 1802 by the The Paris cholera epidemic of 1832 offers another example of the health.