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Everyday Conversations: Learning American English

Each aisle has a number so that it is easy to find what you need. 33. Page 36. Dialogue 2-6: Running Errands. HOTEL 

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Spoken English in dialogues. 833 common English sentences used by native The basic single room has shared facilities. All other rooms have en-suite.

Social Dialogue

Social dialogue is defined by the. International Labour Office to include all types of negotiation consultation or simply exchange of information.

Pre A1 Starters A1 Movers and A2 Flyers - Handbook for teachers

۲۱ فروردین ۱۳۹۶ English as a second language from beginner to basic user level. (A2). They are fun colourful and activity based

101 Conversations in Simple English: Short Natural Dialogues to

Discover how to learn foreign languages faster & more effectively through the power of story. Your free video masterclasses action guides & handy printouts 


۱۸ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۰ Simply using I'm and then saying your name is one ... Extraordinaire is a word borrowed from French pronounced in English “ek stra or d- NAYRE.


Volunteers English language learners and conversation clubs / English conversation practice toolkit. / Participants are given a simple card (see example).


Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation is designed to give you practice with the vocabulary and structures that are most often used in common types of 

English Conversation In Different Situation Dialogues ? - web.mei.edu

Learn English the easy way today. ESL Conversation Questions for Kids With English Conversation In Different. Situation Dialogues PDF there's no need to ...

Everyday Conversations: Learning American English

Each aisle has a number so that it is easy to find what you need. 33. Page 36. Dialogue 2-6: Running Errands. HOTEL 

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The Basic English Conversation for Beginners iii. PREFACE. This book is the first edition which is expected to give many exercises for English learners to 

Social Dialogue

Social dialogue is defined by the. International Labour Office to include all types of negotiation consultation or simply exchange of information.

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Talk to your Out There conversation partners about yourself and ask them questions about themselves There are three basic ways of asking for directions.

students book beginners

May 3 2015 Lively dialogues presenting functional language in real-life ... British English spelling conventions are used ... Past Simple of to be.


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Vocabulary Review Grid

BASIC ENGLISH DIALOGS. Shopping for Clothes. Aim Vocabulary practice; Listening practice; Speaking practice. Level Beginner to Elementary. ANSWER KEY.


difficulty if English and ideographics are interspersed within the same document. The most difficult subsystem to handle is the BASIC.

Everyday Conversations - American English

Dialogue 1-1: Formal Greetings Dialogue 1-2: Informal Greetings and Farewells Dialogue 1-3: Formal Introductions Dialogue 1-4: Informal Introductions Dialogue 1-5: What Time Is It? Dialogue 1-6: A Telephone Call Dialogue 1-7: Can You Say That Again? Dialogue 1-8: Coincidences Dialogue 1-9: Weather Report 2 AROUND TOWN PAGE 23

(How to Talk) Simple English Dialogues For Beginners

ShortSituational Dialogs for Students of English as a Foreign Language Julia M Dobson Dean Curry Editor Language Notes by Anne Covell Newton First published in 1980 Second printing 1994 by the English Language Programs Division of the United States Information Agency Washington DC This printing published in 2003

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What are some good English dialogue tips?

Dialogues start with two people. Like you and me. Dialogues are essential for every beginner’s English learner. If you Beginner then I will suggest reading some easy dialogue. So check some of the easy dialogue below. Let’s start with informal greetings. Here’s how you can say hello: Hello! (A universal greeting that works for every conversation.)

What is a good way to start an English conversation?

Dialogues start with two people. Like you and me. Dialogues are essential for every beginner’s English learner. If you Beginner then I will suggest reading some easy dialogue. So check some of the easy dialogue below. Let’s start with informal greetings. Here’s how you can say hello: Hello! (A universal greeting that works for every conversation.)

How can I learn English dialogues?

Learning the most common English phrases is the best way to start learning the language. The English dialogues for beginners course presents key English vocabulary in a funny and engaging way. From day one you will learn many popular English expressions by heart and will see that our method is effective.

What are some common English phrases?

Below are 40 basic English phrases that people use every day. They are useful phrases that will also help your knowledge of English grow. 1. Hi! I am [Name]. (And you?) 2. Nice to meet you. 3. Where are you from? 4. What do you do? 5. What do you like to do (in your free time)? 6. What is your phone number? 7. Do you have Facebook? 8.




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The Basic English

Conversation for Beginners

Dr. Suhartawan Budianto




The Basic English Conversation for



Dr. Suhartawan Budianto

Desain Cover

Rio Wednri Wijaya




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The Basic English Conversation for Beginners



This book is the first edition which is expected to give many exercises for English learners to explore their ability in speaking English. Speaking materials are provided with some expressions and dialogues that guide learners to apply in the real conversation. This book also contains several sections on each chapter such as pictures and listening, expressions, dialogues, exercises and tasks. The use of pictures is aimed to attract and stimulate the learners to speak and express their ideas relating to the pictures given. Showing some expression may help the learners to structure their own sentences which can be used in their conversation. Drills, one of the old methods in teaching a foreign language, are still given to meet the needs of learners. Some making their own dialogue. Eventually, exercises and tasks are materials taught and to evaluate how well the learners are able to apply and adopt the material in the real conversation and dialogue. As the first edition, this book has many weaknesses and needs improvement in the next edition. For example, the listening sections and role plays can be added to complete the materials for speaking. Therefore, some advice and suggestion are welcome and waited to make this book better. Finally, this book can guide and address the learners to achieve their expectation to speaking

English better.

Sidoarjo, April 2018

Dr. Suhartawan Budianto

The Basic English Conversation for Beginners


The Basic English Conversation for Beginners



TITLE PAGE .......................................................................... i PREFACE ................................................................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................................ v INTRODUCTORY ................................................................. 1 -DAILY EXPRESSIONS UNIT ONE ............................................................................... 3 UNIT TWO .............................................................................. 7 -³:+$7&/285,6,7"´ UNIT THREE .......................................................................... 11 -³:+26(%$*,6,7"´ UNIT FOUR ............................................................................ 15 -³+2:08&+,6,7"´ UNIT FIVE .............................................................................. 19 -³:+(5(,6,7"´ UNIT SIX ................................................................................. 23 -³,67+(5($"´25³$5(7+(5($1<"´ UNIT SEVEN .......................................................................... 27 UNIT EIGHT........................................................................... 33 -³+2:,6,7/,.("´ UNIT NINE .............................................................................. 43 -³:+$7$5(<28"´ UNIT TEN ............................................................................... 51 -³+2:2/'$5(<28"´ UNIT ELEVEN ....................................................................... 55 -³:+(5(,6+(6+("´ UNIT TWELVE ...................................................................... 61 -PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE

The Basic English Conversation for Beginners

vi UNIT THIRTEEN .................................................................. 67 -PRESENT CONTIUOUS TENSE UNIT FOURTEEN ................................................................. 75 -SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE UNIT FIFTEEN ...................................................................... 81 -SIMPLE PAST TENSE UNIT SIXTEEN ...................................................................... 89 -PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (I HAVE DONE) UNIT SEVENTEEN ............................................................... 97 -FUTURE TENSE (I WILL DO) Part I UNIT EIGHTEEN .................................................................. 101 -FUTURE TENSE (I AM GOING TO DO) Part II UNIT NINETEEN .................................................................. 105 -MODAL/AUXILIARY VERBS UNIT TWENTY ..................................................................... 111 -TO BE UNIT TWENTY ONE ............................................................ 119 -VERBAL ING SENTENCE UNIT TWENTY TWO ........................................................... 121 -THE PASSIVE UNIT TWENTY THREE....................................................... 127 -GERUND UNIT TWENTY FOUR ......................................................... 131 -FIXED PREPOSITION

The Basic English Conversation for Beginners






- Good morning :

Selamat pagi.

- Good afternoon :

Selamat siang/sore.

- Good evening :

Selamat malam/petang.

- Good night :

Selamat malam.

- Good bye :

Selamat tinggal.

- Good Luck :

Semoga berhasil.



- Happy birthday :

Selamat berulang tahun.

- Happy Lebaran day :

Selamat berlebaran.

- Happy Christmas

Selamat Hari Natal.

- Happy new year :

Selamat Tahun Baru.

- Happy holiday :

Selamat berhari libur.

- Happy Easter :

Selamat Paskah.

- Happy party :

Selamat berpesta.



- Have a good time :

Selamat senang-senang

- Have a nice holiday :

Semoga liburan Anda me-

nyenangkan - Have a nice trip :

Semoga perjalanan Anda me-

nyenangkan. - Have a nice party :

Selamat berpesta.

- Have a nice day :

Semoga hari Anda\menye-


D. Introduction


- How are you today? Jawab

The Basic English Conversation for Beginners

2 - Thank you (very much). - Thanks (so much)

Jawab : You are welcome.

Response : No problem.

- Congratulations on your success.

Response : Thank you


- Wish me luck!

Response : Of course.



- See you on Monday. - See you again - See you later. - See you soon, - See you tonight. - See you tomorrow. - See you next week. - Pardon me, please! - I beg your pardon. - Good bye! - Bye! - Hello! - Hi! - Exuse me! - Take care!

E. Conversation

A : Teacher,

B : Student

A : Good evening.

B : Good evening.

A : How are you today?

B : , thank vou. * Do the conversation everyday with the suitable time.

The Basic English Conversation for Beginners



A. Example

1. (+) This is a magazine.

() This is not a magazine. (?) Is this a magazine?

2. (+) That is an anchor.

() That is not an anchor (?) Is that an anchor?

3. (+) It is a vase.

() It is not a vase. (?) Is it a vase?

™ Teacher must explain

clearly about the sentences above!

Please, Translate :

1. (+) .............................

2. (+) .............................

3. (+) .............................

B. Telling



1. This is not a bag, but this is

a book.

2. That is not an orange, but

that is an apple.

3. It is not a pencil, but it is a


Please, Translate:

1. ........................................

2. .........................................

3. .........................................

Make other sentences about

things around you and understand the meaning!

Sentence (-), But Sentence (+)

The Basic English Conversation for Beginners


C. Conversation

1. A : Is this a calender?

A : Is this a radio?

B :

A : Is this a carpet?

A : What is this?

B : This/That/It is a TV.

2. A : Is that a sofa?

A : Is that a table?

A : Is that a broom?

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