[PDF] Helping you quit - for pregnant and breastfeeding woman

Can You Breastfeed While Pregnant?

Many women worry about breastfeeding while pregnant as breastfeeding can cause mild uterine contractions. However, in a healthy pregnancy, these contractions are not a concern, as they generally do not cause preterm labor. This is because oxytocin, the hormone released during breastfeeding that stimulates contractions, is usually released in such a...

Is My Child Ready? Am I Ready?

Another important aspect to consider is whether your older child is ready to wean. Factors affecting this include your child’s personality, age, and nursing patterns, as well as your child’s psychological and physical response to your pregnancy. It is common for a mother’s milk supply to lessen during the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy. This ...

Potential Challenges

While breastfeeding during pregnancy has its benefits, it may also present some challenges. For instance, some physical challenges may include nausea due to the let-down of milk as well as sore nipples. Nearly 75%of mothers experience sore nipples. Focusing your attention towards something other than the discomfort may provide some alleviation. Man...

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Should I stop breastfeeding before undergoing fertility treatments?

If you had fertility treatments to get pregnant with your current little one, you may wonder whether you need to stop breastfeeding before undergoing fertility treatments to get pregnant again. The answer is that it depends. Some drugs used in fertility treatment are safe to use while breastfeeding.

Should you breastfeed during pregnancy?

Don’t worry, you’ll likely find yourself extra, extra hungry if you breastfeed during your pregnancy. After your baby is born, if you plan to tandem nurse (breastfeeding children of different ages at the same time), you can start each feed so the new baby always gets the first opportunity to eat.

Can I reduce my Baby's breastfeeding if he eats a lot?

If your baby is eating a large variety of foods and has started drinking water and milk, you may be able to decrease your baby’s breastfeeding without having to substitute in formula. You can talk to your doctor about this.

Can quitline help you during pregnancy?

Quitline counsellors are trained to help you during your pregnancy. Your doctor, pharmacist or maternity care provider can also offer stop smoking information and support. Quitline can support you right through to the birth, and in the weeks after your baby is born. Call 13 7848 or request a Quitline callback .

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Baby Steps Help Guide - Knowledge Topic 7: Aids to Quit During

Aids to Quit During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding well as their relative safety for pregnant women and developing babies. 2. be able to identify ...

ETH Zurich

employment contract with the employee before maternity or paternity leave Employers are required by law to provide pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Breastfeeding and Cigarette Smoking Fact sheet for Health Care

breastfeeding mother and her partner to quit cigarette smoking. This factsheet will Mothers who breastfeed may return to pre pregnancy weight.

Background and Recommendations for The New Zealand

Providing stop-smoking support to pregnant and breastfeeding women The New Zealand Guidelines for Helping People to Stop Smoking 2021 (the Guidelines).


Such tools could help to identify HIV-negative pregnant women who would benefit most from PrEP while minimizing unnecessary PrEP use among women at lower risk.

Smoking and pregnancy

seven days a week to help you through the support available to help pregnant women quit smoking. ... Breastfeeding gives your baby a good start in life.

Smoking Cessation in Pregnancy

If you are smoking while pregnant or breastfeeding your doctor or health care worker will recommend you try to quit without medicine. Next

Smoking: Medicines to Help You Quit

You Quit. Why quit? Many people who smoke become addicted to the Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should only use nicotine replacement.


safely continue working throughout her pregnancy until she goes on maternity leave. Goals: • to protect both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Using methadone during pregnancy and breastfeeding

This will help you to make an informed decision. An inpatient methadone stabilisation program is available at the Royal Women's Hospital and through some drug